上传个简单的视频: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjg2NjM0NjgzNg==.html?spm=a2h3j.8428770.3416059.1
- // Initialize ePWM1/2/3/4/5/6
- SysCtrlRegs.PCLKCR0.bit.TBCLKSYNC = 0; // Enable TBCLK within the ePWM
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Epwm1
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //Time-Base Period Register (TBPRD) Field Descriptions
- EPwm1Regs.TBPRD = KSwPrdCnst;
- EPwm1Regs.CMPA.half.CMPA = (KSwPrdCnst >> 1); // set duty 50% initially
- //These bits set time-base counter phase of the selected ePWM relative to the time-base that is
- //supplying the synchronization input signal.
- // · If TBCTL[PHSEN] = 0, then the synchronization event is ignored and the time-base counter is
- // not loaded with the phase.
- // · If TBCTL[PHSEN] = 1, then the time-base counter (TBCTR) will be loaded with the phase
- // (TBPHS) when a synchronization event occurs. The synchronization event can be initiated by
- // the input synchronization signal (EPWMxSYNCI) or by a software forced synchronization.
- EPwm1Regs.TBPHS.all = 0;
- //Time-Base Counter Register (TBCTR) Field Descriptions
- EPwm1Regs.TBCTR = 0;
- //Counter Mode
- //The time-base counter mode is normally configured once and not changed during normal operation.
- //If you change the mode of the counter, the change will take effect at the next TBCLK edge and the
- //current counter value shall increment or decrement from the value before the mode change.
- //These bits set the time-base counter mode of operation as follows:
- // 00 Up-count mode
- // 01 Down-count mode
- // 10 Up-down-count mode
- // 11 Stop-freeze counter operation (default on reset)
- EPwm1Regs.TBCTL.bit.CTRMODE = TB_COUNT_UPDOWN; //Symmetrical mode.
- //Counter Register Load From Phase Register Enable
- // 0 Do not load the time-base counter (TBCTR) from the time-base phase register (TBPHS)
- // 1 Load the time-base counter with the phase register when an EPWMxSYNCI input signal occurs or
- // when a software synchronization is forced by the SWFSYNC bit
- EPwm1Regs.TBCTL.bit.PHSEN = TB_DISABLE; //Mater module.
- //Active Period Register Load From Shadow Register Select
- // 0 The period register (TBPRD) is loaded from its shadow register when the time-base counter,
- // TBCTR, is equal to zero. A write or read to the TBPRD register accesses the shadow register.
- // 1 Load the TBPRD register immediately without using a shadow register.
- // A write or read to the TBPRD register directly accesses the active register.
- EPwm1Regs.TBCTL.bit.PRDLD = TB_SHADOW; // Load PRD at zero point.
- //Synchronization Output Select. These bits select the source of the EPWMxSYNCO signal.
- // 00 EPWMxSYNC:
- // 01 CTR = zero: Time-base counter equal to zero (TBCTR = 0x0000)
- // 10 CTR = CMPB : Time-base counter equal to counter-compare B (TBCTR = CMPB)
- // 11 Disable EPWMxSYNCO signal
- EPwm1Regs.TBCTL.bit.SYNCOSEL = TB_CTR_ZERO; //Sync down-stream module.
- //High Speed Time-base Clock Prescale Bits
- //These bits determine part of the time-base clock prescale value.
- //This divisor emulates the HSPCLK in the TMS320x281x system as used on the Event Manager (EV) peripheral.
- // 000 /1
- // 001 /2 (default on reset)
- // 010 /4
- // 011 /6
- // 100 /8
- // 101 /10
- // 110 /12
- // 111 /14
- EPwm1Regs.TBCTL.bit.HSPCLKDIV = TB_DIV1; //TbClk = SysClk/2 = 150M /2 = 75M
- EPwm1Regs.TBCTL.bit.CLKDIV = TB_DIV2;
- //Emulation Mode Bits. These bits select the behavior of the ePWM time-base counter during
- //emulation events:
- // 00 Stop after the next time-base counter increment or decrement
- // 01 Stop when counter completes a whole cycle:
- // · Up-count mode: stop when the time-base counter = period (TBCTR = TBPRD)
- // · Down-count mode: stop when the time-base counter = 0x0000 (TBCTR = 0x0000)
- // · Up-down-count mode: stop when the time-base counter = 0x0000 (TBCTR = 0x0000)
- // 1X Free run
- EPwm1Regs.TBCTL.bit.FREE_SOFT = 0x03;
- //Active Counter-Compare A (CMPA) Load From Shadow Select Mode.
- //This bit has no effect in immediate mode (CMPCTL[SHDWAMODE] = 1).
