windowsCE的目录结构巨大而庞杂,尽管windowsCE的帮助对这个庞大的目录结构进行了说明仍然有很多目录下对应的代码在windowsCE help没有介绍其具体用途,下面就将windowsCE的目录结构进行简单的介绍。
The SDK directory contains tools that are used by Platform Builder. However,
it does not contain the tools that are used to build the image. The tools
contained by the SDK directory are:
.. Processor compilers
This directory contains the cross compilers and assemblers for supported
.. Development tools
This directory contains the tools such as, Error Lookup, GuidGen, and Link
and Nmake.
.. Miscellaneous utilites
This directory contains the utilities, such as Zoomin, and Windiff.
这个目录下的内容比较杂,有诸如ATL,MFC的头文件,运行库等开发应用程序所需的库文件和其一部分代码。其中有个文件目录对开发系统来说是比较重要的,就是CETK的客户端OTHERS\WCETK,通过该目录下的文件可以订制自己的Windows CE .NET Test Kit客户端。
The Others directory contains all the Windows CE runtime libraries and
headers, components for .NET Compact Frameworks, and Samples for ATL
and MFC. The Others directory contains the following subdirectories:
.. ATL
This directory contains ATL headers, libraries and source code for
debugging. The library debug symbols are also included.
This directory contains the .NET processor specific binaries and portable
.NET Compact Framework files.
.. MFC
This directory contains MFC Headers, Libraries and Source Code for
debugging. The library debug symbols are also included.
This directory contains the MFC and ATL sample applications.
This directory contains the Windows CE Test Kit (CETK) processor
specific binaries. CETK provides tests for each class of devices. Within the
CETK, you can choose the appropriate test to perform on your device driver
and the tool remotely runs the tests on your target device.