求大佬解答,Xilinx 12.4 和modelsim联合仿真总是出现这样的错误是什么原因?我把modelsim版本从10.1换到10.4还是不行啊,有没有知道这是什么原因?
# ERROR:Compxlib:368 - Compxlib does not support mti_se version 6.3b or prior releases. Parsing through the path setting on your system we have identified that you are using mti_se '2014.12'.
# Please contact Mentor Graphics to upgrade to a supported simulator version. If the path setting is incorrect, please ensure that you are pointing to the latest version and re-invoke compxlib.
# The list of supported simulator versions are listed in the Simulation Chapter of the Synthesis and Simulation Design Guide on http://www.xilinx.com.
# Simulator 'mti_se' is ignored.