用KEIL 软件建立一个工程,自动生成一个启动代码STartup.S ; 但是问题来了,这个代码有点不知所云,编译出错哦啊,请大侠指点!下面是代码
/*****************************************************************************/ ;/* STARTUP.S: Startup file for Dhrystone Example */ ;/*****************************************************************************/ ;/* <<< Use Configuration Wizard in Context Menu >>> */ ;/*****************************************************************************/ ;/* This file is part of the uVision/ARM development tools. */ ;/* Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Keil Software. All rights reserved. */ ;/* This software may only be used under the terms of a valid, current, */ ;/* end user licence from KEIL for a compatible version of KEIL software */ ;/* development tools. Nothing else gives you the right to use this software. */ ;/*****************************************************************************/
; *** Startup Code (executed after Reset) ***
; Standard definitions of Mode bits and Interrupt (I & F) flags in PSRs ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; 本段设置处理器的模式相关常量 ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Standard definitions of Mode bits and Interrupt (I & F) flags in PSRs ; 定义常量,处理器的几种工作模式。 ; ARM 有7种工作模式: ; ; User: 非特权模式,大部分任务执行在这种模式 正常程序执行的模式 ; FIQ: 当一个高优先级(fast)中断产生时将会进入这种模式 高速数据传输和通道处理 ; IRQ: 当一个低优先级(normal)中断产生时将会进入这种模式 通常的中断处理 ; SVC: 用于操作系统的保护模式 ; Abort: 当存取异常时将会进入这种模式 虚拟存储及存储保护 ; Undef: 当执行未定义指令时会进入这种模式 软件仿真硬件协处理器 ; System: 使用和User模式相同寄存器集的特权模式 ; ; 这个值将被写到CPSR寄存器的第0,1,2,3,4,5位,以表示当前的状态。
Mode_USR EQU 0x10 Mode_FIQ EQU 0x11 Mode_IRQ EQU 0x12 Mode_SVC EQU 0x13 Mode_ABT EQU 0x17 Mode_UND EQU 0x1B Mode_SYS EQU 0x1F ; 设置IRQ和FIQ中断禁止位,这两个值将被写到CPSR寄存器的第6位(FIQ)和第7位(IRQ)。1是禁止,0是允许。 I_Bit EQU 0x80 ; when I bit is set, IRQ is disabled F_Bit EQU 0x40 ; when F bit is set, FIQ is disabled
; Internal RAM Address RAM_Base EQU 0x00000000 ; after Ramap ; Remap前,内部RAM的基地址 RAM_Base_Boot EQU 0x00300000 ; after Reset until Remap
;// <h> Stack Configuration (Stack Sizes in Bytes) ;// <o0> Undefined Mode <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8> ;// <o1> Supervisor Mode <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8> ;// <o2> Abort Mode <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8> ;// <o3> Fast Interrupt Mode <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8> ;// <o4> Interrupt Mode <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8> ;// <o5> User/System Mode <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8> ;// </h> ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; 本段将完成堆栈相关的常量, ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; 设置各个模式下的栈大小 ;
UND_Stack_Size EQU 0x00000000 SVC_Stack_Size EQU 0x00000008 ABT_Stack_Size EQU 0x00000000 FIQ_Stack_Size EQU 0x00000000 IRQ_Stack_Size EQU 0x00000080 USR_Stack_Size EQU 0x00000400
ISR_Stack_Size EQU (UND_Stack_Size + SVC_Stack_Size + ABT_Stack_Size + \ FIQ_Stack_Size + IRQ_Stack_Size) ; 初始化栈空间
; 定义一个数据段,名为STACK,NOINIT - 仅仅保留内存单元,还没有写入值,可读写,ALIGN=3 - 按字节对齐。