- // 00 Load on CTR = Zero: Time-base counter equal to zero (TBCTR = 0x0000)
- // 01 Load on CTR = PRD: Time-base counter equal to period (TBCTR = TBPRD)
- // 10 Load on either CTR = Zero or CTR = PRD
- // 11 Freeze (no loads possible)
- EPwm1Regs.CMPCTL.bit.LOADAMODE = CC_CTR_ZERO; //To avoid asymmetrical current,just load at zero point.
- //Active Counter-Compare B (CMPB) Load From Shadow Select Mode
- //This bit has no effect in immediate mode (CMPCTL[SHDWBMODE] = 1).
- // 00 Load on CTR = Zero: Time-base counter equal to zero (TBCTR = 0x0000)
- // 01 Load on CTR = PRD: Time-base counter equal to period (TBCTR = TBPRD)
- // 10 Load on either CTR = Zero or CTR = PRD
- // 11 Freeze (no loads possible)
- //Counter-compare A (CMPA) Register Operating Mode
- // 0 Shadow mode. Operates as a double buffer. All writes via the CPU access the shadow register.
- // 1 Immediate mode. Only the active compare register is used. All writes and reads directly
- // access the active register for immediate compare action
- //Counter-compare B (CMPB) Register Operating Mode
- // 0 Shadow mode. Operates as a double buffer. All writes via the CPU access the shadow register.
- // 1 Immediate mode. Only the active compare B register is used. All writes and reads directly
- // access the active register for immediate compare action.
- //Action when the counter equals the active CMPA register and the counter is incrementing.
- // 00 Do nothing (action disabled)
- // 01 Clear: force EPWMxA output low.
- // 10 Set: force EPWMxA output high.
- // 11 Toggle EPWMxA output: low output signal will be forced high, and a high signal will be forced low.
- EPwm1Regs.AQCTLA.bit.CAU = AQ_SET;
- //Action when the counter equals the active CMPA register and the counter is decrementing.
- // 00 Do nothing (action disabled)
- // 01 Clear: force EPWMxA output low.
- // 10 Set: force EPWMxA output high.
- // 11 Toggle EPWMxA output: low output signal will be forced high, and a high signal will be forced low.
- EPwm1Regs.AQCTLA.bit.CAD = AQ_CLEAR;
- //Action when the counter equals the active CMPA register and the counter is incrementing.
- //00 Do nothing (action disabled)
- //01 Clear: force EPWMxB output low.
- //10 Set: force EPWMxB output high.
- //11 Toggle EPWMxB output: low output signal will be forced high, and a high signal will be forced low.
- EPwm1Regs.AQCTLB.bit.CAU = AQ_SET;
- //Action when the counter equals the active CMPA register and the counter is decrementing.
- // 00 Do nothing (action disabled)
- // 01 Clear: force EPWMxB output low.
- // 10 Set: force EPWMxB output high.
- // 11 Toggle EPWMxA output: low output signal will be forced high, and a high signal will be forced low.
- EPwm1Regs.AQCTLB.bit.CAD = AQ_CLEAR;
- //Dead-band Output Mode Control
- // Bit 1 controls the S1 switch and bit 0 controls the S0 switch shown in Figure 2-28.
- // This allows you to selectively enable or bypass the dead-band generation for the falling-edge
- // and rising-edge delay.
- // 00 Dead-band generation is bypassed for both output signals. In this mode, both the EPWMxA
- // and EPWMxB output signals from the action-qualifier are passed directly to the PWM-chopper
- // submodule.
- // In this mode, the POLSEL and IN_MODE bits have no effect.
- // 01 Disable rising-edge delay. The EPWMxA signal from the action-qualifier is passed straight
- // through to the EPWMxA input of the PWM-chopper submodule.
- // The falling-edge delayed signal is seen on output EPWMxB. The input signal for the delay is
- // determined by DBCTL[IN_MODE].
- // 10 The rising-edge delayed signal is seen on output EPWMxA. The input signal for the delay is
- // determined by DBCTL[IN_MODE].
- // Disable falling-edge delay. The EPWMxB signal from the action-qualifier is passed straight
- // through to the EPWMxB input of the PWM-chopper submodule.
- // 11 Dead-band is fully enabled for both rising-edge delay on output EPWMxA and falling-edge
- // delay on output EPWMxB. The input signal for the delay is determined by DBCTL[IN_MODE].
- //Polarity Select Control
- // Bit 3 controls the S3 switch and bit 2 controls the S2 switch shown in Figure 2-28.
- // This allows you to selectively invert one of the delayed signals before it is sent out of the
- // dead-band submodule.
