ADP1046A LLC Resonant Converter withSynchronous RectificationThis application note consists of the ADP1046A in anisolated DC/DC switching power supply that is LLC resonant topology withsynchronous rectification. The circuit is designed to provide a rated outputload of 12V/50A from a nominal input voltage of 400VDC.
ADP1046A Wide Input Range, Full BridgePhase Shifted Topology This application note consists of theADP1046A in a DC/DC switching power supply in a full bridge phase shiftedtopology with synchronous rectification. This is a wide input range, wide ZVSrange (Zero Voltage Switching) converter designed to provide a rated load of48V/12.5A from an nominal input voltage source of 385VDC.
ADP1048 Bridgeless PFC Evaluation Kit This evaluation board features the ADP1048in a switching power supply application. With the evaluation board andsoftware, the ADP1048 can be interfaced to a PC via the computer's USB port.The software allows control and monitoring of the ADP1048 internal registers.
ADP1046A 100 W评估套件 此评估板在DC-DC开关电源中集成ADP1046A,采用全桥拓扑,具有同步整流功能。此电路设计提供12V/8A的额定负载,输入电压源为36V至60V直流。
ADP1046A 300W Quarter Brick Module This application note consists of theADP1046A in a typical DC/DC switching power supply in a full bridge topologywith synchronous rectification. The circuit is designed to provide a rated loadof 12V/25A from an input voltage source of 42V to 60VDC. The ADP1046 is used toprovide functions such as the output voltage regulation, output over voltageand current protection, primary cycle by cycle protection, and over temperatureprotection.
ADP1850: 12.0 Vin, 8 Outputs at 2A to 8A [PRD1366] Proven design for powering Xilinx7 series devices. Meets tolerance and sequencing guidelines set by Xilinx. UsesADP1850 dual output synchronous buck controller.
ADP1047 300 Watt Evaluation Kit This evaluation board features the ADP1047in a switching power supply application. With the evaluation board andsoftware, the ADP1047 can be interfaced to a PC via the computer's USB port.The software allows control and monitoring of the ADP1047 internal registers.
ADP1613 50mA Iout SEPIC-Cuk Cascoded coupled SEPIC-Cuk converterproducing clean ± 9 V rails from a 12V input.
ADP1823, ADP2106, ADP1821 Reference Design Six Output Voltages: 1.2 V, 1.8 V, 2.5 V,3.3 V, 5 V, 12 V; Output Current: 1 A to 4.5 A; Input voltage: 14.4-20.0 V;Ripple 2% ppk of Output Voltage; Transient step ±5%, 50% max load
ADP1864 & ADP1611 Reference Design Input Voltage 5V ± 5%; Generates twovoltages: An adjustable negative voltage that tracks an adjustable positivevoltage; Output Voltage: -7V to -12V and +7 to +12V; Single resistor valuechange for each supply will adjust the output voltages; Both Voltages capableof providing 150mA of output current
ADP1829 & ADP1864 Reference Design Three Output Voltages: 1.24 V, 3.3 V, 5 V;Output Current: 2 A to 4 A; Input voltage: 10.8-13.2 V; Ripple 2% ppk of OutputVoltage; Transient step ±5%, 50% max load
ADP1829 Reference Design Two Output Voltages: 3.3 V, 1.0 V; OutputCurrent: 3.0 A, 8.0 A; Input voltage: 10.8 V – 13.2 V; Ripple 2% ppk of OutputVoltage; Transient step ±5%, 50% max load
ADP1829, ADP210x, ADP171x Reference Design Seven Output Voltages: 5.0 V, 3.6 V, 3.3 V,2.5 V, 1.8 V, 1.2 V, 0.9 V; Output Current: 0.002 A to 3.0 A; Input voltage:10.8-13.2 V; Ripple 2% ppk of Output Voltage; Transient step ±5%, 50% max load
