Cannot access selected Device from service host.
Debugger could not initialize connection.
The Kernel Debugger is waiting to connect with target.
The Kernel Debugger has been disconnected successfully.
0 PID:0 TID:0 Sp=ffffc7cc
145 PID:dfdf002 TID:dfdf266 OEMIoControl: Unsupported Code 0x10100b4 - device 0x0101 func 45
165 PID:adfc3266 TID:adfc3242 OEMIoControl: Unsupported Code 0x101008c - device 0x0101 func 35
533 PID:adfc3266 TID:adfc3242 OEMIoControl: Unsupported Code 0x10100d0 - device 0x0101 func 52
541 PID:adfc3266 TID:adfc3242 OEMIoControl: Unsupported Code 0x10100f8 - device 0x0101 func 62
944 PID:8dfa2d0a TID:8dfa2ce6 DeviceFolder::LoadDevice!Enumerate Found deprecated load instructions at (Drivers\BuiltIn\AFD). Driver cannot be unloaded.
1054 PID:8dfa2d0a TID:8dfa2ce6 DeviceFolder::LoadDevice!Enumerate Found deprecated load instructions at (Drivers\BuiltIn\PPP). Driver cannot be unloaded.
1142 PID:8dfa2d0a TID:df1e68a INFO: PwrButton: Mapped Irq 0x0 to SysIntr 0x16.
1149 PID:8dfa2d0a TID:df1e68a INFO: RebootButton: Mapped Irq 0x2 to SysIntr 0x17.
1156 PID:8dfa2d0a TID:df1e68a INFO: BattFLT: Mapped Irq 0x7 to SysIntr 0x18.
1211 PID:ede967e6 TID:edfa2a82 OEMIoControl: Unsupported Code 0x10100fc - device 0x0101 func 63
1248 PID:ede967e6 TID:edfa2a82 Lyg.p: Layout Manager successfully initialized to 2
1266 PID:ede967e6 TID:edfa2a82 Maximum Allowed Error 7:
1635 PID:8dfa2d0a TID:6ddaddde MSIM: IM_ReadRegistry read KB 5
2044 PID:6ddfffb6 TID:addd7a7a Explorer(V2.0) taskbar thread started.