- // The following descriptions correspond to classical upper/lower switch control as found in one
- // leg of a digital motor control inverter.
- // These assume that DBCTL[OUT_MODE] = 1,1 and DBCTL[IN_MODE] = 0,0. Other
- // enhanced modes are also possible, but not regarded as typical usage modes.
- // 00 Active high (AH) mode. Neither EPWMxA nor EPWMxB is inverted (default).
- // 01 Active low complementary (ALC) mode. EPWMxA is inverted.
- // 10 Active high complementary (AHC). EPWMxB is inverted.
- // 11 Active low (AL) mode. Both EPWMxA and EPWMxB are inverted.
- //Dead Band Input Mode Control
- // Bit 5 controls the S5 switch and bit 4 controls the S4 switch shown in Figure 2-28.
- // This allows you to select the input source to the falling-edge and rising-edge delay.
- // To produce classical dead-band waveforms the default is EPWMxA In is the source for both
- // falling and rising-edge delays.
- // 00 EPWMxA In (from the action-qualifier) is the source for both falling-edge and rising-edge delay.
- // 01 EPWMxB In (from the action-qualifier) is the source for rising-edge delayed signal.
- // EPWMxA In (from the action-qualifier) is the source for falling-edge delayed signal.
- // 10 EPWMxA In (from the action-qualifier) is the source for rising-edge delayed signal.
- // EPWMxB In (from the action-qualifier) is the source for falling-edge delayed signal.
- //11 EPWMxB In (from the action-qualifier)
- //
- // the active register load immediately
- EPwm1Regs.AQSFRC.bit.RLDCSF = 3;
- //Continuous Software Force on Output A
- //In immediate mode, a continuous force takes effect on the next TBCLK edge.
- //In shadow mode, a continuous force takes effect on the next TBCLK edge after a shadow load into
- //the active register.
- // 00 Forcing disabled, i.e., has no effect
- // 01 Forces a continuous low on output A
- // 10 Forces a continuous high on output A
- // 11 Software forcing is disabled and has no effect
- //Continuous Software Force on Output B
- //In immediate mode, a continuous force takes effect on the next TBCLK edge.
- //In shadow mode, a continuous force takes effect on the next TBCLK edge after a shadow load into
- //the active register. To configure shadow mode, use AQSFRC[RLDCSF].
- // 00 Forcing disabled, i.e., has no effect
- // 01 Forces a continuous low on output B
- // 10 Forces a continuous high on output B
- // 11 Software forcing is disabled and has no effect
- EPwm1Regs.AQCSFRC.bit.CSFB = AQ_SET;
- //ePWM Interrupt (EPWMx_INT) Selection Options
- // 000 Reserved
- // 001 Enable event time-base counter equal to zero. (TBCTR = 0x0000)
- // 010 Enable event time-base counter equal to period (TBCTR = TBPRD)
- // 011 Reserved
- // 100 Enable event time-base counter equal to CMPA when the timer is incrementing.
- // 101 Enable event time-base counter equal to CMPA when the timer is decrementing.
- // 110 Enable event: time-base counter equal to CMPB when the timer is incrementing.
- // 111 Enable event: time-base counter equal to CMPB when the timer is decrementing.
- //Enable ePWM Interrupt (EPWMx_INT) Generation
- // 0 Disable EPWMx_INT generation
- // 1 Enable EPWMx_INT generation
- EPwm1Regs.ETSEL.bit.INTEN = 1;
- //ePWM Interrupt (EPWMx_INT) Period Select
- // These bits determine how many selected ETSEL[INTSEL] events need to occur before an
- // interrupt is generated. To be generated, the interrupt must be enabled (ETSEL[INT] = 1). If
- // the interrupt status flag is set from a previous interrupt (ETFLG[INT] = 1) then no interrupt will
- // be generated until the flag is cleared via the ETCLR[INT] bit. This allows for one interrupt to
- // be pending while another is still being serviced. Once the interrupt is generated, the
- // ETPS[INTCNT] bits will automatically be cleared.
- // Writing a INTPRD value that is the same as the current counter value will trigger an interrupt
- //if it is enabled and the status flag is clear.
- //Writing a INTPRD value that is less than the current counter value will result in an undefined state.
- //If a counter event occurs at the same instant as a new zero or non-zero INTPRD value is
- //written, the counter is incremented.
- // 00 Disable the interrupt event counter. No interrupt will be generated and ETFRC[INT] is ignored.
