






External Medical and IT Power Supplies Meet Latest Energy Efficiency Standards [复制链接]

XP Power has announced the launch of the AEF and AFM series of external AC/DC power supply units. Designed for a wide range of IT and portable medical equipment, the units provide single outputs with power output between 100 - 150 watts. These highly efficient units, up to 94% for the AEF series, comply with the latest energy efficiency standards such as Energy Star Level V, EISA2007 and CEC2008 in the United States and the ErP Directive across Europe. These standards stipulate limits for average energy efficiency and the maximum no load power consumption, which is less than 0.5 Watts for both the AEF and AFM.  By using one of these new units, manufacturers of end systems will be able to ensure that their product meets the internationally recognised energy efficiency standards.


The AEF range offers 100, 120 and 150 W models with a single output covering the nominal voltages of +12, +19, +24 or +48 VDC and is available with either class I or class II construction. The AEF 150 W model also offers a +36 VDC output. The range meets the UL60950-1 / EN60950-1 safety specifications for IT, commercial and industrial equipment.

The AFM range is rated up to 120 Watts and provides a +12, +15, +18, + 24 or +48 VDC output. In addition to meeting the UL60950-1 / EN60950-1 safety approvals the units also comply with the UL60601-1 / EN60601-1 medical safety standards.

Both ranges meet UL55022 / EN55022, Class B for conducted and radiated emissions.

To help designers keep up to date with the changing energy efficiency legislation, XP Power provides a number of useful resources and information on their web site. This can be found here: http://www.xppower.com/page.php?pagename=Energy〈=EN

In addition, XP Power applications and support staff can assist customers in understanding the various "green" initiatives. To make contact with your local XP Power office or representative use the list of locations provided here: http://www.xppower.com/page.php?pagename=Offices〈=EN

The AEF/AFM series are available from Farnell or direct from XP Power. The units have a 3 year warranty.                                                                                                     


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