任务要求:通过Raspberry Pi Pico w开发板,熟悉固件下载、Mu Editor软件的基本使用方法、micropython的基本语法。
此任务需要搭配Raspberry Pi Pico w开发板来操作。
固件下载首先需要通过USB口进入BOOTSEL模式来下载MicroPython固件。按住板上BOOTSEL按键,将Raspberry Pi Pico w开发板通过USB口上电,此时电脑上会弹出一个叫RPI-RP2的盘符,将从树莓派官网下载的MicroPython固件firmware.uf2文件拖入这个盘符内,此时就将MicroPython固件下载到板上Flash存储器中。之后,Raspberry Pi Pico w开发板将自动重启,不再弹出RPI-RP2的盘符,进入MicroPython模式。
按照官方文档,体验下Raspberry Pi Pico w开发板连上wifi后的跑流能力。
import network
import time
wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)
wlan.connect('Xiaomi_F330', '1029384756')
# Wait for connect or fail
max_wait = 10
while max_wait > 0:
if wlan.status() <0 or wlan.status() >= 3:
max_wait -= 1
print('waiting for connection...')
# Handle connection error
if wlan.status() != 3:
raise RuntimeError('network connection failed')
status = wlan.ifconfig()
print('IP = '+status[0])
import upip
>>> import uiperf3
>>> uiperf3.client('')
通过上述代码将Raspberry Pi Pico w开发板构建为客户端,在ubuntu下通过iperf3- s构建服务器,之后即可进行wifi网络连接速度测试。
>>> import machine
>>> machine.freq()
>>> import sys
>>> sys.implementation
(name='micropython', version=(1, 19, 1), _machine='Raspberry Pi Pico W with RP2040', _mpy=4102)
此任务需要搭配Raspberry Pi Pico w开发板、GROVE SHIELD扩展板、GROVE OLED扩展板、GROVE BUZZER扩展板以及LED模块来完成。
from machine import Pin
import time
Red_led = Pin(4,Pin.OUT)
Green_led = Pin(3,Pin.OUT)
Blue_led = Pin(2,Pin.OUT)
while True:
GROVE BUZZER扩展板由一个蜂鸣器+Grove 4Pin座子组成,分别为GND、VCC、NC、SIG,当SIG引脚为高电平时,蜂鸣器发声。
import time
from machine import Pin
while True:
# Buzz for 1 second
print ('start')
# Stop buzzing for 1 second and repeat
print ('stop')
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except IOError:
print ("Error")
通过上面代码,将GROVE BUZZER扩展板插到GROVE SHIELD扩展板的D16接口上,即可控制蜂鸣器发声。
# Display Image & text on I2C driven ssd1306 OLED display
from machine import Pin, I2C
from ssd1306 import SSD1306_I2C
import framebuf
import time
#import rp2
WIDTH = 128 # oled display width
HEIGHT = 64 # oled display height
i2c = I2C(0) # Init I2C using I2C0 defaults, SCL=Pin(GP9), SDA=Pin(GP8), freq=400000
print("I2C Address : "+hex(i2c.scan()[0]).upper()) # Display device address
print("I2C Configuration: "+str(i2c)) # Display I2C config
oled = SSD1306_I2C(WIDTH, HEIGHT, i2c) # Init oled display
# Raspberry Pi logo as 32x32 bytearray
buffer = bytearray(b"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00|?\x00\x01\x86@\x80\x01\x01\x80\x80\x01\x11\x88\x80\x01\x05\xa0\x80\x00\x83\xc1\x00\x00C\xe3\x00\x00~\xfc\x00\x00L'\x00\x00\x9c\x11\x00\x00\xbf\xfd\x00\x00\xe1\x87\x00\x01\xc1\x83\x80\x02A\x82@\x02A\x82@\x02\xc1\xc2@\x02\xf6>\xc0\x01\xfc=\x80\x01\x18\x18\x80\x01\x88\x10\x80\x00\x8c!\x00\x00\x87\xf1\x00\x00\x7f\xf6\x00\x008\x1c\x00\x00\x0c \x00\x00\x03\xc0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00")
# Load the raspberry pi logo into the framebuffer (the image is 32x32)
fb = framebuf.FrameBuffer(buffer, 32, 32, framebuf.MONO_HLSB)
