- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- * Atmel Corporation
- *
- * File : main.c
- * Compiler : IAR EWAAVR 2.28a/3.10c
- * Revision : $Revision: 2516 $
- * Date : $Date: 2007-09-27 10:41:15 +0200 (to, 27 sep 2007) $
- * Updated by : $Author: mlarsson $
- *
- * Support mail : avr@atmel.com
- *
- * Supported devices : All devices with a TWI module the has a slave address mask
- * register. The example is written for the ATmega48.
- *
- * AppNote : AVR311 - TWI Slave Implementation
- *
- * Description : Example of how to use the driver for TWI slave
- * communication. This version utilises the address mask register
- * to enable response on several TWI slave addresses.
- *
- ****************************************************************************/
- /*! \page MISRA
- *
- * General disabling of MISRA rules:
- * * (MISRA C rule 1) compiler is configured to allow extensions
- * * (MISRA C rule 111) bit fields shall only be defined to be of type unsigned int or signed int
- * * (MISRA C rule 37) bitwise operations shall not be performed on signed integer types
- * As it does not work well with 8bit architecture and/or IAR
- * Other disabled MISRA rules
- * * (MISRA C rule 109) use of union - overlapping storage shall not be used
- * * (MISRA C rule 61) every non-empty case clause in a switch statement shall be terminated with a break statement
- */
- #include
- #include
- #include "TWI_Slave.h"
- // Sample TWI transmission commands
- #define TWI_CMD_MASTER_WRITE 0x10
- #define TWI_CMD_MASTER_READ 0x20
- // The AVR can be waken up by a TWI address match from all sleep modes,
- // But it only wakes up from other TWI interrupts when in idle mode.
- // If POWER_MANAGEMENT_ENABLED is defined the device will enter power-down
- // mode when waiting for a new command and enter idle mode when waiting
- // for TWI receives and transmits to finish.
- // When there has been an error, this function is run and takes care of it
- unsigned char TWI_Act_On_Failure_In_Last_Transmission ( unsigned char TWIerrorMsg );
- void main( void )
- {
- unsigned char messageBuf[TWI_BUFFER_SIZE];
- unsigned char TWI_slaveAddress, TWI_slaveAddress2, TWI_slaveAddressMask;
- // LED feedback port - connect port B to the STK500 LEDS
- DDRB = 0xFF; // Set to ouput
- PORTB = 0x55; // Startup pattern
- // Own TWI slave address
- TWI_slaveAddress = (0x10<
- TWI_slaveAddress2 = (0x11<
- TWI_slaveAddressMask = TWI_slaveAddress ^ TWI_slaveAddress2; // XOR the addresses to get the address mask.
- // Initialise TWI module for slave operation. Include address and/or enable General Call.
- TWI_Slave_Initialise( (unsigned char)(TWI_slaveAddress | (TRUE<
- __enable_interrupt();
- // Start the TWI transceiver to enable reseption of the first command from the TWI Master.
- TWI_Start_Transceiver();
- // This example is made to work together with the AVR315 TWI Master application note. In adition to connecting the TWI
- // pins, also connect PORTB to the LEDS. The code reads a message as a TWI slave and acts according to if it is a
- // general call, or an address call. If it is an address call, then the first byte is considered a command byte and
- // it then responds differently according to the commands.
- // This loop runs forever. If the TWI is busy the execution will just continue doing other operations.
- for(;;)
- {
- // Sleep while waiting for TWI transceiver to complete or waiting for new commands.
- // If we have data in the buffer, we can't enter sleep because we have to take care
- // of it first.
- // If the transceiver is busy, we enter idle mode because it will wake up by all TWI
- // interrupts.
- // If the transceiver not is busy, we can enter power-down mode because next receive
- // should be a TWI address match and it wakes the device up from all sleep modes.
- if( ! TWI_statusReg.RxDataInBuf ) {
- if(TWI_Transceiver_Busy()) {
- MCUCR = (1<
- } else {
- MCUCR = (1<
- }
- __sleep();
- } else {
- __no_operation(); // There is data in the buffer, code below takes care of it.
- }
- #else // No power management
- // Here you can add your own code that should be run while waiting for the TWI to finish
- __no_operation(); // Put own code here.
- #endif
- // Check if the TWI Transceiver has completed an operation.
- if ( ! TWI_Transceiver_Busy() )
- {
- // Check if the last operation was successful
- if ( TWI_statusReg.lastTransOK )
- {
- // Check if the last operation was a reception
- if ( TWI_statusReg.RxDataInBuf )
- {
- TWI_Get_Data_From_Transceiver(messageBuf, 2);
- // Check if the last operation was a reception as General Call
- if ( TWI_statusReg.genAddressCall )
- {
- // Put data received out to PORTB as an example.
- PORTB = messageBuf[0];
- }
- else // Ends up here if the last operation was a reception as Slave Address Match
- {
- // Example of how to interpret a command and respond.
- // TWI_CMD_MASTER_WRITE stores the data to PORTB
- if (messageBuf[0] == TWI_CMD_MASTER_WRITE)
- {
- PORTB = messageBuf[1];
- }
- // TWI_CMD_MASTER_READ prepares the data from PINB in the transceiver buffer for the TWI master to fetch.
- if (messageBuf[0] == TWI_CMD_MASTER_READ)
- {
- messageBuf[0] = PINB;
- TWI_Start_Transceiver_With_Data( messageBuf, 1 );
- }
- }
- }
- else // Ends up here if the last operation was a transmission
- {
- __no_operation(); // Put own code here.
- }
- // Check if the TWI Transceiver has already been started.
- // If not then restart it to prepare it for new receptions.
- if ( ! TWI_Transceiver_Busy() )
- {
- TWI_Start_Transceiver();
- }
- }
- else // Ends up here if the last operation completed unsuccessfully
- {
- TWI_Act_On_Failure_In_Last_Transmission( TWI_Get_State_Info() );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- unsigned char TWI_Act_On_Failure_In_Last_Transmission ( unsigned char TWIerrorMsg )
- {
- // A failure has occurred, use TWIerrorMsg to determine the nature of the failure
- // and take appropriate actions.
- // Se header file for a list of possible failures messages.
- // This very simple example puts the error code on PORTB and restarts the transceiver with
- // all the same data in the transmission buffers.
- PORTB = TWIerrorMsg;
- TWI_Start_Transceiver();
- return TWIerrorMsg;
- }
- /*
- // A simplified example.
- // This will store data received on PORTB, and increment it before sending it back.
- TWI_Start_Transceiver( );
- for(;;)
- {
- if ( ! TWI_Transceiver_Busy() )
- {
- if ( TWI_statusReg.RxDataInBuf )
- {
- TWI_Get_Data_From_Transceiver(&temp, 1);
- PORTB = temp;
- }
- temp = PORTB + 1;
- TWI_Start_Transceiver_With_Data(&temp, 1);
- }
- __no_operation(); // Do something else while waiting
- }
- }
- */