- // 01 Generate an interrupt on the first event INTCNT = 01 (first event)
- // 10 Generate interrupt on ETPS[INTCNT] = 1,0 (second event)
- // 11 Generate interrupt on ETPS[INTCNT] = 1,1 (third event)
- EPwm1Regs.ETPS.bit.INTPRD = ET_1ST;
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Epwm2
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //Time-Base Period Register (TBPRD) Field Descriptions
- EPwm2Regs.TBPRD = KSwPrdCnst;
- EPwm2Regs.CMPA.half.CMPA = (KSwPrdCnst >> 1); // set duty 50% initially
- //These bits set time-base counter phase of the selected ePWM relative to the time-base that is
- //supplying the synchronization input signal.
- // · If TBCTL[PHSEN] = 0, then the synchronization event is ignored and the time-base counter is
- // not loaded with the phase.
- // · If TBCTL[PHSEN] = 1, then the time-base counter (TBCTR) will be loaded with the phase
- // (TBPHS) when a synchronization event occurs. The synchronization event can be initiated by
- // the input synchronization signal (EPWMxSYNCI) or by a software forced synchronization.
- EPwm2Regs.TBPHS.all = 0;
- //Time-Base Counter Register (TBCTR) Field Descriptions
- EPwm2Regs.TBCTR = 0;
- //Counter Mode
- //The time-base counter mode is normally configured once and not changed during normal operation.
- //If you change the mode of the counter, the change will take effect at the next TBCLK edge and the
- //current counter value shall increment or decrement from the value before the mode change.
- //These bits set the time-base counter mode of operation as follows:
- // 00 Up-count mode
- // 01 Down-count mode
- // 10 Up-down-count mode
- // 11 Stop-freeze counter operation (default on reset)
- EPwm2Regs.TBCTL.bit.CTRMODE = TB_COUNT_UPDOWN; //Symmetrical mode.
- //Counter Register Load From Phase Register Enable
- // 0 Do not load the time-base counter (TBCTR) from the time-base phase register (TBPHS)
- // 1 Load the time-base counter with the phase register when an EPWMxSYNCI input signal occurs or
- // when a software synchronization is forced by the SWFSYNC bit
- EPwm2Regs.TBCTL.bit.PHSEN = TB_DISABLE;//TB_ENABLE; //Slave module..
- //Active Period Register Load From Shadow Register Select
- // 0 The period register (TBPRD) is loaded from its shadow register when the time-base counter,
- // TBCTR, is equal to zero. A write or read to the TBPRD register accesses the shadow register.
- // 1 Load the TBPRD register immediately without using a shadow register.
- // A write or read to the TBPRD register directly accesses the active register.
- EPwm2Regs.TBCTL.bit.PRDLD = TB_SHADOW; // Load PRD at zero point.
- //Synchronization Output Select. These bits select the source of the EPWMxSYNCO signal.
- // 00 EPWMxSYNC:
- // 01 CTR = zero: Time-base counter equal to zero (TBCTR = 0x0000)
- // 10 CTR = CMPB : Time-base counter equal to counter-compare B (TBCTR = CMPB)
- // 11 Disable EPWMxSYNCO signal
- EPwm2Regs.TBCTL.bit.SYNCOSEL = TB_SYNC_IN; //Sync down-stream module.
- //High Speed Time-base Clock Prescale Bits
- //These bits determine part of the time-base clock prescale value.
- //This divisor emulates the HSPCLK in the TMS320x281x system as used on the Event Manager (EV) peripheral.
- // 000 /1
- // 001 /2 (default on reset)
- // 010 /4
- // 011 /6
- // 100 /8
- // 101 /10
- // 110 /12
- // 111 /14
- EPwm2Regs.TBCTL.bit.HSPCLKDIV = TB_DIV1; //TbClk = SysClk/2 = 150M /2 = 75M
- EPwm2Regs.TBCTL.bit.CLKDIV = TB_DIV2;
- //Emulation Mode Bits. These bits select the behavior of the ePWM time-base counter during
- //emulation events:
- // 00 Stop after the next time-base counter increment or decrement
- // 01 Stop when counter completes a whole cycle:
- // · Up-count mode: stop when the time-base counter = period (TBCTR = TBPRD)
- // · Down-count mode: stop when the time-base counter = 0x0000 (TBCTR = 0x0000)
- // · Up-down-count mode: stop when the time-base counter = 0x0000 (TBCTR = 0x0000)
- // 1X Free run
- EPwm2Regs.TBCTL.bit.FREE_SOFT = 0x03;
- //Active Counter-Compare A (CMPA) Load From Shadow Select Mode.
- //This bit has no effect in immediate mode (CMPCTL[SHDWAMODE] = 1).