AREA STACK, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3 ; 分配内存,用户模式栈名为Stack_Mem,大小为1024字节;异常模式堆栈__initial_sp 大小为128+8字节。 Stack_Mem SPACE USR_Stack_Size __initial_sp SPACE ISR_Stack_Size
;// <h> Heap Configuration ;// <o> Heap Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF> ;// </h>
Heap_Size EQU 0x00010000 ;堆空间,其中__heap_base 与__heap_limit 这两个符号是给采用了MICROLIB的程序准备的。 AREA HEAP, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3 __heap_base Heap_Mem SPACE Heap_Size __heap_limit
;// <h> External Bus Interface (EBI) EBI_BASE EQU 0xFFE00000
;// <e.13> Enable Chip Select 0 (CSR0) ;// <o.20..31> BA: Base Address <0x0-0xFFF00000:0x100000><#/0x100000> ;// <i> Start Address for Chip Select Signal ;// <o.7..8> PAGES: Page Size <0=> 1M Byte <1=> 4M Bytes ;// <2=> 16M Bytes <3=> 64M Bytes ;// <i> Selects Active Bits in Base Address ;// <o.0..1> DBW: Data Bus Width <1=> 16-bit <2=> 8-bit ;// <o.12> BAT: Byte Access Type <0=> Byte-write ;// <1=> Byte-select ;// <e.5> WSE: Enable Wait State Generation ;// <o.2..4> NWS: Number of Standard Wait States <1-8><#-1> ;// </e> ;// <o.9..11> TDF: Data Float Output Time <0-7> ;// <i> Number of Cycles Added after the Transfer ;// </e> EBI_CSR0_Val EQU 0x010024A9
;// <e.13> Enable Chip Select 1 (CSR1) ;// <o.20..31> BA: Base Address <0x0-0xFFF00000:0x100000><#/0x100000> ;// <i> Start Address for Chip Select Signal ;// <o.7..8> PAGES: Page Size <0=> 1M Byte <1=> 4M Bytes ;// <2=> 16M Bytes <3=> 64M Bytes ;// <i> Selects Active Bits in Base Address ;// <o.0..1> DBW: Data Bus Width <1=> 16-bit <2=> 8-bit ;// <o.12> BAT: Byte Access Type <0=> Byte-write ;// <1=> Byte-select ;// <e.5> WSE: Enable Wait State Generation ;// <o.2..4> NWS: Number of Standard Wait States <1-8><#-1> ;// </e> ;// <o.9..11> TDF: Data Float Output Time <0-7> ;// <i> Number of Cycles Added after the Transfer ;// </e> EBI_CSR1_Val EQU 0x040034A5
;// <e.13> Enable Chip Select 2 (CSR2) ;// <o.20..31> BA: Base Address <0x0-0xFFF00000:0x100000><#/0x100000> ;// <i> Start Address for Chip Select Signal ;// <o.7..8> PAGES: Page Size <0=> 1M Byte <1=> 4M Bytes ;// <2=> 16M Bytes <3=> 64M Bytes ;// <i> Selects Active Bits in Base Address ;// <o.0..1> DBW: Data Bus Width <1=> 16-bit <2=> 8-bit ;// <o.12> BAT: Byte Access Type <0=> Byte-write ;// <1=> Byte-select ;// <e.5> WSE: Enable Wait State Generation ;// <o.2..4> NWS: Number of Standard Wait States <1-8><#-1> ;// </e> ;// <o.9..11> TDF: Data Float Output Time <0-7> ;// <i> Number of Cycles Added after the Transfer ;// </e> EBI_CSR2_Val EQU 0x20000000
;// <e.13> Enable Chip Select 3 (CSR3) ;// <o.20..31> BA: Base Address <0x0-0xFFF00000:0x100000><#/0x100000> ;// <i> Start Address for Chip Select Signal ;// <o.7..8> PAGES: Page Size <0=> 1M Byte <1=> 4M Bytes ;// <2=> 16M Bytes <3=> 64M Bytes ;// <i> Selects Active Bits in Base Address ;// <o.0..1> DBW: Data Bus Width <1=> 16-bit <2=> 8-bit ;// <o.12> BAT: Byte Access Type <0=> Byte-write ;// <1=> Byte-select ;// <e.5> WSE: Enable Wait State Generation ;// <o.2..4> NWS: Number of Standard Wait States <1-8><#-1> ;// </e> ;// <o.9..11> TDF: Data Float Output Time <0-7> ;// <i> Number of Cycles Added after the Transfer ;// </e> EBI_CSR3_Val EQU 0x30000000
