本人刚买了个友善之臂的mini2440开发板。按他们的用户说明中,建立好“超级终端”后,打开电源,从NOR FLASH启动。在超级终端中输入"q",在supervivi 后可以输入什么命令啊?在上面输入“ls” “man”命令都提示没有这个命令。那在这里可以输入什么命令啊?希望知道的牛人们帮个,感激!
##### FriendlyARM BIOS for 2440 #####
[x] bon part 0 320k 2368k
[v] Download vivi
[k] Download linux kernel
[y] Download root_yaffs image
[c] Download root_cramfs image
[a] Absolute User Application
[n] Download Nboot
[e] Download Eboot Download WinCE NK.nb0
[w] Download WinCE NK.bin
[d] Download & Run
[z] Download zImage into RAM
[g] Boot linux from RAM
[f] Format the nand flash
[p] Partition for Linux Boot the system Set the boot parameters
[t] Print the TOC struct of wince Backup NAND Flash to HOST through USB(upload)
[r] Restore NAND Flash from HOST through USB
[q] Goto shell of vivi
Supervivi> ls
Could not found 'ls' command
If you want to konw available commands, type 'help'
Supervivi> man ls
Could not found 'man' command
If you want to konw available commands, type 'help'
flash [{cmds}] -- Manage Flash memory
cpu [{cmds}] -- Manage cpu clocks
bon [{cmds}] -- Manage the bon file system
reset -- Reset the system
param [eval|show|save [-n]|reset] -- set/get parameter
part [add|del|show|reset] -- Manage MTD partitions
mem [{cmds}] -- Manage Memory
loadyaffs {...} -- Load a yaffs image to Flash
markpart [-bad|-good] [partname1] [partname2] ...
-- mark blocks in a partition(s) as bad or good
-- Give you a menu to use some functions
backup [-nc] []
-- Send the context of nand flash to PC
through USB
-- '-n' : don't backup the oob
-- '-c' : Check whether the block is bad
restore [-n] []
-- restore flash, get file from HOST thr
ough USb
-- '-n' : the file doesn't has context o
f oob
eboot -- Run Wince Ethernet Bootloader(eboot)
wince [ram] -- Run Wince from flash or ram
load {...} -- Load a file to RAM/Flash
go -- jump to
dump -- Display (hex dump) a range of memory.
call -- jump_with_return to
boot [{cmds}] -- Booting linux kernel
help [{cmds}] -- Help about help?