; Get the address of the table of contents and adjust for the flash address.
ldr r0, =pTOC
ldr r3, =0xDFD40000
add r0, r0, r3
ldr r4, [r0]
add r4, r4, r3
; Get the dll first and dll last address.
; r1 = Destiniation = dllfirst
; r11 = length = dlllast - dllfirst
ldr r1, [r4, #ROMHDR_dllfirst]
ldr r11, [r4, #ROMHDR_dlllast]
; Make sure that r1 and r11 are on a 0x20 boundary.
ldr r2, =0x07FFFFE0
and r1, r1, r2
and r11, r11, r2
add r11, r11, #0x20
; Copy routine.
; r0 = Source
; r1 = Destination
; r11 = End Address Address of Destination
; r12 = LED counter
; r13 = LED address.