- // 00 Load on CTR = Zero: Time-base counter equal to zero (TBCTR = 0x0000)
- // 01 Load on CTR = PRD: Time-base counter equal to period (TBCTR = TBPRD)
- // 10 Load on either CTR = Zero or CTR = PRD
- // 11 Freeze (no loads possible)
- EPwm2Regs.CMPCTL.bit.LOADAMODE = CC_CTR_ZERO; //To avoid asymmetrical current,just load at zero point.
- //Active Counter-Compare B (CMPB) Load From Shadow Select Mode
- //This bit has no effect in immediate mode (CMPCTL[SHDWBMODE] = 1).
- // 00 Load on CTR = Zero: Time-base counter equal to zero (TBCTR = 0x0000)
- // 01 Load on CTR = PRD: Time-base counter equal to period (TBCTR = TBPRD)
- // 10 Load on either CTR = Zero or CTR = PRD
- // 11 Freeze (no loads possible)
- //Counter-compare A (CMPA) Register Operating Mode
- // 0 Shadow mode. Operates as a double buffer. All writes via the CPU access the shadow register.
- // 1 Immediate mode. Only the active compare register is used. All writes and reads directly
- // access the active register for immediate compare action
- //Counter-compare B (CMPB) Register Operating Mode
- // 0 Shadow mode. Operates as a double buffer. All writes via the CPU access the shadow register.
- // 1 Immediate mode. Only the active compare B register is used. All writes and reads directly
- // access the active register for immediate compare action.
- //Action when the counter equals the active CMPA register and the counter is incrementing.
- // 00 Do nothing (action disabled)
- // 01 Clear: force EPWMxA output low.
- // 10 Set: force EPWMxA output high.
- // 11 Toggle EPWMxA output: low output signal will be forced high, and a high signal will be forced low.
- EPwm2Regs.AQCTLA.bit.CAU = AQ_SET;
- //Action when the counter equals the active CMPA register and the counter is decrementing.
- // 00 Do nothing (action disabled)
- // 01 Clear: force EPWMxA output low.
- // 10 Set: force EPWMxA output high.
- // 11 Toggle EPWMxA output: low output signal will be forced high, and a high signal will be forced low.
- EPwm2Regs.AQCTLA.bit.CAD = AQ_CLEAR;
- //Action when the counter equals the active CMPA register and the counter is incrementing.
- //00 Do nothing (action disabled)
- //01 Clear: force EPWMxB output low.
- //10 Set: force EPWMxB output high.
- //11 Toggle EPWMxB output: low output signal will be forced high, and a high signal will be forced low.
- EPwm2Regs.AQCTLB.bit.CAU = AQ_SET;
- //Action when the counter equals the active CMPA register and the counter is decrementing.
- // 00 Do nothing (action disabled)
- // 01 Clear: force EPWMxB output low.
- // 10 Set: force EPWMxB output high.
- // 11 Toggle EPWMxA output: low output signal will be forced high, and a high signal will be forced low.
- EPwm2Regs.AQCTLB.bit.CAD = AQ_CLEAR;
- //Dead-band Output Mode Control
- // Bit 1 controls the S1 switch and bit 0 controls the S0 switch shown in Figure 2-28.
- // This allows you to selectively enable or bypass the dead-band generation for the falling-edge
- // and rising-edge delay.
- // 00 Dead-band generation is bypassed for both output signals. In this mode, both the EPWMxA
- // and EPWMxB output signals from the action-qualifier are passed directly to the PWM-chopper
- // submodule.
- // In this mode, the POLSEL and IN_MODE bits have no effect.
- // 01 Disable rising-edge delay. The EPWMxA signal from the action-qualifier is passed straight
- // through to the EPWMxA input of the PWM-chopper submodule.
- // The falling-edge delayed signal is seen on output EPWMxB. The input signal for the delay is
- // determined by DBCTL[IN_MODE].
- // 10 The rising-edge delayed signal is seen on output EPWMxA. The input signal for the delay is
- // determined by DBCTL[IN_MODE].
- // Disable falling-edge delay. The EPWMxB signal from the action-qualifier is passed straight
- // through to the EPWMxB input of the PWM-chopper submodule.
- // 11 Dead-band is fully enabled for both rising-edge delay on output EPWMxA and falling-edge
- // delay on output EPWMxB. The input signal for the delay is determined by DBCTL[IN_MODE].
- //Polarity Select Control
- // Bit 3 controls the S3 switch and bit 2 controls the S2 switch shown in Figure 2-28.
- // This allows you to selectively invert one of the delayed signals before it is sent out of the
- // dead-band submodule.
- // The following descriptions correspond to classical upper/lower switch control as found in one
- // leg of a digital motor control inverter.
- // These assume that DBCTL[OUT_MODE] = 1,1 and DBCTL[IN_MODE] = 0,0. Other
- // enhanced modes are also possible, but not regarded as typical usage modes.
