本帖最后由 yangjiaxu 于 2018-12-24 00:26 编辑
- int main()
- {
- /* Start the SW_Tx_UART Component */
- [color=#ff0000] [b]SW_Tx_UART_Start();[/b][/color]
- /*Used as loop counter and widget ID*/
- uint8 widgetID = 0;
- /*Contains the buttons status, one bit per button
- bit0= BTN0 status, bit1 = BTN1 status, bit2 = BTN2 status*/
- uint8 buttonStatus = 0;
- #endif
- /* Variable to hold the current device state
- * State machine starts with Sensor_Scan state after power-up
- */
- /* Enable global interrupts. */
- CyGlobalIntEnable;
- /* Start EZI2C block */
- EZI2C_Start();
- /* Start CapSense block */
- CapSense_Start();
- /* Start the TCPWM components, TCPWM1 generates PWM signal of frequency of 100 Hz
- TCPWM2 generates PWM signal of frequency of 101 Hz*/
- TCPWM_1_Start();
- TCPWM_2_Start();
- /* Start the SmartIO component, the two PWM signals are XORed to get the
- LED breathing effect of 1 Hz*/
- SmartIO_Start();
- /* Set up I2C communication data buffer with CapSense data structure
- to be exposed to I2C master on a primary slave address request
- */
- EZI2C_EzI2CSetBuffer1(sizeof(CapSense_dsRam),\
- sizeof(CapSense_dsRam),(uint8 *)&CapSense_dsRam);
- #else
- /*Set up communication data buffer with CapSense slider centroid
- position and button status to be exposed to EZ-BLE Module on CY8CKIT-149 PSoC 4100S Plus Prototyping Kit*/
- EZI2C_EzI2CSetBuffer1(sizeof(i2cBuffer), sizeof(i2cBuffer),i2cBuffer);
- #endif
- for(;;)
- {
- [color=#ff0000] [b] SW_Tx_UART_PutString("Software Transmit UART");
- SW_Tx_UART_PutString(" Component demo");
- SW_Tx_UART_PutCRLF();[/b][/color] /* Switch between SENSOR_SCAN->WAIT_FOR_SCAN_COMPLETE->PROCESS_DATA states */
- switch(currentState)
- {
- /* Initiate new scan only if the CapSense block is idle */
- if(CapSense_NOT_BUSY == CapSense_IsBusy())
- {
- /* Update CapSense parameters set via CapSense tuner before the
- beginning of CapSense scan
- */
- CapSense_RunTuner();
- #endif
- /* Scan widget configured by CSDSetupWidget API */
- CapSense_ScanAllWidgets();
- /* Set next state to WAIT_FOR_SCAN_COMPLETE */
- currentState = WAIT_FOR_SCAN_COMPLETE;
- }
- break;
- /* Put the device to CPU Sleep until CapSense scanning is complete*/
- if(CapSense_NOT_BUSY != CapSense_IsBusy())
- {
- CySysPmSleep();
- }
- /* If CapSense scanning is complete, process the CapSense data */
- else
- {
- currentState = PROCESS_DATA;
- }
- break;
- /* Process data on all the enabled widgets */
- CapSense_ProcessAllWidgets();
- /* Controls LEDs Status based on the result of Widget processing. */
- LED_Control();
- /*If tuner is not enabled expose the CapSense slider centroid position and button status to
- EZ-BLE Module on CY8CKIT-149 PSoC 4100S Plus Prototyping Kit via I2C interface*/
- /*Update the I2C buffer with slider centroid position*/
- i2cBuffer[SLIDER_CENTROID_INDEX] = (uint8) CapSense_GetCentroidPos(CapSense_SLD_WDGT_ID);
- /*Calculate the button status mask and update the I2C buffer
- bit0= BTN0 status, bit1 = BTN1 status, bit2 = BTN2 status*/
- for(widgetID = 0; widgetID < TOTAL_CAPSENSE_BUTTONS ; widgetID++)
- {
- if(CapSense_IsWidgetActive(widgetID))
- {
- SET_BIT(buttonStatus, widgetID);
- }
- else
- {
- CLEAR_BIT(buttonStatus, widgetID);
- }
- }
- i2cBuffer[BUTTON_STATUS_INDEX1] = buttonStatus;
- #endif
- /* Set the device state to SENSOR_SCAN */
- currentState = SENSOR_SCAN;
- break;
- /*******************************************************************
- * Unknown power mode state. Unexpected situation.
- ******************************************************************/
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- }