;// <e.13> Enable Chip Select 4 (CSR4) ;// <o.20..31> BA: Base Address <0x0-0xFFF00000:0x100000><#/0x100000> ;// <i> Start Address for Chip Select Signal ;// <o.7..8> PAGES: Page Size <0=> 1M Byte <1=> 4M Bytes ;// <2=> 16M Bytes <3=> 64M Bytes ;// <i> Selects Active Bits in Base Address ;// <o.0..1> DBW: Data Bus Width <1=> 16-bit <2=> 8-bit ;// <o.12> BAT: Byte Access Type <0=> Byte-write ;// <1=> Byte-select ;// <e.5> WSE: Enable Wait State Generation ;// <o.2..4> NWS: Number of Standard Wait States <1-8><#-1> ;// </e> ;// <o.9..11> TDF: Data Float Output Time <0-7> ;// <i> Number of Cycles Added after the Transfer ;// </e> EBI_CSR4_Val EQU 0x40000000
;// <e.13> Enable Chip Select 5 (CSR5) ;// <o.20..31> BA: Base Address <0x0-0xFFF00000:0x100000><#/0x100000> ;// <i> Start Address for Chip Select Signal ;// <o.7..8> PAGES: Page Size <0=> 1M Byte <1=> 4M Bytes ;// <2=> 16M Bytes <3=> 64M Bytes ;// <i> Selects Active Bits in Base Address ;// <o.0..1> DBW: Data Bus Width <1=> 16-bit <2=> 8-bit ;// <o.12> BAT: Byte Access Type <0=> Byte-write ;// <1=> Byte-select ;// <e.5> WSE: Enable Wait State Generation ;// <o.2..4> NWS: Number of Standard Wait States <1-8><#-1> ;// </e> ;// <o.9..11> TDF: Data Float Output Time <0-7> ;// <i> Number of Cycles Added after the Transfer ;// </e> EBI_CSR5_Val EQU 0x50000000
;// <e.13> Enable Chip Select 6 (CSR6) ;// <o.20..31> BA: Base Address <0x0-0xFFF00000:0x100000><#/0x100000> ;// <i> Start Address for Chip Select Signal ;// <o.7..8> PAGES: Page Size <0=> 1M Byte <1=> 4M Bytes ;// <2=> 16M Bytes <3=> 64M Bytes ;// <i> Selects Active Bits in Base Address ;// <o.0..1> DBW: Data Bus Width <1=> 16-bit <2=> 8-bit ;// <o.12> BAT: Byte Access Type <0=> Byte-write ;// <1=> Byte-select ;// <e.5> WSE: Enable Wait State Generation ;// <o.2..4> NWS: Number of Standard Wait States <1-8><#-1> ;// </e> ;// <o.9..11> TDF: Data Float Output Time <0-7> ;// <i> Number of Cycles Added after the Transfer ;// </e> EBI_CSR6_Val EQU 0x60000000
;// <e.13> Enable Chip Select 7 (CSR7) ;// <o.20..31> BA: Base Address <0x0-0xFFF00000:0x100000><#/0x100000> ;// <i> Start Address for Chip Select Signal ;// <o.7..8> PAGES: Page Size <0=> 1M Byte <1=> 4M Bytes ;// <2=> 16M Bytes <3=> 64M Bytes ;// <i> Selects Active Bits in Base Address ;// <o.0..1> DBW: Data Bus Width <1=> 16-bit <2=> 8-bit ;// <o.12> BAT: Byte Access Type <0=> Byte-write ;// <1=> Byte-select ;// <e.5> WSE: Enable Wait State Generation ;// <o.2..4> NWS: Number of Standard Wait States <1-8><#-1> ;// </e> ;// <o.9..11> TDF: Data Float Output Time <0-7> ;// <i> Number of Cycles Added after the Transfer ;// </e> EBI_CSR7_Val EQU 0x70000000
;// <q.4> DRP: Data Read Protocol ;// <0=> Standard Read ;// <1=> Early Read EBI_MCR_Val EQU 0x00000010
;// </h> End of EBI