- // 00 Active high (AH) mode. Neither EPWMxA nor EPWMxB is inverted (default).
- // 01 Active low complementary (ALC) mode. EPWMxA is inverted.
- // 10 Active high complementary (AHC). EPWMxB is inverted.
- // 11 Active low (AL) mode. Both EPWMxA and EPWMxB are inverted.
- //Dead Band Input Mode Control
- // Bit 5 controls the S5 switch and bit 4 controls the S4 switch shown in Figure 2-28.
- // This allows you to select the input source to the falling-edge and rising-edge delay.
- // To produce classical dead-band waveforms the default is EPWMxA In is the source for both
- // falling and rising-edge delays.
- // 00 EPWMxA In (from the action-qualifier) is the source for both falling-edge and rising-edge delay.
- // 01 EPWMxB In (from the action-qualifier) is the source for rising-edge delayed signal.
- // EPWMxA In (from the action-qualifier) is the source for falling-edge delayed signal.
- // 10 EPWMxA In (from the action-qualifier) is the source for rising-edge delayed signal.
- // EPWMxB In (from the action-qualifier) is the source for falling-edge delayed signal.
- //11 EPWMxB In (from the action-qualifier)
- //
- // the active register load immediately
- EPwm2Regs.AQSFRC.bit.RLDCSF = 3;
- //Continuous Software Force on Output A
- //In immediate mode, a continuous force takes effect on the next TBCLK edge.
- //In shadow mode, a continuous force takes effect on the next TBCLK edge after a shadow load into
- //the active register.
- // 00 Forcing disabled, i.e., has no effect
- // 01 Forces a continuous low on output A
- // 10 Forces a continuous high on output A
- // 11 Software forcing is disabled and has no effect
- //Continuous Software Force on Output B
- //In immediate mode, a continuous force takes effect on the next TBCLK edge.
- //In shadow mode, a continuous force takes effect on the next TBCLK edge after a shadow load into
- //the active register. To configure shadow mode, use AQSFRC[RLDCSF].
- // 00 Forcing disabled, i.e., has no effect
- // 01 Forces a continuous low on output B
- // 10 Forces a continuous high on output B
- // 11 Software forcing is disabled and has no effect
- EPwm2Regs.AQCSFRC.bit.CSFB = AQ_SET;
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Epwm3
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //Time-Base Period Register (TBPRD) Field Descriptions
- EPwm3Regs.TBPRD = KSwPrdCnst;
- EPwm3Regs.CMPA.half.CMPA = (KSwPrdCnst >> 1); // set duty 50% initially
- //These bits set time-base counter phase of the selected ePWM relative to the time-base that is
- //supplying the synchronization input signal.
- // · If TBCTL[PHSEN] = 0, then the synchronization event is ignored and the time-base counter is
- // not loaded with the phase.
- // · If TBCTL[PHSEN] = 1, then the time-base counter (TBCTR) will be loaded with the phase
- // (TBPHS) when a synchronization event occurs. The synchronization event can be initiated by
- // the input synchronization signal (EPWMxSYNCI) or by a software forced synchronization.
- EPwm3Regs.TBPHS.all = 0;
- //Time-Base Counter Register (TBCTR) Field Descriptions
- EPwm3Regs.TBCTR = 0;
- //Counter Mode
- //The time-base counter mode is normally configured once and not changed during normal operation.
- //If you change the mode of the counter, the change will take effect at the next TBCLK edge and the
- //current counter value shall increment or decrement from the value before the mode change.
- //These bits set the time-base counter mode of operation as follows:
- // 00 Up-count mode
- // 01 Down-count mode
- // 10 Up-down-count mode
- // 11 Stop-freeze counter operation (default on reset)
- EPwm3Regs.TBCTL.bit.CTRMODE = TB_COUNT_UPDOWN; //Symmetrical mode.
- //Counter Register Load From Phase Register Enable
- // 0 Do not load the time-base counter (TBCTR) from the time-base phase register (TBPHS)
- // 1 Load the time-base counter with the phase register when an EPWMxSYNCI input signal occurs or
- // when a software synchronization is forced by the SWFSYNC bit
- EPwm3Regs.TBCTL.bit.PHSEN = TB_DISABLE;//TB_ENABLE;; //Slave module.
- //Active Period Register Load From Shadow Register Select
- // 0 The period register (TBPRD) is loaded from its shadow register when the time-base counter,
- // TBCTR, is equal to zero. A write or read to the TBPRD register accesses the shadow register.
- // 1 Load the TBPRD register immediately without using a shadow register.
