Error connecting to the target:
Error 0x80000240/-114
Fatal Error during: Initialization, OCS,
This error was generated by TI's USCIF driver.
The controller's commands are taking too long to complete.
This often implies one of the following errors:
1. The cable is disconnected near the controller.
2. The cable is disconnected near the target.
3. The JTAG clock has halted.
4. The target power has failed.
5. The controller is in an invalid state and should be reset.
Sequence ID: 0
Error Code: -114
Error Class: 0x80000240
I/O Port = 240
Board Name: F2812 TDS510USB Emulator - WintechDigital
Cpu Name: CPU_1
Abort: Close Code Composer Studio.
Retry: Try to connect to the target again.
Cancel: Remain disconnected from the target
Diagnostic: Run diagnostic utility.
Error connecting to the target:
Error 0x80000200/-1037
Fatal Error during: OCS,
PTI_ERR_EMU_CLOSE Error Occured at 0x00000000
Sequence ID: 0
Error Code: -1037
Error Class: 0x80000200
I/O Port = 240
Board Name: F2812 TDS510USB Emulator - WintechDigital
Cpu Name: CPU_1
Abort: Close Code Composer Studio.
Retry: Try to connect to the target again.
Cancel: Remain disconnected from the target
Diagnostic: Run diagnostic utility.
在CCS的DEBUG菜单中选择—>Reset Emulator,出现如下警告:
Warning: Could not open controller. Sequence ID: 0 Error Code: 0 Error Class: 0x00000000
Failed Software Reset:
Error 0x00001020/-1031
Error during: Execution, Target,
Device driver: Problem with the Emulation Controller.
It is recommended to RESET EMULATOR. This will disconnect each
target from the emulator. The targets should then be power cycled
or hard reset followed by an emureset and reconnect to each target.
Sequence ID: 17
Error Code: -1031
Error Class: 0x00001020
再次选择Reset Emulator,不再出现上述警告,复位成功,再次连接,连接成功。
查看CLKOUT 引脚,看是否有脉冲输出。
CCS3.3连接不上Wintech TDS510 JTAG 仿真器
Wintech TDS510 JTAG Emulator 驱动安装正确,但在css3.3 connect时报如下错误:
rror connecting to the target:
Error 0x80000240/-604
Fatal Error during: Initialization, OCS,
This error was generated by TI's USCIFdriver.
A required dynamic library could not beinstalled.
The attempt to load or install the libraryfailed.
I/O Port = 240
Board Name: C64xx XDS510 Emulator
Cpu Name: CPU_1
Abort: CloseCode Composer Studio.
Retry: Tryto connect to the target again.
Cancel: Remaindisconnected from the target
Diagnostic: Rundiagnostic utility.