ADP1829 and ADP1715 Reference Design Five Output Voltages: 5.0 V, 3.3 V, 3.3 Vlow noise, 2.5 V, 1.3 V; Output Current: 0.005 A to 1.65 A; Input voltage: 8-16V; Ripple 2% ppk of Output Voltage; Transient step ±5%, 50% max load
ADP1829, ADP210x and ADP171x ReferenceDesign Seven Output Voltages: 3.6 V, 3.3 V,3.3l V2.5 V, 1.8 V, 1.25 V, 0.9 V; Output Current: 0.002 A to 3.0 A; Input voltage:10.8-13.2 V; Ripple 2% ppk of Output Voltage; Transient step ±5%, 50% max load
ADP1829 Reference Design Five Output Voltages: 1.0V, 1.8V, 3.3V x 2,5V; Output Current: 0.7A to 2.8A; Input voltage: 9-12V; Ripple 2% ppk of OutputVoltage; Transient step ±5%, 50% max load
ADP1829 Reference Design Four Output Voltages: 7.0 V, 3.3 V, 1.8 V,1.2 V; Output Current: 1.6 A to 12.6 A; Input voltage: 19-21 V; Ripple 2% ppkof Output Voltage; Transient step ±5%, 50% max load
ADP1821 Reference Design Two Output Voltages: 1.5 V, 1.2 V; OutputCurrent: each 20 A; Input voltage: 12 V; DC plus Ripple <±2% of OutputVoltage; Transient step ±5%, 50% max load
ADP1829 & ADP1821 Reference Design Five Output Voltages: 1.2 V, 1.8 V, 3.3 V,5 V, 12 V; Output Current: 1 A to 4.5 A; Input voltage: 15.2-16.8 V; Ripple 50mV ppk; Transient step ±5%, 50% max load
ADP1613 50mA Iout SEPIC-Cuk Cascoded coupled SEPIC-Cuk converterproducing clean ± 9 V rails from a 12V input.
ADP1829 Reference Design Two Output Voltages: 5.0 V, 3.3 V; OutputCurrent: 3 A; Input voltage: 8.0-16.0 V; Ripple 2% ppk of Output Voltage;Transient step ±5%, 50% max load
ADP1829 Reference Design Two Output Voltages: 5.0 V, 3.3 V; OutputCurrent: 3 A; Input voltage: 8.0-16.0 V; Ripple 2% ppk of Output Voltage;Transient step ±5%, 50% max load
ADP1821 Reference Design Single Output Voltage: 5.0 V; OutputCurrent: 1.4 A; Input voltage: 9 V to 20 V; Ripple <1% ppk of OutputVoltage; Transient step ±5%, 50% max load
ADP1821 Reference Design One Output Voltage: 5 V; Output Current: 4A; Input voltage: 12.0-44.0 V; Ripple 2% ppk of Output Voltage; Transient step±5%, 50% max load
Precision Switchable Vout Regulator for OTPApplications Output Voltage Switchable between 2.5V 2%and 7.0V 1%; Output Current: 0 to 50 mA; Input voltage: 3.2 V to 5.25V; Ripple2% ppk of Output Voltage
ADP1829 Reference Design Two Output Voltages: 5.0 V, 3.3 V; OutputCurrent: 1.5 A, 2.6 A; Input voltage: 10.8 V-13.2 V; Ripple 12 mV ppk;Transient step ±5%, 50% max load
ADP1828 Low Voltage DC-DC Switching Power Input Voltage Range: 10.8 V – 13.2 V;Output Voltage: 2.5 V; Output Current: 4 A; Single sided 1” x1” PCB
ADP1828 Vin 2.25-2.75 Vout 1V @ 12 A Input Voltage Range: 2.25 V – 2.75 V;Output Voltage: 1 V; Output Current: 12 A; Ripple 20 mV ppk; Transient step±5%, 50% max load
ADP1828 Three Output Voltages Three Output Voltages: 3.3 V, 2.5 V, 1.25V; Output Current: 2.2 A, 3.9 A, 12.7 A; Input Voltage Range: 10.8 V – 13.2 V;Ripple 1-2% ppk of Output Voltage; Transient step ±3%, 25% max load
ADP1877 Vin 10.8-13.2V Vout 1.2, 1.8, 3.3,5V Four Output Voltages: 1.2 V, 1.8 V, 3.3 V,5 V; Output Current: 1 A to 3.5 A; Ripple 50 mV ppk; Transient step ±5%, 50%max load
ADP1621 ±15V Dual-Output SEPIC-CukADP162128V Boost
Iout of at least 0.5 amps (will do more).Simulation results showing stability and transient response.