; Power Mangement Controller (PMC) definitions PMC_BASE EQU 0xFFFF4000 ; PMC Base Address PMC_CGMR EQU 0x20 ; PMC_CGMR Offset PMC_SR EQU 0x30 ; PMC_SR Offset PMC_MCKOSS EQU (3<<4) ; Master Clock Output Selection PMC_MCKO EQU (1<<6) ; Master Clock Output Disable PMC_PLLS EQU (1<<3) ; PLL Selection PMC_CSS EQU (1<<7) ; Clock Source Selection PMC_PRES EQU (7<<0) ; Prescaler Selection PMC_MUL EQU (0x7FF<<8) ; Phase Lock Loop Factor PMC_PLLCOUNT EQU (0xFF<<24) ; PLL Lock Counter PMC_PLL_LOCK EQU (1<<0) ; PLL Lock Status
;// <e> AT91M42800A PMC Clock Setup ;// <o1.7> CSS: Clock Source Selection ;// <0=> Slow Clock ;// <1=> PLL Output ;// <o1.3> PLLS: PLL Selection ;// <0=> PLL A (5 - 20MHz) ;// <1=> PLL B (20 - 80MHz) ;// <o1.0..2> PRES: Prescaler ;// <0=> None ;// <1=> Clock / 2 <2=> Clock / 4 ;// <3=> Clock / 8 <4=> Clock / 16 ;// <5=> Clock / 32 <6=> Clock / 64 ;// <o1.8..18> MUL: Phase Lock Loop Factor <0-2047> ;// <i> PLL Output is multiplied by MUL+1 ;// <o1.24..31> PLLCOUNT: PLL Lock Counter <0x0-0xFF> ;// <i> PLL Lock Timer ;// <o1.4..5> MCKOSS: Master Clock Output Source Selection ;// <0=> Slow Clock ;// <1=> Master Clock ;// <2=> Master Clock Inverted ;// <3=> Master Clock / 2 ;// <q1.6> MCKODS: Master Clock Output Disable <0-1> ;// </e> PMC_SETUP EQU 0 PMC_CGMR_Val EQU 0x1003FF98
; Advanced Power Mangement Controller (APMC) definitions APMC_BASE EQU 0xFFFF4000 ; APMC Base Address APMC_CGMR EQU 0x20 ; APMC_CGMR Offset APMC_SR EQU 0x30 ; APMC_SR Offset APMC_MOSC_BYP EQU (1<<0) ; Main Oscillator Bypass APMC_MOSC_EN EQU (1<<1) ; Main Oscillator Enable APMC_MCKO_DIS EQU (1<<2) ; Disable Master Clock Output APMC_CSS EQU (3<<14) ; Clock Source Selection APMC_PRES EQU (7<<4) ; Prescaler Selection APMC_MUL EQU (0x3F<<8) ; Phase Lock Loop Factor APMC_OSCOUNT EQU (0xFF<<16) ; Main Oscillator Counter APMC_PLLCOUNT EQU (0x3F<<24) ; PLL Lock Counter APMC_MOSCS EQU (1<<0) ; Main Osillator Status APMC_PLL_LOCK EQU (1<<1) ; PLL Lock Status
;// <e> AT91M55800A APMC Clock Setup ;// <o1.14..15> CSS: Clock Source Selection ;// <0=> Low-Frequency Clock ;// <1=> Main Oscillator or External Clock ;// <2=> Phase Lock Loop Output ;// <o1.0> MOSCBYP: Main Oscillator Bypass ;// <0=> No: Crystal (XIN, XOUT) ;// <1=> Yes: External Clock (XIN) ;// <q1.1> MOSCEN: Main Oscillator Enable <0-1> ;// <i> Must be disabled in Bypass Mode ;// <o1.4..6> PRES: Prescaler ;// <0=> None ;// <1=> Clock / 2 <2=> Clock / 4 ;// <3=> Clock / 8 <4=> Clock / 16 ;// <5=> Clock / 32 <6=> Clock / 64 ;// <o1.8..13> MUL: Phase Lock Loop Factor <0-63> ;// <i> PLL Output is multiplied by MUL+1 ;// <o1.16..23> OSCOUNT: Main Oscillator Counter <0x0-0xFF> ;// <i> Oscillator Startup Timer ;// <o1.24..29> PLLCOUNT: PLL Lock Counter <0x0-0x3F> ;// <i> PLL Lock Timer ;// <q1.2> MCKODS: Master Clock Output Disable <0-1> ;// </e> APMC_SETUP EQU 0 APMC_CGMR_Val EQU 0x032F8102
PRESERVE8 ;汇编伪指令,堆栈8字节对准 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; 前面都是对寄存器位置的声明,以下是具体代码。定义了一个代码段 ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Area Definition and Entry Point ; Startup Code must be linked first at Address at which it expects to run.
