






转发我们的热招的职位(资深设计engineer/manager)-有兴趣的进来看下!! [复制链接]

Headquartered in Sunnyvale, California, Silicon Storage Technology, Inc (SST) was founded in 1989 and got listed on the NASDAQ in 1995. SST designs, manufactures and markets a diversified range of memory and non-memory products for high volume applications in the digital consumer, networking, wireless communications and Internet computing markets. SST is a leading provider of nonvolatile memory solutions with product families that include various densities of high functionality flash memory components and flash mass storage products and 8-bit microcontrollers with on-chip flash memory. SST also offers its patentedSuperFlash® technology for embedded applications through its world-class manufacturing partners and technology licensees IBM, Motorola, National Semiconductor, NEC Corporation, Oki Electric Industry Co. Ltd., Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., SANYO Electric Co., Ltd., Seiko Epson Corp.
SST China Ltd is a wholly owned foreign enterprise (WOFE) of SST. We are rapidly expanding our business activities in 2007. We are looking for talented, knowledgeable, wise, spirited, and bright people in the areas of integrated circuits design, memory and embedded flash product engineering, business development, marketing, accounting, and human resources to execute our vision quickly.
Further information on SST can be found on the company's Web site at http://www.sst.com.

简历请投递至: hrchina@sst.com  请在主题中注明应聘职位以及信息来源,谢谢!!


1.Job title: Manager /Senior Manager, Design Engineering
     Location: Shanghai, China

Job Description and Responsibilities:
-The engineering manager we are looking for will be responsible for a team doing Flash Memory design and development. Your team will develop new designs that will serve as our technology transitions to the next generation flash memory. You & the team will be looked to as a central knowledge resource that provides technical directions to other engineers.
-In this position, you will manage other engineers developing flash memory products. You will also be responsible for hands-on design work when needed.
You will be manage projects & people responsible for performing flash memory design, analysis, integration and verification from product definition and planning through production and release.

-You will also be responsible ensuring your team delivers high quality designs through development, qualification, solving production application issues, chip planning, simulations, mask tape-out and characterization. You may work closely with managers of layout designers.

Competency requirements:
-Knowledge of non-volatile memory, analog design, logic design, noise analysis, low power/leakage, high-speed memory design.
Tools used may include HSPICE/HSIM, Cadence Design Entry, IC layout tools, or other equivalent tools.
-Knowledge of circuit design, product characterization, semi-conductor device physics, custom layout, CAD and tape-out flow. Must be an expert in developing high quality Flash memories including but not limited to charge pumps, regulators, sensing, and high voltage management.
-Experience with SLC and MLC memory design preferred. An innovative and motivated individual to deliver high quality products with minimal revisions is a must.
-Very effective communication skills along with ability to manage projects motivate technical talent, coach engineers to solve problems and create teamwork within the team and with other teams.
Includes cost controls, finding simple & elegant solutions, maintaining focus and being accountable for team results.

Education and experience
-This position requires a BS; MS EE or Ph.D. EE preferred.
5+ yrs of work experience working with Flash memory technologies.
3+ years of people management experience.

2.Job title: Senior/Staff/Senior Staff Design Engineer

Location: Shanghai, China

Job Description and Responsibilities:
-The engineer we are looking for will be responsible for Flash Memory design and development.
-In this role you will develop new designs that will serve as our technology transitions to the next generation flash memory. You will be looked to as a central knowledge resource and provide technical directions to other engineers.
-In this position, you will develop flash memory products. You will be responsible for performing flash memory design, analysis, integration and verification from product definition and planning through production and release. You will also be responsible for design development, qualification, production application issues, chip planning, simulations, mask tape-out and characterization. You will work closely with layout designers.

Competency requirements:
-Knowledge of non-volatile memory, analog design, logic design, noise analysis, low power/leakage, high-speed memory design.
-Tools used may include HSPICE/HSIM, Cadence Design Entry, IC layout tools, or other equivalent tools.
-Knowledge of circuit design, product characterization, semi-conductor device physics, custom layout, CAD and tape-out flow. Must be an expert in developing high quality Flash memories including but not limited to charge pumps, regulators, sensing, and high voltage management.
-Experience of in SLC and MLC memory design is preferred.
We are looing for innovative and motivated individuals to deliver high quality products that need minimal revisions.

Education and experience
-This position requires a BS; MS EE or Ph.D. EE preferred.
5+ yrs of work experience with Flash memory technologies.
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