# Clear the oled display in case it has junk on it.
# Blit the image from the framebuffer to the oled display
oled.blit(fb, 96, 0)
# Add some text
oled.text("Raspberry Pi",5,5)
oled.text("Pico w",5,15)
oled.text("hello micropython",5,40)
# Finally update the oled display so the image & text is displayed
此任务需要搭配Raspberry Pi Pico w开发板及其板载WIFI模块实现
实现同步网络时间功能,首先需要联网,将Raspberry Pi Pico w设置为一个NTP客户端,来访问公共的NTP服务器域名或IP。
从micropython官方下载ntptime.py源文件,保存到Raspberry Pi Pico w开发板。
import utime
import usocket as socket
import socket
import ustruct as struct
import struct
# The NTP host can be configured at runtime by doing: ntptime.host = 'myhost.org'
host = "pool.ntp.org"
# The NTP socket timeout can be configured at runtime by doing: ntptime.timeout = 2
timeout = 1
def time():
NTP_QUERY = bytearray(48)
NTP_QUERY[0] = 0x1B
addr = socket.getaddrinfo(host, 123)[0][-1]
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
res = s.sendto(NTP_QUERY, addr)
msg = s.recv(48)
val = struct.unpack("!I", msg[40:44])[0]
EPOCH_YEAR = utime.gmtime(0)[0]
if EPOCH_YEAR == 2000:
# (date(2000, 1, 1) - date(1900, 1, 1)).days * 24*60*60
NTP_DELTA = 3155673600
elif EPOCH_YEAR == 1970:
# (date(1970, 1, 1) - date(1900, 1, 1)).days * 24*60*60
NTP_DELTA = 2208988800
raise Exception("Unsupported epoch: {}".format(EPOCH_YEAR))
return val - NTP_DELTA
# There's currently no timezone support in MicroPython, and the RTC is set in UTC time.
def settime():
t = time()
import machine
tm = utime.gmtime(t)
machine.RTC().datetime((tm[0], tm[1], tm[2], tm[6] + 1, tm[3], tm[4], tm[5], 0))
import network
wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)
wlan.connect('Xiaomi_F330', '1029384756')
wlan.status() #如果打印3说明连接成功
import ntptime
def sync_ntp():
ntptime.NTP_DELTA = 3155644800 # 可选 UTC+8偏移时间(秒),不设置就是UTC0
ntptime.host = 'edu.ntp.org.cn' # 可选,ntp服务器,默认是"pool.ntp.org"
ntptime.settime() # 修改设备时间,到这就已经设置好了
# 已经设置好了,随便用
from machine import RTC
rtc = RTC()
此任务需要搭配Pico w开发板和GROVE-GPS模块共同完成,其中GROVE-GPS模块基于合宙AIR530模组设计而来,AIR530是一个高度集成的多模卫星导航和定位模组,支持GPS、北斗、Glonass、Galileo、QZSS、SBAS卫星定位系统,非常适合用在汽车导航、智能穿戴等GNSS导航定位应用中。
网上大家都说有一个现成的micropyGPS的文件,已经把解析GPS原始数据的功能做好了,这里直接拿来用。将micropyGPS源文件保存到Pico w开发板上。
# MicropyGPS - a GPS NMEA sentence parser for Micropython/Python 3.X
# Copyright (c) 2017 Michael Calvin McCoy (calvin.mccoy@protonmail.com)
# The MIT License (MIT) - see LICENSE file
# Time Since First Fix
# Distance/Time to Target
# More Helper Functions
# Dynamically limit sentences types to parse
from math import floor, modf
# Import utime or time for fix time handling
# Assume running on MicroPython
import utime
except ImportError:
# Otherwise default to time module for non-embedded implementations
# Should still support millisecond resolution.
import time
class MicropyGPS(object):
"""GPS NMEA Sentence Parser. Creates object that stores all relevant GPS data and statistics.