ADP1877 Reference Design
Input 10.8 V to 13.2 V. The outputvoltages: VOUT1 = 1.2 V 2 A, VOUT2 = 1.8 V 1.8 A, VOUT3 = 3.3 V 1 A, VOUT4 =5.0 V 2.2 A
ADP1613 Isolated Flyback Converter; Input+30 -30 - 60V input isolated flyback converterwith a "cascode" MOSFET. It uses primary side regulation to avoid thepower consumption of a feedback optocoupler.
ADP2301 Reference Design 4.5 V to 5.5 V for the input voltage.Single Inverting Output: -5 V
ADP5520 LED Driver The ADP5520 demo board drives up to 6 LEDsin series and a RGB LED. The toggle switch S1 specifies one of two modes ofoperations for the demo board on GPIO (PC0) of a micro controller.
ADP1613 SEPIC Converter Vin 30-60 Vout 3.3V150mA Cascode SEPIC converter which produces 3.3Voutput at 0 - 150 mA.
ADP2504 Reference Design PRD uses 3.0 V to 4.2 V for the inputvoltage. Design criteria are for small size and low cost. The switchingfrequency is fixed at 2.5 MHz. The output is current limited to 600mA +/-10%and remains in constant current for Vout down to 2.5 V.
ADP1613 3.3 Vin, 200 Vout at 2 mA This design uses a boost converter withquadrupler charge pump. It utilizes an innovative 4 stage charge pump toincrease the output voltage of the boost stage by a factor of 4.
PRD1205: Quasi-Isolated Flyback This is a 10V - 14 input isolated flybackconverter which uses the ADP1621 controller and an AD8691 operationalamplifier. The target application of this converter is for powering a portablemedia player from the accessory power outlet of an automobile.
PRD1209: ±10 Vout from 24 Vin at 100 mA A SEPIC-Cuk converter used to create a dualrail output from a single input voltage.
PRD1211: 5.0 Vin, 200 Vout at 2mA A boost converter with quadrupler chargepump. It utilizes an innovative 4 stage charge pump to increase the output voltageof the boost stage by a factor of 4. This enable us to use a very inexpensiveintegrated FET boost controller. The power draw was tested at 33 mA with noload.
PRD1210: ±15 Vout from 24 Vin at 80 mA A SEPIC-Cuk converter is used to create adual rail output from a single input voltage.
ADP1043A Full Bridge Evaluates ADP1043A using Full BridgeTopology. The ADP1043A acts as an isolated switching power supply, outputting a12V/25A DC voltage from a 38 to 72VDC input.
ADP1043A Two Stage Buck + Full Bridge Evaluates ADP1043A using Two Stage Buck andFull Bridge Topology. The ADP1043A acts as an isolated switching power supply,outputting a 28V/14A DC voltage from a -36 to -60VDC input.
ADP1043A Forward Active Clamp Evaluates ADP1043A using Forward ActiveClamp Topology. The ADP1043A is a secondary side power supply controller ICdesigned to provide all the functions that are typically needed in an AC-DC orisolated DC-DC application.
ADP1043A 100 Watt Evaluation Kit This evaluation board features the ADP1043Ain a switching power supply application. With the evaluation board andsoftware, the ADP1043A can be interfaced to a PC via the computer's USB port.The software allows control and monitoring of the ADP1043A internal registers.
ADP1043A Daughter Card Evaluation Board The daughter card evaluation board allowsthe ADP1043A to be quickly evaluated in any existing switching power supplyapplication. Using the daughter card and its accompanying software, the IC canbe interfaced to any PC running Windows 2000/NT/XP/Vista via the computers USBport.