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Mitsubishi - New Products
Intelligent Power Modules with High Output Power (V1-Series)
Mitsubishi Electric has launched the new V1-Series as part of the IPM (Intelligent Power Module) line-up. V1-Series is a new intelligent power module which is mainly developed to increase the efficiency of motor drives and power supplies like DC/DC converters. The V1-Series IPM is focussing on applications in the two digit kW- class offering a respective line-up of 200A/300A/450A in 1200V and 400A/600A in 600V.

For this purpose several new technologies have been implemented such as a new full gate CSTBTTM chip and a newly developed dedicated control IC. The short circuit detection is realised by a Mirror Emitter technology. With this technology the stress during short circuit could be efficiently reduced, compared to a conventional desaturation detection method.
Chip technology and structure improvements reduce the effective junction temperature and increase the power and thermal cycling capability of this family of IPMs while keeping the mechanical compatibility with the previous 2 in1 V-Series IPMs. Compared to its predecessors of the V-Series the new V1-Series IPMs reduce power losses by approximately 20% as the collector-emitter saturation voltage of the new V1-Series is specified with just 1.85V @125°C.
Protection functions against short circuit (SC), control supply under voltage (UV) and over temperature (OT) are implemented. The OT sensor is part of the surface of the IGBT chip.
The new V1-Series IPM is available for design-in activities.

Intelligent Power Modules for Solar Inverters
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation is introducing its new “PV Series” of intelligent power modules (IPMs), which is mainly intended for use in residential photovoltaic (PV) inverters. The six different modules which are also well-suited for inverters in fuel cell systems, are integrated in packages with a footprint of just 90mm x 50mm.

Compared to Mitsubishi Electric's current PV series IPMs, which were launched already in 2005 these new modules require 30% less board space. Therefore, the new PV IPMs from Mitsubishi Electric provide a significant contribution to making PV inverters smaller.
Six New PV IPMs
In order to suit the various types of IPMs needed in PV inverters Mitsubishi Electric has developed six different modules within its new PV IPM series. This means that the new devices are well-suited for single-output inverters without chopper or with one or two choppers.
All the devices are rated for a collector-emitter voltage of 600V with a collector-emitter saturation voltage of VCE(sat) = 1.9V (typ.) @ Tj = 25°C and a FWDi forward voltage of Vf = 1.7V @ Tj = 25°C. While the models PM50B4L1C060 (inverter part only), PM50B5L1C060 (+ 1 chopper) and PM50B6L1C060 (+ 2 choppers) are specified for collector currents of 50A, the models PM75B4L1C060 (inverter part only), PM75B5L1C060 (+ 1 chopper) and PM75B6L1C060 (+ 2 choppers) are specified for collector currents of 75A. All IPMs are protected against short circuit, undervoltage and overtemperature.
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