Parses sentences one character at a time using update(). """
# Max Number of Characters a valid sentence can be (based on GGA sentence)
__HEMISPHERES = ('N', 'S', 'E', 'W')
__NO_FIX = 1
__FIX_2D = 2
__FIX_3D = 3
__DIRECTIONS = ('N', 'NNE', 'NE', 'ENE', 'E', 'ESE', 'SE', 'SSE', 'S', 'SSW', 'SW', 'WSW', 'W',
'WNW', 'NW', 'NNW')
__MONTHS = ('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May',
'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October',
'November', 'December')
def __init__(self, local_offset=0, location_formatting='ddm'):
Setup GPS Object Status Flags, Internal Data Registers, etc
local_offset (int): Timzone Difference to UTC
location_formatting (str): Style For Presenting Longitude/Latitude:
Decimal Degree Minute (ddm) - 40° 26.767′ N
Degrees Minutes Seconds (dms) - 40° 26′ 46″ N
Decimal Degrees (dd) - 40.446° N
# Object Status Flags
self.sentence_active = False
self.active_segment = 0
self.process_crc = False
self.gps_segments = []
self.crc_xor = 0
self.char_count = 0
self.fix_time = 0
# Sentence Statistics
self.crc_fails = 0
self.clean_sentences = 0
self.parsed_sentences = 0
# Logging Related
self.log_handle = None
self.log_en = False
# Data From Sentences
# Time
self.timestamp = [0, 0, 0.0]
self.date = [0, 0, 0]
self.local_offset = local_offset
# Position/Motion
self._latitude = [0, 0.0, 'N']
self._longitude = [0, 0.0, 'W']
self.coord_format = location_formatting
self.speed = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
self.course = 0.0
self.altitude = 0.0
self.geoid_height = 0.0
# GPS Info
self.satellites_in_view = 0
self.satellites_in_use = 0
self.satellites_used = []
self.last_sv_sentence = 0
self.total_sv_sentences = 0
self.satellite_data = dict()
self.hdop = 0.0
self.pdop = 0.0
self.vdop = 0.0
self.valid = False
self.fix_stat = 0
self.fix_type = 1
# Coordinates Translation Functions
def latitude(self):
"""Format Latitude Data Correctly"""
if self.coord_format == 'dd':
decimal_degrees = self._latitude[0] + (self._latitude[1] / 60)
return [decimal_degrees, self._latitude[2]]
elif self.coord_format == 'dms':
minute_parts = modf(self._latitude[1])
seconds = round(minute_parts[0] * 60)
return [self._latitude[0], int(minute_parts[1]), seconds, self._latitude[2]]
return self._latitude
def longitude(self):
"""Format Longitude Data Correctly"""
if self.coord_format == 'dd':
decimal_degrees = self._longitude[0] + (self._longitude[1] / 60)
return [decimal_degrees, self._longitude[2]]
elif self.coord_format == 'dms':
minute_parts = modf(self._longitude[1])
seconds = round(minute_parts[0] * 60)
return [self._longitude[0], int(minute_parts[1]), seconds, self._longitude[2]]
return self._longitude
# Logging Related Functions
def start_logging(self, target_file, mode="append"):
Create GPS data log object
# Set Write Mode Overwrite or Append
mode_code = 'w' if mode == 'new' else 'a'
self.log_handle = open(target_file, mode_code)
except AttributeError:
print("Invalid FileName")
return False
self.log_en = True
return True
def stop_logging(self):
Closes the log file handler and disables further logging
except AttributeError:
print("Invalid Handle")
return False
self.log_en = False
return True
def write_log(self, log_string):
"""Attempts to write the last valid NMEA sentence character to the active file handler
except TypeError:
return False
return True
# Sentence Parsers
def gprmc(self):
"""Parse Recommended Minimum Specific GPS/Transit data (RMC)Sentence.
