首先我想知道我这个方案是否可行:我没有实现EBOOT来下载内核,使用的是BIOS,通过USB下载。现在我想通过移植Device Emulator的以太网KITL来实现2410与PB的连接。因此我在kitl.c文件中设置了一些默认参数。我的这个想法是否可以实现,还请做过类似工作的高人指点。
* *
* This image uses KITL-over-ethernet *
* *
* PB Connectivity Options must be set to: *
* Download: "Device Emulator" *
* Transport: "Ethernet" *
* *
-OALArgsQuery(pData = 0x 8x)
-OALArgsQuery(pData = 0x 8x)
+OALKitlCreateName(' s', 0x 4x, 0x 8x)
-OALKitlCreateName(pBuffer = ' s')
+OALKitlInit(' s', 0x 8x - -14680/9/0x 8x, 0x 8x)
DeviceId................. DE-1
pArgs->flags............. 0x9
pArgs->devLoc.IfcType.... 0
pArgs->devLoc.LogicalLoc. 0x19000300
pArgs->devLoc.PhysicalLoc 0x0
pArgs->devLoc.Pin........ 0
pArgs->ip4address........ 1
pDevice->Name............ s
pDevice->ifcType......... 0
pDevice->id.............. 0x19000300
pDevice->resource........ 0
pDevice->type............ 2
pDevice->pDriver......... 0x8E008000
+OALKitlFindDevice(0/0/ 8x, 0x 8x)
-OALKitlFindDevice(pDevice = 0x 8x(?!?, PhysicalLoc = 0x 8x)
+OEMKitlInit(0x 8x)
+OALKitlEthInit(' ', 'DE-1', 0x 8x, 0x 8x)
KITL: *** Device Name DE-1 ***
KITL: using sysintr 0x12
VBridge:: built on [Sep 6 2006] time [19:25:01]
VBridgeInit()...TX = [16384] bytes -- Rx = [16384] bytes
Tx buffer [0xAE03EC20] to [0xAE042C20].
Rx buffer [0xAE042C40] to [0xAE046C40].
VBridge:: NK add MAC: [0-0-0-0-0-1]
-OALKitlEthInit(rc = 1)
-OEMKitlInit(rc = 1)
Connecting to Desktop
+KitlEthGetDevCfg(0x 8x, 0x 8x->-1912413338)
-KitlEthGetDevCfg(rc = 1)
Connecting to Desktop .. resending
Connecting to Desktop .. resending
Connecting to Desktop .. resending