各位帮忙看下我这个程序 哪有问题?
还有我想在加个输入端口,挡给这个端口1个高电平时计数清零,在给他一个低电平时候 在重新计数
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity aa is
port (clk,hold : in std_logic;
ones : out integer range 9 downto 0;
tens : out integer range 2 downto 0);
end aa;
architecture dh of aa is
process (clk)
variable ones : integer range 9 downto 0;
variable tens : integer range 2 downto 0;
if(clk'event and clk='1') then
if hold ='1' then
if (ones = 9) and (tens =2) then
ones : = 0;
tens : = 0;
elsif (ones <9) and (tens =2)then
ones : = ones-1;
elsif (ones =0) and (tens =2)then
ones : = 0;
tens : = tens-1;
elsif (ones <9) and (tens =1)then
ones : = ones-1;
elsif (ones =0) and (tens =1)then
ones : = 9;
tens : = tens-1;
elsif (ones <9) and (tens =0)then
ones : = ones-1;
end if;
end if;
end if;
ones <= ones;
tens <= tens;
end process;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
entity aa is
port (clk,hold : in std_logic;
ones : out integer range 9 downto 0;
tens : out integer range 2 downto 0);
end aa;
architecture dh of aa is
process (clk,hold)
variable ones : integer range 9 downto 0;
variable tens : integer range 2 downto 0;
if(clk'event and clk='1') then
if hold <='1' then
if (ones = 0) and (tens =0) then
ones := 9;
tens := 2;
elsif (ones <9) and (tens =2)then
ones := ones-1;
tens := 2;
elsif (ones =0) and (tens =2)then
ones := 9;
tens := 1;
elsif (ones <9) and (tens =1)then
ones := ones-1;
elsif (ones =0) and (tens =1)then
ones := 9;
tens := 0;
elsif (ones <9) and (tens = 0)then
ones := ones-1;
end if;
end if;
end if;
ones := ones;
tens := tens;
end process;
现在是没有错了 可是老是提示Warning (10034): Output port "ones[3]" at aa.vhd(6) has no driver
Warning (10034): Output port "ones[2]" at aa.vhd(6) has no driver
Warning (10034): Output port "ones[1]" at aa.vhd(6) has no driver
Warning (10034): Output port "ones[0]" at aa.vhd(6) has no driver
Warning (10034): Output port "tens[1]" at aa.vhd(7) has no driver
Warning (10034): Output port "tens[0]" at aa.vhd(7) has no driver
Warning: Entity "aa" contains only dangling pins
Warning: Output pins are stuck at VCC or GND
Warning: Pin "ones[0]" stuck at GND
Warning: Pin "ones[1]" stuck at GND
Warning: Pin "ones[2]" stuck at GND
Warning: Pin "ones[3]" stuck at GND
Warning: Pin "tens[0]" stuck at GND
Warning: Pin "tens[1]" stuck at GND
Warning: Design contains 2 input pin(s) that do not drive logic
Warning: No output dependent on input pin "clk"
Warning: No output dependent on input pin "hold"
Warning: Following 6 pins have nothing, GND, or VCC driving datain port -- changes to this connectivity may change fitting results
Info: Pin ones[0] has GND driving its datain port
Info: Pin ones[1] has GND driving its datain port
Info: Pin ones[2] has GND driving its datain port
Info: Pin ones[3] has GND driving its datain port
Info: Pin tens[0] has GND driving its datain port
Info: Pin tens[1] has GND driving its datain port
Warning: No paths found for timing analysis
has no driver
说明你的程序中没有对这些端子赋值(do not care)
Output pins are stuck at VCC or GND
说明你程序中某些端口接地或者悬空了(do not care)
Design contains 2 input pin(s) that do not drive logic
说明你没有用到两个端子(do not care)