关于 TMS320C6000基础学习-- gel文件
什么是gel文件?gel文件能干什么? gel全称General Extended Language,即通用扩展语言文件,gel文件中由类似C语言的代码构成,gel语言是一种解释性语言,gel文件扩展名为.gel; gel文件用于(1)扩展CCS功能,比如菜单选项等,(2)通过gel可以访问目标板的存储器。
1. gel基本语法——类C gel函数和gel参数不需要在DSP程序中定义。gel具有C语言的很多相似的东西:函数、return语句、if-else语句、while语句、与C一样的注释方式、#define,这些函数或语句的用法也与C中的非常类似。
GEL函数 funcName(param1 "discription" [,param2 "discription", param3 "discription",...]) { statements; } gel函数中不用声明返回类型和参数类型,但函数中可以使用return语句返回; 参数使用“参数+字符串类型的描述”组成,参数不需要定义,可以是以下的任意一种:实际/仿真的DSP目标板的符号值;数字常量(表达式或常值);字符串常量。 GEL函数调用:通常可以在输入C表达式的任意地方调用GEL函数,也可以在另一个GEL函数中调用GEL函数。GEL函数无法递归调用。
GEL语句 返回语句: [cpp] view plaincopyprint?
条件语句: [cpp] view plaincopyprint?
- if (exp)
- statements 1;
- else
- statements 2;
循环语句:[cpp] view plaincopyprint?
- while (exp) {
- statements;
- }
GEL预处理 [cpp] view plaincopyprint?
- #define identifier(arguments list) token-expression
GEL注释 // 注释 /* 注释 */
2. gel特有关键字 menuitem/hotmenu 在CCS v4.2中测试,menuitem添加Scripts菜单下的子菜单项,hotmenu添加menuitem定义菜单项的子菜单项,参考本文后面的例子。 这两个关键字声明的函数都不需要参数,比如 [cpp] view plaincopyprint?
- menuitem "Addressing Modes";
- hotmenu C27x_Mode()
- {
- AMODE = 0;
- OBJMODE = 0;
- }
- hotmenu C28x_Mode()
- {
- AMODE = 0;
- OBJMODE = 1;
- }
- hotmenu C2xLP_Mode()
- {
- AMODE = 1;
- OBJMODE = 1;
- }
上面代码将产生如下的菜单结构,Scripts - Addressing Modes - C27x_Mode - C28x_Mode - C2xLP_MODE
向menuitem定义的菜单中添加一个入口子菜单,并在点击子菜单时弹出对话框。 menuitem "MyFunc" dialog InitTarget(StartAddr "Starting Address", EndAddr "Ending Address") { statements; } dialog RefreshTarget() { statements; }
slider 添加滑动条,每次移动滑动条都用滑动条上的新值重新调用GEL文件,定义格式如下, slider param_def(minVal, maxVal, increment, pageIncrement, paramName) { statements; }
3. gel文件的例子 [cpp] view plaincopyprint?
- /*
- * This GEL file (DSP621x_671x.gel) provides example code on how to
- * reset the C6x DSP and initialize the External Memory Interface.
- *
- * You will have to edit settings in emif_init() to your own
- * specifications as the example is applicable to the C6711 DSK.
- *
- * This file is has minimal functionality and is designed to be used
- * as a starting point for custom GEL files.
- *
- * Refer to CCS Help for detailed information on GEL commands.
- *
- */
- /*
- * The StartUp() function is called every time you start Code Composer.
- * It should only include functions that do not "touch the hardware" -
- * Hardware initialization should be invoked from the OnTargetConnect()
- * function or the GEL menu.
- */
- StartUp()
- {
- /* setMemoryMap;
- this should be a function to initialize the mem map based
- on the particular hardware that is used
- */
- }
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* OnTargetConnect() -- this function is called after a target */
- /* connect. */
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
- OnTargetConnect()
- {
- /* GEL_Reset is used to deal with the worst case senario of
- unknown target state. If for some reason a reset is not
- desired upon target connection, GEL_Reset may be removed
- and replaced with something "less brutal" like a cache
- initialization function
- GEL_Reset();
- */
- }
- OnReset(int nErrorCode){
- /* emif_init(); */
- }
- /*
- * OnPreFileLoaded()
- * This function is called automatically when the 'Load Program'
- * Menu item is selected .....