Updates UTC timestamp, latitude, longitude, Course, Speed, Date, and fix status
# UTC Timestamp
utc_string = self.gps_segments[1]
if utc_string: # Possible timestamp found
hours = (int(utc_string[0:2]) + self.local_offset) % 24
minutes = int(utc_string[2:4])
seconds = float(utc_string[4:])
self.timestamp = [hours, minutes, seconds]
else: # No Time stamp yet
self.timestamp = [0, 0, 0.0]
except ValueError: # Bad Timestamp value present
return False
# Date stamp
date_string = self.gps_segments[9]
# Date string printer function assumes to be year >=2000,
# date_string() must be supplied with the correct century argument to display correctly
if date_string: # Possible date stamp found
day = int(date_string[0:2])
month = int(date_string[2:4])
year = int(date_string[4:6])
self.date = (day, month, year)
else: # No Date stamp yet
self.date = (0, 0, 0)
except ValueError: # Bad Date stamp value present
return False
# Check Receiver Data Valid Flag
if self.gps_segments[2] == 'A': # Data from Receiver is Valid/Has Fix
# Longitude / Latitude
# Latitude
l_string = self.gps_segments[3]
lat_degs = int(l_string[0:2])
lat_mins = float(l_string[2:])
lat_hemi = self.gps_segments[4]
# Longitude
l_string = self.gps_segments[5]
lon_degs = int(l_string[0:3])
lon_mins = float(l_string[3:])
lon_hemi = self.gps_segments[6]
except ValueError:
return False
if lat_hemi not in self.__HEMISPHERES:
return False
if lon_hemi not in self.__HEMISPHERES:
return False
# Speed
spd_knt = float(self.gps_segments[7])
except ValueError:
return False
# Course
if self.gps_segments[8]:
course = float(self.gps_segments[8])
course = 0.0
except ValueError:
return False
# TODO - Add Magnetic Variation
# Update Object Data
self._latitude = [lat_degs, lat_mins, lat_hemi]
self._longitude = [lon_degs, lon_mins, lon_hemi]
# Include mph and hm/h
self.speed = [spd_knt, spd_knt * 1.151, spd_knt * 1.852]
self.course = course
self.valid = True
# Update Last Fix Time
else: # Clear Position Data if Sentence is 'Invalid'
self._latitude = [0, 0.0, 'N']
self._longitude = [0, 0.0, 'W']
self.speed = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
self.course = 0.0
self.valid = False
return True
def gpgll(self):
"""Parse Geographic Latitude and Longitude (GLL)Sentence. Updates UTC timestamp, latitude,
longitude, and fix status"""
# UTC Timestamp
utc_string = self.gps_segments[5]
if utc_string: # Possible timestamp found
hours = (int(utc_string[0:2]) + self.local_offset) % 24
minutes = int(utc_string[2:4])
seconds = float(utc_string[4:])
self.timestamp = [hours, minutes, seconds]
else: # No Time stamp yet
self.timestamp = [0, 0, 0.0]
except ValueError: # Bad Timestamp value present
return False
# Check Receiver Data Valid Flag
if self.gps_segments[6] == 'A': # Data from Receiver is Valid/Has Fix
# Longitude / Latitude
# Latitude
l_string = self.gps_segments[1]
lat_degs = int(l_string[0:2])
lat_mins = float(l_string[2:])
lat_hemi = self.gps_segments[2]
# Longitude
l_string = self.gps_segments[3]
lon_degs = int(l_string[0:3])
lon_mins = float(l_string[3:])
lon_hemi = self.gps_segments[4]
except ValueError:
return False
if lat_hemi not in self.__HEMISPHERES:
return False
if lon_hemi not in self.__HEMISPHERES:
return False
# Update Object Data
self._latitude = [lat_degs, lat_mins, lat_hemi]
self._longitude = [lon_degs, lon_mins, lon_hemi]
self.valid = True
# Update Last Fix Time
else: # Clear Position Data if Sentence is 'Invalid'
self._latitude = [0, 0.0, 'N']
