A flag to another clock domainIf the signal that needs to cross the clock domains is just a pulse (i.e. it lasts just one clock cycle), we call it a "flag". The previous design usually doesn't work (the flag might be missed, or be seen for too long, depending on the ratio of the clocks used).
We still want to use a synchronizer, but one that works for flags.
The trick is to transform the flags into level changes, and then use the two flip-flops technique.
module Flag_CrossDomain( clkA, FlagIn_clkA, clkB, FlagOut_clkB);// clkA domain signalsinput clkA, FlagIn_clkA;// clkB domain signalsinput clkB;output FlagOut_clkB;reg FlagToggle_clkA;reg [2:0] SyncA_clkB;// this changes level when a flag is seenalways @(posedge clkA) if(FlagIn_clkA) FlagToggle_clkA <= ~FlagToggle_clkA;// which can then be sync-ed to clkBalways @(posedge clkB) SyncA_clkB <= {SyncA_clkB[1:0], FlagToggle_clkA};// and recreate the flag from the level changeassign FlagOut_clkB = (SyncA_clkB[2] ^ SyncA_clkB[1]);endmodule
Now if you want the clkA domain to receive an acknowledgment (that clkB received the flag), add a busy signal.