【Follow me第二季第1期】简单方法实现
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使用Adafruit Circuit Playground Express和2442(舵机)
首先访问Circuit Playground Express Download (circuitpython.org),先更新Bootloader
- """This example lights up the NeoPixels with a rainbow swirl."""
- import time
- from adafruit_circuitplayground import cp
- from rainbowio import colorwheel
- color =(255, 0, 0)
- light_off=(0,0,0)
- cp.pixels.brightness = 0.01
- count = 0
- while True:
- for j in range(255):
- cp.pixels[count] = color
- if cp.button_a:
- idx = int((count * 256 / len(cp.pixels)+j))
- cp.pixels[count] = colorwheel(idx & 255)
- time.sleep(0.5)
- cp.pixels[count]= light_off
- count += 1
- if count >= cp.pixels.n:
- count = 0
- time.sleep(0.1)
- """This example lights up the NeoPixels with a rainbow swirl."""
- import time
- from rainbowio import colorwheel
- from adafruit_circuitplayground import cp
- def rainbow_cycle(wait):
- for j in range(255):
- for i in range(cp.pixels.n):
- idx = int((i * 256 / len(cp.pixels)) + j)
- cp.pixels[i] = colorwheel(idx & 255)
- cp.pixels.show()
- time.sleep(wait)
- cp.pixels.auto_write = False
- cp.pixels.brightness = 0.3
- while True:
- rainbow_cycle(0.001)
- from adafruit_circuitplayground import cp
- import time
- while True:
- temperature_c = cp.temperature
- temperature_f = temperature_c * 1.8 + 32
- print("Temperature celsius:", temperature_c)
- print("Temperature fahrenheit:", temperature_f)
- print("Light:", cp.light)
- score = 100
- if cp.light > 25:
- print('The brightness is:',cp.light,'deduct points:',(cp.light-30))
- score -= (cp.light-30)
- if temperature_c > 27:
- score -=(temperature_c-27)*1.5
- print('temperature is:',temperature_c,'deduct points:',(temperature_c-27)*1.5)
- print("now the score is:",score)
- if score<60:
- for i in range(cp.pixels.n):
- cp.pixels[i]=(255,0,0)
- elif score>=60 and score <= 80:
- for i in range(cp.pixels.n):
- cp.pixels[i]=(255,255,0)
- elif score>80:
- for i in range(cp.pixels.n):
- cp.pixels[i]=(0,255,0)
- time.sleep(1)
- from adafruit_circuitplayground import cp
- from adafruit_circuitplayground.express import cpx
- from digitalio import DigitalInOut, Direction,Pull
- from analogio import AnalogIn
- import time
- import board
- def wheel(pos):
- if(pos<0) or (pos)>255:
- return (0,0,0)
- if pos<85:
- return(int(255-pos*3),int(pos*3),0)
- elif pos<170:
- pos -=85
- return (0,int(255-pos*3),int(pos*3))
- else:
- pos -=170
- return(int(pos*3),0,int(255-pos*3))
- cp.pixels.brightness = 0.2
- ir_tx = DigitalInOut(board.IR_TX)
- ir_tx.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
- proximity = AnalogIn(board.IR_PROXIMITY)
- while True:
- ir_tx.value=True
- time.sleep(0.1)
- ir_tx.value = False
- proximity_value = proximity.value
- print("proximity Level: %d" % proximity_value)
- max_value=42500
- min_value=31500
- interval_value = (max_value - min_value)/11
- proximity_index = (proximity_value - min_value)//interval_value
- for p in range(10):
- if p<= proximity_index:
- cpx.pixels[p] = tuple(int(c*((10-p%10))/10.0) for c in wheel(25*(p%10)))
- else:
- cpx.pixels[p] = (0,0,0)
- if proximity_index >5:
- cp.play_tone(500,0.5)
- from adafruit_circuitplayground import cp
- from adafruit_circuitplayground.express import cpx
- from digitalio import DigitalInOut, Direction,Pull
- from analogio import AnalogIn
- import time
- import board
- import math