self._longitude = [0, 0.0, 'W']
self.valid = False
return True
def gpvtg(self):
"""Parse Track Made Good and Ground Speed (VTG) Sentence. Updates speed and course"""
course = float(self.gps_segments[1]) if self.gps_segments[1] else 0.0
spd_knt = float(self.gps_segments[5]) if self.gps_segments[5] else 0.0
except ValueError:
return False
# Include mph and km/h
self.speed = (spd_knt, spd_knt * 1.151, spd_knt * 1.852)
self.course = course
return True
def gpgga(self):
"""Parse Global Positioning System Fix Data (GGA) Sentence. Updates UTC timestamp, latitude, longitude,
fix status, satellites in use, Horizontal Dilution of Precision (HDOP), altitude, geoid height and fix status"""
# UTC Timestamp
utc_string = self.gps_segments[1]
# Skip timestamp if receiver doesn't have on yet
if utc_string:
hours = (int(utc_string[0:2]) + self.local_offset) % 24
minutes = int(utc_string[2:4])
seconds = float(utc_string[4:])
hours = 0
minutes = 0
seconds = 0.0
# Number of Satellites in Use
satellites_in_use = int(self.gps_segments[7])
# Get Fix Status
fix_stat = int(self.gps_segments[6])
except (ValueError, IndexError):
return False
# Horizontal Dilution of Precision
hdop = float(self.gps_segments[8])
except (ValueError, IndexError):
hdop = 0.0
# Process Location and Speed Data if Fix is GOOD
if fix_stat:
# Longitude / Latitude
# Latitude
l_string = self.gps_segments[2]
lat_degs = int(l_string[0:2])
lat_mins = float(l_string[2:])
lat_hemi = self.gps_segments[3]
# Longitude
l_string = self.gps_segments[4]
lon_degs = int(l_string[0:3])
lon_mins = float(l_string[3:])
lon_hemi = self.gps_segments[5]
except ValueError:
return False
if lat_hemi not in self.__HEMISPHERES:
return False
if lon_hemi not in self.__HEMISPHERES:
return False
# Altitude / Height Above Geoid
altitude = float(self.gps_segments[9])
geoid_height = float(self.gps_segments[11])
except ValueError:
altitude = 0
geoid_height = 0
# Update Object Data
self._latitude = [lat_degs, lat_mins, lat_hemi]
self._longitude = [lon_degs, lon_mins, lon_hemi]
self.altitude = altitude
self.geoid_height = geoid_height
# Update Object Data
self.timestamp = [hours, minutes, seconds]
self.satellites_in_use = satellites_in_use
self.hdop = hdop
self.fix_stat = fix_stat
# If Fix is GOOD, update fix timestamp
if fix_stat:
return True
def gpgsa(self):
"""Parse GNSS DOP and Active Satellites (GSA) sentence. Updates GPS fix type, list of satellites used in
fix calculation, Position Dilution of Precision (PDOP), Horizontal Dilution of Precision (HDOP), Vertical
Dilution of Precision, and fix status"""
# Fix Type (None,2D or 3D)
fix_type = int(self.gps_segments[2])
except ValueError:
return False
# Read All (up to 12) Available PRN Satellite Numbers
sats_used = []
for sats in range(12):
sat_number_str = self.gps_segments[3 + sats]
if sat_number_str:
sat_number = int(sat_number_str)
except ValueError:
return False
pdop = float(self.gps_segments[15])
hdop = float(self.gps_segments[16])
vdop = float(self.gps_segments[17])
except ValueError:
return False
# Update Object Data
self.fix_type = fix_type
# If Fix is GOOD, update fix timestamp
if fix_type > self.__NO_FIX:
self.satellites_used = sats_used
self.hdop = hdop
self.vdop = vdop
self.pdop = pdop
return True
def gpgsv(self):
"""Parse Satellites in View (GSV) sentence. Updates number of SV Sentences,the number of the last SV sentence
parsed, and data on each satellite present in the sentence"""
num_sv_sentences = int(self.gps_segments[1])
