3. 之后下载镜像,在超级终端看到如下调试信息:
Start Windows CE...
Windows CE Kernel for ARM (Thumb Enabled) Built on Aug 4 2008 at 18:38:38
ProcessorType=0920 Revision=0
sp_abt=ffff5000 sp_irq=ffff2800 sp_undef=ffffc800 OEMAddressTable = 802010e8
DCache: 8 sets, 64 ways, 32 line size, 16384 size
ICache: 8 sets, 64 ways, 32 line size, 16384 size
-BSPIntrEnableIrq(irq = 2)
-BSPIntrInit(rc = 1)
-BSPIntrEnableIrq(irq = 14)
Wait for connecting
5. 之后点击platform builder中attach device,显示如下信息:
(CoreCon) 10:33:05 05/06/2010 中国标准时间: Failed to connect debug message service! Please check the transport settings.
(CoreCon) 10:33:05 05/06/2010 中国标准时间: Transport service failed to connect
(CoreCon) 10:33:05 05/06/2010 中国标准时间: Warning: One or more services failed to connect. Make sure that the service is properly configured.