






Vishay - Power Components for SMPS, Wind Turbines, Electricity Meters [复制链接]

Vishay - Power Components for SMPS, Wind Turbines, Electricity Meters
Vishay Intertechnology, Inc. highlighted its latest power capacitors, inductors, and diodes for high-current power converters, wind turbines, electricity meters, and many other applications at PCIM Europe 2010. Product highlights included Vishay Dale IHLP® inductors and shunt resistors for current sensing, Vishay ESTA power capacitors, and Vishay Semiconductors PowerBridge™ rectifiers and Trench MOS Barrier Schottky (TMBS®) diodes.
Vishay Dale IHLP-6767DZ-01 inductor: This low-profile, high-current inductor in the 6767 case size features an ultra-low 4.0-mm profile, saturation currents up to 92 A, and standard inductance values from 0.22 through 10.0 microhenries. With a frequency range up to 2.0 MHz, the new IHLP-6767DZ-01 serves as a high-performing, space- and power-saving solution for voltage regulator module (VRM) and dc-to-dc applications in a wide range of end products.
Vishay Dale WSMS and WSBS Power Metal Strip® shunt resistors: With resistance values ranging from 0.00002 ohms to 0.001 ohms and maximum current ratings up to 1000 A, these high-current devices are suited for applications such as battery monitoring and charge/discharge cycle control, as well as for current measurement in industrial and home digital electricity meters.
Vishay ESTA HDMKP and EMKP high-current capacitors: The new HDMKP power capacitors support currents of up to 120 A and are ideally suited for power electronics applications such as industrial and traction converters, as well as converters for wind power installations, where they provide a higher than normal reliability and a lifetime expectancy of more than 100,000 operating hours (at rated voltage and hot spots below 70 deg. C). The new EMKP power capacitors have been designed for DC and AC applications with non-sinusoidal currents and voltages. Among their specific benefits are extremely low losses at higher frequencies, ESR values down to fewer than 4 milliohms, maximum currents of up to 80 A, as well as high resilience under pulse loads and switching loads. The power capacitors are shock- and vibration-resistant and are extremely reliable, providing an operating life of more than 180,000 hours / 100 FIT. Available voltage ratings range from 400 V to 2400 V.
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