; Area Definition and Entry Point ; Startup Code must be linked first at Address at which it expects to run.
; Exception Vectors (before Remap) ; Mapped to Address 0 before Remap Command. ; Relative addressing mode must be used.
Reset_Vec B Reset_Handler ;复位异常 0x0000 0000 Undef_Vec B Undef_Vec ;未定义异常 0x0000 0004 SWI_Vec B SWI_Vec ;软件中断异常 0x0000 0008 PAbt_Vec B PAbt_Vec ;指令预取异常 0x0000 000C DAbt_Vec B DAbt_Vec ;数据预取异常 0x0000 0010 NOP ;保留 0x0000 0014 IRQ_Vec B IRQ_Vec ;外部中断外设中断都是在这里扩展的 0x0000 0018 FIQ_Vec B FIQ_Vec ;快速中断 0x0000 001C
; Exception Vectors (after Remap) ; Mapped to Address 0 after Remap Command. ; Absolute addressing mode must be used. ; Dummy Handlers are implemented as infinite loops which can be modified.
Vectors LDR PC, Reset_Addr LDR PC, Undef_Addr LDR PC, SWI_Addr LDR PC, PAbt_Addr LDR PC, DAbt_Addr NOP ; Reserved Vector ; LDR PC, IRQ_Addr LDR PC, [PC, #-0xF20] ; Vector from AIC_IVR ; LDR PC, FIQ_Addr LDR PC, [PC, #-0xF20] ; Vector from AIC_FVR
Reset_Addr DCD Soft_Reset Undef_Addr DCD Undef_Handler SWI_Addr DCD SWI_Handler PAbt_Addr DCD PAbt_Handler DAbt_Addr DCD DAbt_Handler DCD 0 ; Reserved Address IRQ_Addr DCD IRQ_Handler FIQ_Addr DCD FIQ_Handler
Soft_Reset B Soft_Reset Undef_Handler B Undef_Handler SWI_Handler B SWI_Handler PAbt_Handler B PAbt_Handler DAbt_Handler B DAbt_Handler IRQ_Handler B IRQ_Handler FIQ_Handler B FIQ_Handler
; Reset Handler
EXPORT Reset_Handler Reset_Handler
; Setup PMC System Clock IF PMC_SETUP <> 0 LDR R0, =PMC_BASE
; Wait until PLL stabilized PLL_Loop LDR R2, [R0, #PMC_SR] ANDS R2, R2, #PMC_PLL_LOCK BEQ PLL_Loop ENDIF
; Switch from Slow Clock to Selected Clock LDR R1, =PMC_CGMR_Val STR R1, [R0, #PMC_CGMR]
; Setup APMC System Clock IF APMC_SETUP <> 0 LDR R0, =APMC_BASE
; Wait until Oscillator stabilized MOSCS_Loop LDR R2, [R0, #APMC_SR] ANDS R2, R2, #APMC_MOSCS BEQ MOSCS_Loop ENDIF
; Wait until PLL stabilized PLL_Loop LDR R2, [R0, #APMC_SR] ANDS R2, R2, #APMC_PLL_LOCK BEQ PLL_Loop ENDIF
; Switch from Slow Clock to Selected Clock LDR R1, =APMC_CGMR_Val STR R1, [R0, #APMC_CGMR]
; Copy Exception Vectors to Internal RAM before Remap
ADR R8, Vectors IF :DEF:REMAPPED MOV R9, #RAM_Base ELSE MOV R9, #RAM_Base_Boot ENDIF LDMIA R8!, {R0-R7} ; Load Vectors STMIA R9!, {R0-R7} ; Store Vectors LDMIA R8!, {R0-R7} ; Load Handler Addresses STMIA R9!, {R0-R7} ; Store Handler Addresses
; Initialise EBI and execute Remap
LDR R12, AfterRemapAdr ; Get the Real Jump Address ADR R11, EBI_Table LDMIA R11, {R0-R10} ; Load EBI Data STMIA R10, {R0-R9} ; Store EBI Data with Remap BX R12 ; Jump and flush Pipeline
EBI_Table DCD EBI_CSR0_Val ; 分配地址空间给EBI_CSR0_Val,其开始地址标号的EBI_Table地址 DCD EBI_CSR1_Val ; 紧跟上面分配 DCD EBI_CSR2_Val DCD EBI_CSR3_Val DCD EBI_CSR4_Val DCD EBI_CSR5_Val DCD EBI_CSR6_Val DCD EBI_CSR7_Val DCD 0x00000001 ; Remap Command DCD EBI_MCR_Val DCD EBI_BASE
AfterRemapAdr DCD AfterRemap
; Initialise Interrupt System ; ...
; Setup Stack for each mode
LDR R0, =Stack_Top
; Enter Undefined Instruction Mode and set its Stack Pointer MSR CPSR_c, #Mode_UND:OR:I_Bit:OR:F_Bit MOV SP, R0 SUB R0, R0, #UND_Stack_Size
; Enter Abort Mode and set its Stack Pointer MSR CPSR_c, #Mode_ABT:OR:I_Bit:OR:F_Bit MOV SP, R0 SUB R0, R0, #ABT_Stack_Size
; Enter FIQ Mode and set its Stack Pointer MSR CPSR_c, #Mode_FIQ:OR:I_Bit:OR:F_Bit MOV SP, R0 SUB R0, R0, #FIQ_Stack_Size
; Enter IRQ Mode and set its Stack Pointer MSR CPSR_c, #Mode_IRQ:OR:I_Bit:OR:F_Bit MOV SP, R0 SUB R0, R0, #IRQ_Stack_Size
; Enter Supervisor Mode and set its Stack Pointer MSR CPSR_c, #Mode_SVC:OR:I_Bit:OR:F_Bit MOV SP, R0 SUB R0, R0, #SVC_Stack_Size
; Enter User Mode and set its Stack Pointer MSR CPSR_c, #Mode_USR IF :DEF:__MICROLIB
EXPORT __initial_sp
MOV SP, R0 SUB SL, SP, #USR_Stack_Size
; Enter the C code
IMPORT init_serial BL init_serial IMPORT init_time BL init_time
IMPORT __main LDR R0, =__main BX R0
IF :DEF:__MICROLIB EXPORT __heap_base EXPORT __heap_limit
ELSE ; User Initial Stack & Heap AREA |.text|, CODE, READONLY
IMPORT __use_two_region_memory EXPORT __user_initial_stackheap __user_initial_stackheap
LDR R0, = Heap_Mem LDR R1, =(Stack_Mem + USR_Stack_Size) LDR R2, = (Heap_Mem + Heap_Size) LDR R3, = Stack_Mem BX LR ENDIF
END 红色部分编译报警:
assembling Startup.s... compiling main.c... main.c(1671): warning: #550-D: variable "temp0" was set but never used linking... AT91R4008.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol init_serial (referred from startup.o). AT91R4008.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol init_time (referred from startup.o). Target not created