current_sv_sentence = int(self.gps_segments[2])
sats_in_view = int(self.gps_segments[3])
except ValueError:
return False
# Create a blank dict to store all the satellite data from this sentence in:
# satellite PRN is key, tuple containing telemetry is value
satellite_dict = dict()
# Calculate Number of Satelites to pull data for and thus how many segment positions to read
if num_sv_sentences == current_sv_sentence:
# Last sentence may have 1-4 satellites; 5 - 20 positions
sat_segment_limit = (sats_in_view - ((num_sv_sentences - 1) * 4)) * 5
sat_segment_limit = 20 # Non-last sentences have 4 satellites and thus read up to position 20
# Try to recover data for up to 4 satellites in sentence
for sats in range(4, sat_segment_limit, 4):
# If a PRN is present, grab satellite data
if self.gps_segments[sats]:
sat_id = int(self.gps_segments[sats])
except (ValueError,IndexError):
return False
try: # elevation can be null (no value) when not tracking
elevation = int(self.gps_segments[sats+1])
except (ValueError,IndexError):
elevation = None
try: # azimuth can be null (no value) when not tracking
azimuth = int(self.gps_segments[sats+2])
except (ValueError,IndexError):
azimuth = None
try: # SNR can be null (no value) when not tracking
snr = int(self.gps_segments[sats+3])
except (ValueError,IndexError):
snr = None
# If no PRN is found, then the sentence has no more satellites to read
# Add Satellite Data to Sentence Dict
satellite_dict[sat_id] = (elevation, azimuth, snr)
# Update Object Data
self.total_sv_sentences = num_sv_sentences
self.last_sv_sentence = current_sv_sentence
self.satellites_in_view = sats_in_view
# For a new set of sentences, we either clear out the existing sat data or
# update it as additional SV sentences are parsed
if current_sv_sentence == 1:
self.satellite_data = satellite_dict
return True
# Data Stream Handler Functions
def new_sentence(self):
"""Adjust Object Flags in Preparation for a New Sentence"""
self.gps_segments = ['']
self.active_segment = 0
self.crc_xor = 0
self.sentence_active = True
self.process_crc = True
self.char_count = 0
def update(self, new_char):
"""Process a new input char and updates GPS object if necessary based on special characters ('$', ',', '*')
Function builds a list of received string that are validate by CRC prior to parsing by the appropriate
sentence function. Returns sentence type on successful parse, None otherwise"""
valid_sentence = False
# Validate new_char is a printable char
ascii_char = ord(new_char)
if 10 <= ascii_char <= 126:
self.char_count += 1
# Write Character to log file if enabled
if self.log_en:
# Check if a new string is starting ($)
if new_char == '$':
return None
elif self.sentence_active:
# Check if sentence is ending (*)
if new_char == '*':
self.process_crc = False
self.active_segment += 1
return None
# Check if a section is ended (,), Create a new substring to feed
# characters to
elif new_char == ',':
self.active_segment += 1
# Store All Other printable character and check CRC when ready
self.gps_segments[self.active_segment] += new_char
# When CRC input is disabled, sentence is nearly complete
if not self.process_crc:
if len(self.gps_segments[self.active_segment]) == 2:
final_crc = int(self.gps_segments[self.active_segment], 16)
if self.crc_xor == final_crc:
valid_sentence = True
self.crc_fails += 1
except ValueError:
pass # CRC Value was deformed and could not have been correct
# Update CRC
if self.process_crc:
self.crc_xor ^= ascii_char
# If a Valid Sentence Was received and it's a supported sentence, then parse it!!
if valid_sentence:
self.clean_sentences += 1 # Increment clean sentences received
self.sentence_active = False # Clear Active Processing Flag
if self.gps_segments[0] in self.supported_sentences:
# parse the Sentence Based on the message type, return True if parse is clean
if self.supported_sentences[self.gps_segments[0]](self):
# Let host know that the GPS object was updated by returning parsed sentence type
self.parsed_sentences += 1
return self.gps_segments[0]
# Check that the sentence buffer isn't filling up with Garage waiting for the sentence to complete
if self.char_count > self.SENTENCE_LIMIT:
self.sentence_active = False
# Tell Host no new sentence was parsed
return None
def new_fix_time(self):
"""Updates a high resolution counter with current time when fix is updated. Currently only triggered from
GGA, GSA and RMC sentences"""
self.fix_time = utime.ticks_ms()
except NameError:
self.fix_time = time.time()
# User Helper Functions
# These functions make working with the GPS object data easier
def satellite_data_updated(self):
Checks if the all the GSV sentences in a group have been read, making satellite data complete
:return: boolean
if self.total_sv_sentences > 0 and self.total_sv_sentences == self.last_sv_sentence:
return True
return False
def unset_satellite_data_updated(self):
Mark GSV sentences as read indicating the data has been used and future updates are fresh
self.last_sv_sentence = 0
def satellites_visible(self):
Returns a list of of the satellite PRNs currently visible to the receiver
:return: list
return list(self.satellite_data.keys())
def time_since_fix(self):
"""Returns number of millisecond since the last sentence with a valid fix was parsed. Returns 0 if
no fix has been found"""
# Test if a Fix has been found
if self.fix_time == 0:
return -1
# Try calculating fix time using utime; if not running MicroPython
# time.time() returns a floating point value in secs
current = utime.ticks_diff(utime.ticks_ms(), self.fix_time)
except NameError:
current = (time.time() - self.fix_time) * 1000 # ms
return current
def compass_direction(self):
Determine a cardinal or inter-cardinal direction based on current course.
:return: string
# Calculate the offset for a rotated compass
if self.course >= 348.75:
offset_course = 360 - self.course
offset_course = self.course + 11.25
# Each compass point is separated by 22.5 degrees, divide to find lookup value
dir_index = floor(offset_course / 22.5)
final_dir = self.__DIRECTIONS[dir_index]
return final_dir
def latitude_string(self):
Create a readable string of the current latitude data
:return: string
if self.coord_format == 'dd':
formatted_latitude = self.latitude
lat_string = str(formatted_latitude[0]) + '° ' + str(self._latitude[2])
elif self.coord_format == 'dms':
formatted_latitude = self.latitude
lat_string = str(formatted_latitude[0]) + '° ' + str(formatted_latitude[1]) + "' " + str(formatted_latitude[2]) + '" ' + str(formatted_latitude[3])
lat_string = str(self._latitude[0]) + '° ' + str(self._latitude[1]) + "' " + str(self._latitude[2])
return lat_string
def longitude_string(self):
Create a readable string of the current longitude data
:return: string
if self.coord_format == 'dd':
formatted_longitude = self.longitude
lon_string = str(formatted_longitude[0]) + '° ' + str(self._longitude[2])
elif self.coord_format == 'dms':
formatted_longitude = self.longitude
lon_string = str(formatted_longitude[0]) + '° ' + str(formatted_longitude[1]) + "' " + str(formatted_longitude[2]) + '" ' + str(formatted_longitude[3])
lon_string = str(self._longitude[0]) + '° ' + str(self._longitude[1]) + "' " + str(self._longitude[2])
return lon_string
def speed_string(self, unit='kph'):
Creates a readable string of the current speed data in one of three units
:param unit: string of 'kph','mph, or 'knot'
if unit == 'mph':
speed_string = str(self.speed[1]) + ' mph'
elif unit == 'knot':
if self.speed[0] == 1:
unit_str = ' knot'
unit_str = ' knots'
speed_string = str(self.speed[0]) + unit_str
speed_string = str(self.speed[2]) + ' km/h'
return speed_string
def date_string(self, formatting='s_mdy', century='20'):
Creates a readable string of the current date.