- // A write or read to the TBPRD register directly accesses the active register.
- EPwm3Regs.TBCTL.bit.PRDLD = TB_SHADOW; // Load PRD at zero point.
- //Synchronization Output Select. These bits select the source of the EPWMxSYNCO signal.
- // 00 EPWMxSYNC:
- // 01 CTR = zero: Time-base counter equal to zero (TBCTR = 0x0000)
- // 10 CTR = CMPB : Time-base counter equal to counter-compare B (TBCTR = CMPB)
- // 11 Disable EPWMxSYNCO signal
- EPwm3Regs.TBCTL.bit.SYNCOSEL = TB_SYNC_IN; //Sync down-stream module.
- //High Speed Time-base Clock Prescale Bits
- //These bits determine part of the time-base clock prescale value.
- //This divisor emulates the HSPCLK in the TMS320x281x system as used on the Event Manager (EV) peripheral.
- // 000 /1
- // 001 /2 (default on reset)
- // 010 /4
- // 011 /6
- // 100 /8
- // 101 /10
- // 110 /12
- // 111 /14
- EPwm3Regs.TBCTL.bit.HSPCLKDIV = TB_DIV1; //TbClk = SysClk/2 = 150M /2 = 75M
- EPwm3Regs.TBCTL.bit.CLKDIV = TB_DIV2;
- //Emulation Mode Bits. These bits select the behavior of the ePWM time-base counter during
- //emulation events:
- // 00 Stop after the next time-base counter increment or decrement
- // 01 Stop when counter completes a whole cycle:
- // · Up-count mode: stop when the time-base counter = period (TBCTR = TBPRD)
- // · Down-count mode: stop when the time-base counter = 0x0000 (TBCTR = 0x0000)
- // · Up-down-count mode: stop when the time-base counter = 0x0000 (TBCTR = 0x0000)
- // 1X Free run
- EPwm3Regs.TBCTL.bit.FREE_SOFT = 0x03;
- //Active Counter-Compare A (CMPA) Load From Shadow Select Mode.
- //This bit has no effect in immediate mode (CMPCTL[SHDWAMODE] = 1).
- // 00 Load on CTR = Zero: Time-base counter equal to zero (TBCTR = 0x0000)
- // 01 Load on CTR = PRD: Time-base counter equal to period (TBCTR = TBPRD)
- // 10 Load on either CTR = Zero or CTR = PRD
- // 11 Freeze (no loads possible)
- EPwm3Regs.CMPCTL.bit.LOADAMODE = CC_CTR_ZERO; //To avoid asymmetrical current,just load at zero point.
- //Active Counter-Compare B (CMPB) Load From Shadow Select Mode
- //This bit has no effect in immediate mode (CMPCTL[SHDWBMODE] = 1).
- // 00 Load on CTR = Zero: Time-base counter equal to zero (TBCTR = 0x0000)
- // 01 Load on CTR = PRD: Time-base counter equal to period (TBCTR = TBPRD)
- // 10 Load on either CTR = Zero or CTR = PRD
- // 11 Freeze (no loads possible)
- //Counter-compare A (CMPA) Register Operating Mode
- // 0 Shadow mode. Operates as a double buffer. All writes via the CPU access the shadow register.
- // 1 Immediate mode. Only the active compare register is used. All writes and reads directly
- // access the active register for immediate compare action
- //Counter-compare B (CMPB) Register Operating Mode
- // 0 Shadow mode. Operates as a double buffer. All writes via the CPU access the shadow register.
- // 1 Immediate mode. Only the active compare B register is used. All writes and reads directly
- // access the active register for immediate compare action.
- //Action when the counter equals the active CMPA register and the counter is incrementing.
- // 00 Do nothing (action disabled)
- // 01 Clear: force EPWMxA output low.
- // 10 Set: force EPWMxA output high.
- // 11 Toggle EPWMxA output: low output signal will be forced high, and a high signal will be forced low.
- EPwm3Regs.AQCTLA.bit.CAU = AQ_SET;
- //Action when the counter equals the active CMPA register and the counter is decrementing.
- // 00 Do nothing (action disabled)
- // 01 Clear: force EPWMxA output low.
- // 10 Set: force EPWMxA output high.
- // 11 Toggle EPWMxA output: low output signal will be forced high, and a high signal will be forced low.
- EPwm3Regs.AQCTLA.bit.CAD = AQ_CLEAR;
- //Action when the counter equals the active CMPA register and the counter is incrementing.
- //00 Do nothing (action disabled)
- //01 Clear: force EPWMxB output low.
- //10 Set: force EPWMxB output high.
- //11 Toggle EPWMxB output: low output signal will be forced high, and a high signal will be forced low.
