Develop cutting edge Wireless Home Media Platform for high-end overseas market.Inside Linux Application team,enhance the Linux Kernel for an embedded Linux,devlop DVB application for Digital TV /Set Top Box(STB). Exciting opportunity for career and personal growth.
1. Bachelor degree or above in Computer Science or Electronics.
2. 2+ years of Linux Kernel/Driver/Application development experience.
3. Good knowledge of Unix shell, script languages, build/makefile tools.
4. Direct experience in digital TV /STB development. Familar with MPEG2/MPEG4/H.264 and DVB standards.
5. Responsible, innovative and enthusiastic.
6. Strong communication and analytical skills.
7. Good command of spoken & written English.
*2,Software Engineer(Platform)
Develop cutting edge Wireless Home Media Platform for high-end overseas market.Exciting opportunity for career and personal growth.
1. Bachelor degree or above in Computer Science or Electronics.
2. Interesting in SOC embedded software development in real time operating system(RTOS) environment.
3. Strong C/C++ programming skills.
4. Good knowledge of Linux Kernel/Driver/Application development.