编译WinCE时,经常会出现这样的问题,选择Release的版本,编译没有问题,编译Debug的时候报错:Ram start overlaps rom binary。
When I build my Windows CE image in Platform Builder I get the following error:
Error: Ram start overlaps rom binary
Rom end : 0x81217d4c
Ram start: 0x8105c000
physfirst 800e0000
physlast 81217d4c
How can I fix this?
This error is given because you're image size is bigger than the allowed size contained in the XXXXX_XX_config_bib.h file. The specific file for your card engine can be found at the following path:
There are two options to resolving this:
1) Decrease your image size by removing components that are taking up a lot of space. If you have unecessary features you can take them out and Re-Sysgen your platform.
2) If you require a larger image than the default size of 15MB you can edit the config_bib.h file. Please refer to the RAM build memory map for an explanation on how memory is broken down while Windows CE is running.
Specifically these lines are what you will need to edit.