- EPwm3Regs.AQCTLB.bit.CAU = AQ_SET;
- //Action when the counter equals the active CMPA register and the counter is decrementing.
- // 00 Do nothing (action disabled)
- // 01 Clear: force EPWMxB output low.
- // 10 Set: force EPWMxB output high.
- // 11 Toggle EPWMxA output: low output signal will be forced high, and a high signal will be forced low.
- EPwm3Regs.AQCTLB.bit.CAD = AQ_CLEAR;
- //Dead-band Output Mode Control
- // Bit 1 controls the S1 switch and bit 0 controls the S0 switch shown in Figure 2-28.
- // This allows you to selectively enable or bypass the dead-band generation for the falling-edge
- // and rising-edge delay.
- // 00 Dead-band generation is bypassed for both output signals. In this mode, both the EPWMxA
- // and EPWMxB output signals from the action-qualifier are passed directly to the PWM-chopper
- // submodule.
- // In this mode, the POLSEL and IN_MODE bits have no effect.
- // 01 Disable rising-edge delay. The EPWMxA signal from the action-qualifier is passed straight
- // through to the EPWMxA input of the PWM-chopper submodule.
- // The falling-edge delayed signal is seen on output EPWMxB. The input signal for the delay is
- // determined by DBCTL[IN_MODE].
- // 10 The rising-edge delayed signal is seen on output EPWMxA. The input signal for the delay is
- // determined by DBCTL[IN_MODE].
- // Disable falling-edge delay. The EPWMxB signal from the action-qualifier is passed straight
- // through to the EPWMxB input of the PWM-chopper submodule.
- // 11 Dead-band is fully enabled for both rising-edge delay on output EPWMxA and falling-edge
- // delay on output EPWMxB. The input signal for the delay is determined by DBCTL[IN_MODE].
- //Polarity Select Control
- // Bit 3 controls the S3 switch and bit 2 controls the S2 switch shown in Figure 2-28.
- // This allows you to selectively invert one of the delayed signals before it is sent out of the
- // dead-band submodule.
- // The following descriptions correspond to classical upper/lower switch control as found in one
- // leg of a digital motor control inverter.
- // These assume that DBCTL[OUT_MODE] = 1,1 and DBCTL[IN_MODE] = 0,0. Other
- // enhanced modes are also possible, but not regarded as typical usage modes.
- // 00 Active high (AH) mode. Neither EPWMxA nor EPWMxB is inverted (default).
- // 01 Active low complementary (ALC) mode. EPWMxA is inverted.
- // 10 Active high complementary (AHC). EPWMxB is inverted.
- // 11 Active low (AL) mode. Both EPWMxA and EPWMxB are inverted.
- //Dead Band Input Mode Control
- // Bit 5 controls the S5 switch and bit 4 controls the S4 switch shown in Figure 2-28.
- // This allows you to select the input source to the falling-edge and rising-edge delay.
- // To produce classical dead-band waveforms the default is EPWMxA In is the source for both
- // falling and rising-edge delays.
- // 00 EPWMxA In (from the action-qualifier) is the source for both falling-edge and rising-edge delay.
- // 01 EPWMxB In (from the action-qualifier) is the source for rising-edge delayed signal.
- // EPWMxA In (from the action-qualifier) is the source for falling-edge delayed signal.
- // 10 EPWMxA In (from the action-qualifier) is the source for rising-edge delayed signal.
- // EPWMxB In (from the action-qualifier) is the source for falling-edge delayed signal.
- //11 EPWMxB In (from the action-qualifier)
- //
- // the active register load immediately
- EPwm3Regs.AQSFRC.bit.RLDCSF = 3;
- //Continuous Software Force on Output A
- //In immediate mode, a continuous force takes effect on the next TBCLK edge.
- //In shadow mode, a continuous force takes effect on the next TBCLK edge after a shadow load into
- //the active register.
- // 00 Forcing disabled, i.e., has no effect
- // 01 Forces a continuous low on output A
- // 10 Forces a continuous high on output A
- // 11 Software forcing is disabled and has no effect
- //Continuous Software Force on Output B
- //In immediate mode, a continuous force takes effect on the next TBCLK edge.
- //In shadow mode, a continuous force takes effect on the next TBCLK edge after a shadow load into
- //the active register. To configure shadow mode, use AQSFRC[RLDCSF].
- // 00 Forcing disabled, i.e., has no effect
- // 01 Forces a continuous low on output B
- // 10 Forces a continuous high on output B
- // 11 Software forcing is disabled and has no effect
- EPwm3Regs.AQCSFRC.bit.CSFB = AQ_SET;