Through the introduction of a new and enhanced SD bus implementation, the operating system now supports up to version 2.0 of the SD Card Physical Layer Specification. The Microsoft SD bus version 2.0 provides support for SD high capacity cards and also provides support for high speed mode. Specifically, the new SD bus supports SD cards greater than 4G and up to 32G as defined by the SD 2.0 protocol. Version 2.0 of the SD bus also allows for a high speed mode with a clock rate up to 50MHz and a Read/Write rate up to 25MB/sec using 4bit mode. Additionally, the new SD bus supports a new switch function command that allows for switching between card command mode and interface/high speed mode. With version 2.0 of the SD bus there is also a block addressing mode, with a fixed block length of 512 bytes for high capacity cards.
When you are building a new image you need to set the image flag IMGSDBUS2 equal to 1 in order to use the new bus (sdbus2.dll). When IMGSDBUS2 is set to 1, sdbus2.dll is picked up during the makeimg process and is renamed to sdbus.dll in the generated image.
Source code for the SD bus can be found in the following directories:
SD 1.1 bus - %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Common\OAK\Drivers\SDCard\SDBusdriver
SD 2.0 bus - %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Common\OAK\Drivers\SDCard\SDBus
An additional change to the SD bus is a new initialization process for SD cards. Version 2.0 of the SD bus checks for high capacity support during the SD memory client initialization. For more information, reference the following code excerpt.
As a response to CMD6, the SD Memory Card will send R1 response on the CMD line and 512 bits of
status on the DAT lines.