Can select between long format: Januray 1st, 2014
or two short formats:
11/01/2014 (MM/DD/YYYY)
01/11/2014 (DD/MM/YYYY)
:param formatting: string 's_mdy', 's_dmy', or 'long'
:param century: int delineating the century the GPS data is from (19 for 19XX, 20 for 20XX)
:return: date_string string with long or short format date
# Long Format Januray 1st, 2014
if formatting == 'long':
# Retrieve Month string from private set
month = self.__MONTHS[self.date[1] - 1]
# Determine Date Suffix
if self.date[0] in (1, 21, 31):
suffix = 'st'
elif self.date[0] in (2, 22):
suffix = 'nd'
elif self.date[0] == (3, 23):
suffix = 'rd'
suffix = 'th'
day = str(self.date[0]) + suffix # Create Day String
year = century + str(self.date[2]) # Create Year String
date_string = month + ' ' + day + ', ' + year # Put it all together
# Add leading zeros to day string if necessary
if self.date[0] < 10:
day = '0' + str(self.date[0])
day = str(self.date[0])
# Add leading zeros to month string if necessary
if self.date[1] < 10:
month = '0' + str(self.date[1])
month = str(self.date[1])
# Add leading zeros to year string if necessary
if self.date[2] < 10:
year = '0' + str(self.date[2])
year = str(self.date[2])
# Build final string based on desired formatting
if formatting == 's_dmy':
date_string = day + '/' + month + '/' + year
else: # Default date format
date_string = month + '/' + day + '/' + year
return date_string
# All the currently supported NMEA sentences
supported_sentences = {'GPRMC': gprmc, 'GLRMC': gprmc,
'GPGGA': gpgga, 'GLGGA': gpgga,
'GPVTG': gpvtg, 'GLVTG': gpvtg,
'GPGSA': gpgsa, 'GLGSA': gpgsa,
'GPGSV': gpgsv, 'GLGSV': gpgsv,
'GPGLL': gpgll, 'GLGLL': gpgll,
'GNGGA': gpgga, 'GNRMC': gprmc,
'GNVTG': gpvtg, 'GNGLL': gpgll,
'GNGSA': gpgsa,
if __name__ == "__main__":
from machine import UART, Pin
import time
from micropyGPS import MicropyGPS
uart0 = UART(0, baudrate=9600, tx=Pin(0), rx=Pin(1))
#rxData = bytes()
my_gps = MicropyGPS()
while True:
if uart0.any():
gps_stat = my_gps.update(uart0.read(1).decode("ascii"))
# Note the conversion to to chr, UART outputs ints normally
if gps_stat:
print("Latitude:", my_gps.latitude_string()) #读取经度、纬度信息
print("Longitude:", my_gps.longitude_string())
print("Speed:",my_gps.speed_string("kph"),"or",my_gps.speed_string("mph"),"or", my_gps.speed_string("knot"),) #读取速度信息
print("Date (Long Format):", my_gps.date_string("long")) #读取时间信息
print("Date (Short D/M/Y Format):", my_gps.date_string("s_dmy"))
print("timestamp (Short [H,M,S] Format):", my_gps.timestamp)
stat = None
非常感谢EEWORLD和得捷一起举办的这次比赛,这是我第一次接触micropython语言,整体使用下来确实感觉比c语言用起来简单了不少,用每个IO和外设前都不用初始化时钟先走个四五行了,总之学到了不少东西,关于wifi和GPS定位的知识也学习到了很多,发挥部分是想根据任务三和任务四,反过来,根据pico w做一个NTP服务器,使用GPS上的PPS作为时钟源,为NTP服务器设置一个基准时间,之后根据PPS信号进行跳秒,可以为其他设备进行网络授时。但是,种种原因目前还未实现,后续成功做出来,也会在论坛进行分享。最后,希望EEWORLD和得捷为坛友们带来更多更好的活动,期待接下来的Follow me第2期。