- def wheel(pos):
- if(pos<0) or (pos)>255:
- return (0,0,0)
- if pos<85:
- return(int(255-pos*3),int(pos*3),0)
- elif pos<170:
- pos -=85
- return (0,int(255-pos*3),int(pos*3))
- else:
- pos -=170
- return(int(pos*3),0,int(255-pos*3))
- cp.pixels.brightness = 0.2
- while True:
- x,y,z=cpx.acceleration
- angle=(2-(math.atan2(x,y)/math.pi+1))*180
- magnitude = math.sqrt(x*x+y*y)
- print(
- "Accelerometer:(%0.1f,%0.1f,%0.1f) m/s^2;Angle:%0.1f,Magnitude:%0.1f"
- % (x,y,z,angle,magnitude)
- )
- if magnitude >2:
- magnitude = min(magnitude,9.8)
- for p in range(10):
- if p==(angle*10//360):
- cpx.pixels[p]=tuple(
- int(c*((10-p%10))/10.0) for c in wheel(25*(p%10))
- )
- else:
- cpx.pixels[p] =(0,0,0)
- 读取加速度计数据:读取加速度计的 x、y 和 z 方向的加速度值。
- 计算角度和大小:根据 x 和 y 方向的加速度值计算角度和大小。
- 控制 NeoPixel 灯环:根据角度和大小的变化控制 NeoPixel 灯环的颜色。
- 循环:每秒钟重复以上步骤。
- from adafruit_circuitplayground import cp
- from adafruit_circuitplayground.express import cpx
- from digitalio import DigitalInOut, Direction,Pull
- import digitalio
- import audiobusio
- from analogio import AnalogIn
- import time
- import board
- import math
- import pwmio
- from adafruit_motor import servo
- import array
- def mean(values):
- return sum(values) / len(values)
- def normalized_rms(values):
- minbuf = int(mean(values))
- sum_of_samples = sum(
- float(sample - minbuf) * (sample - minbuf) for sample in values
- )
- return math.sqrt(sum_of_samples / len(values))
- mic = audiobusio.PDMIn(
- board.MICROPHONE_CLOCK, board.MICROPHONE_DATA, sample_rate=16000, bit_depth=16
- )
- samples = array.array("H", [0] * 320)
- reachout = False
- pwm = pwmio.PWMOut(board.A2, frequency=50)
- my_servo = servo.ContinuousServo(pwm)
- temp = 'quiet'
- while True:
- mic.record(samples, len(samples))
- sound_value = normalized_rms(samples)
- max_value = 1500
- min_value = 150
- sound_value = min(sound_value, max_value)
- sound_value = max(sound_value, min_value)
- time.sleep(0.5)
- if cp.switch:
- if sound_value > 300:
- if temp == 'quiet':
- print("Sound is loud.")
- temp = 'loud'
- if not reachout:
- my_servo.throttle = 1.0
- reachout = True
- print("Sound Level: %d" % sound_value)
- print(reachout)
- print('reaching out')
- time.sleep(0.5)
- my_servo.throttle = 0.0
- time.sleep(0.5)
- else:
- if temp == 'loud':
- print("Sound is quiet.")
- temp = 'quiet'
- if reachout:
- my_servo.throttle = -1.0
- print("Sound Level: %d" % sound_value)
- print(reachout)
- print('withdrawing')
- reachout = False
- time.sleep(0.5)
- my_servo.throttle = 0.0
- time.sleep(0.5)
- else:
- my_servo.throttle = 0.0
- pwm.deinit()
- adafruit_circuitplayground
: 用于访问 Adafruit Circuit Playground Express 或 Adafruit Circuit Playground Bluefruit 的功能。
- adafruit_circuitplayground.express
: 同上。
: 提供数字输入输出功能。
: 用于处理音频信号。
: 提供模拟输入输出功能。
: 提供时间相关函数,如 。
: 提供访问硬件端口的功能。
: 提供数学运算功能。
: 提供 PWM(脉宽调制)输出功能。
: 提供高效的数组存储。
: 提供伺服电机控制功能。
: 计算一组数值的平均值。
: 计算一组数值的归一化均方根(RMS)。
- 使用
- 创建一个包含 320 个元素的
- 创建一个
- 创建一个连续旋转伺服电机对象
: 用于跟踪伺服是否正在伸出。
: 用于记录声音的状态(嘈杂或安静)。
- 持续记录声音样本,并使用
- 设定最大和最小的可接受声音强度范围。
- 如果声音强度超过阈值(300),则执行以下操作:
- 输出“Sound is loud.”,并改变
- 如果
为 ,则驱动伺服电机正转(伸出),然后停顿,再停止转动。
- 如果
为 ,则记录 “reaching out”。
- 如果声音强度低于阈值(300),则执行以下操作:
- 输出“Sound is quiet.”,并改变
- 如果
为 ,则驱动伺服电机反转(收回),然后停顿,再停止转动。
- 如果
为 ,则记录 “withdrawing”。
- 如果滑动开关关闭,则停止伺服电机,并取消 PWM 输出。
这个程序的主要功能是让伺服电机在检测到足够大的声音时伸出,在声音消失时缩回。它利用了 Circuit Playground Express/Bluefruit 板上的麦克风和滑动开关,以及 PWM 输出控制伺服电机。