大家好,以前一直做uboot的东西对bootloader算有点熟悉,现在要做eboot,但今天把wince自带的eboot编译了通过了,就在start.s的入口点直接对gpio操作,想点灯,编译通过下载进开发板后灯没有亮,请问是否还要设置什么才能启动啊,平台为pxa270 谢谢了
; OALStartUp: OEM bootloader startup code. This routine will:
; * Copy the image to RAM if it's not already running there.
; * Set up the MMU and Dcache for the bootloader.
; * Initialize the first-level page table based up the contents
; of the MemoryMap array and enable the MMU and caches.
; Inputs: None.
; On return: N/A.
; Register used: