






Clean Technology Fuels MTC Transformers' Growth [复制链接]

MTC transformers  美国致力于本土市场的一家变压器厂家----低碳产业
MTC Transformers, a world-class provider of high-quality, precision-engineered transformers and rewind services, was recently honored with the Vanguard Award by the Virginia Chamber of Commerce for being the fastest-growing, privately held manufacturer in Virginia. MTC credits much of its success to targeting opportunities in the sustainability arena, specifically in the transportation sector, while maintaining its competitive edge as a domestic manufacturer.

According to Tom Hough, CEO and founder of MTC Transformers, "MTC Transformers has a long history of leadership. While other manufacturers were closing their doors or going overseas, we've grown our domestic manufacturing base an average of 28% per year since 1998."
MTC Transformers began its foray into clean tech applications with extensive work with mass transit on projects that include the DART light rail, LA Metro Blue Line and New York MTA East Side Access.  In manufacturing, MTC Transformers conserves natural resources by reusing materials and by customizing transformers for wind, solar, and hydro projects.  The company constantly seeks ways to mitigate the potential for environmental problems through new applications such as dry-type transformers, a sustainable substitute for the conventional oil-filled transformers.
MTC Transformers continues to capitalize on niche opportunities in the clean tech arena with its new, soon-to-spin-off subsidiary Evatran. Devoted to the development of innovative charging solutions for electric vehicles, Evatran is manufacturing the world's first "hands-free" proximity charging system for electric vehicles and extended-range hybrids. Plugless Power™ EVSE is based on the 100-year old principle of inductive charging.  Through Evatran, MTC Transformers is tapping new opportunities by applying proven technology to help overcome barriers that prevent innovations such as electric vehicles from going mainstream.
For more on MTC Transformers, visit www.mtctransformers.com.  
For details on Evatran, visit www.evatran.com.

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