- */
- OnPreFileLoaded()
- {
- CleanCache();
- }
- /*
- * CleanCache()
- * Actually Invalidate L1D, L1P, and L2
- */
- CleanCache() {
- *(int *)0x01845004 = 1;
- }
- emif_init()
- {
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define EMIF_GCTL 0x01800000
- #define EMIF_CE1 0x01800004
- #define EMIF_CE0 0x01800008
- #define EMIF_CE2 0x01800010
- #define EMIF_CE3 0x01800014
- #define EMIF_SDRAMCTL 0x01800018
- #define EMIF_SDRAMTIMING 0x0180001C
- #define EMIF_SDRAMEXT 0x01800020
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* EMIF REGISTER VALUES - these should be modified to match TARGET hardware */
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- *(int *)EMIF_GCTL = 0x00003040;/* EMIF global control register */
- *(int *)EMIF_CE1 = 0xFFFFFF23; /* CE1 - 32-bit asynch access after boot*/
- *(int *)EMIF_CE0 = 0xFFFFFF30; /* CE0 - SDRAM */
- *(int *)EMIF_CE2 = 0xFFFFFF23; /* CE2 - 32-bit asynch on daughterboard */
- *(int *)EMIF_CE3 = 0xFFFFFF23; /* CE3 - 32-bit asynch on daughterboard */
- *(int *)EMIF_SDRAMCTL = 0x07117000; /* SDRAM control register (100 MHz)*/
- *(int *)EMIF_SDRAMTIMING = 0x0000061A; /* SDRAM Timing register */
- }
上面的gel来自于CCS v4安装目录下ccsv4\emulation\gel\DSP621x_671x.gel文件,上面不仅使用了#define定义寄存器地址,还使用了类似C中的指针对EMIF(外部存储器接口)进行配置。
[cpp] view plaincopyprint?
- /******************************************************************/
- /* Code Composer Studio supports five reserved GEL functions that */
- /* automatically get executed if they are defined. They are: */
- /* */
- /* StartUp() - Executed whenever CCS is invoked */
- /* OnReset() - Executed after Debug->Reset CPU */
- /* OnRestart() - Executed after Debug->Restart */
- /* OnPreFileLoaded() - Executed before File->Load Program */
- /* OnFileLoaded() - Executed after File->Load Program */
- /* */
- /******************************************************************/
- StartUp()
- {
- /* Initialize F2812 memory map */
- GEL_Reset();
- F2812_Memory_Map();
- /* Enable_DFT(); */
- GEL_TextOut("Gel StartUp Complete.\n");
- }
- OnReset(int nErrorCode)
- {
- Enable_DFT();
- }
- /* commented out to avoid execution
- OnRestart(int nErrorCode)
- {
- }
- OnPreFileLoaded()
- {
- }
- OnFileLoaded(int nErrorCode, int bSymbolsOnly)
- {
- }
- */
- menuitem "Initialize Memory Map";
- /*------------------- F2812 Memory Map, MPNMC=0 --------------------*/
- /* */
- /* Note: M0M1MAP and VMAP signals tied high on F2812 core */
- /* */
- /* 0x000000 - 0x0007ff M0/M1 SARAM (Prog and Data) */
- /* 0x000800 - 0x000fff Peripheral Frame0 (PF0) (Data only) */
- /* 0x002000 - 0x003fff XINTF ZONE 0 (Prog and Data) */
- /* 0x004000 - 0x005fff XINTF ZONE 1 (Prog and Data) */
- /* 0x006000 - 0x006fff Peripheral Frame1 (PF1) (Data only) */
- /* 0x007000 - 0x007fff Peripheral Frame2 (PF2) (Data only) */
- /* 0x008000 - 0x009fff L0/L1 SARAM (Prog and Data) */
- /* 0x080000 - 0x0fffff XINTF ZONE 2 (Prog and Data) */
- /* 0x100000 - 0x17ffff XINTF ZONE 6 (Prog and Data) */
- /* 0x3d7800 - 0x3d7fff OTP (Prog and Data) */
- /* 0x3d8000 - 0x3f7fff FLASH (Prog and Data) */
- /* 0x3f8000 - 0x3f9fff H0 SARAM (Prog and Data) */
- /* 0x3fc000 - 0x3fffff XINTF ZONE 7 (MPNMC=1) (Prog and Data) */
- /* 0x3ff000 - 0x3fffff BOOT ROM (MPNMC=0) (Prog and Data) */
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- hotmenu F2812_Memory_Map()
- {
- GEL_MapReset();
- GEL_MapOn();
- /* Program memory maps */
- GEL_MapAdd(0x0,0,0x800,1,1); /* M0/M1 SARAM */
- GEL_MapAdd(0x2000,0,0x2000,1,1); /* XINTF ZONE 0 */
- GEL_MapAdd(0x4000,0,0x2000,1,1); /* XINTF ZONE 1 */
- GEL_MapAdd(0x8000,0,0x2000,1,1); /* L0/L1 SARAM */
- GEL_MapAdd(0x80000,0,0x80000,1,1); /* XINTF ZONE 2 */
- GEL_MapAdd(0x100000,0,0x80000,1,1); /* XINTF ZONE 6 */
- GEL_MapAdd(0x3d7800,0,0x800,1,0); /* OTP */
- GEL_MapAdd(0x3d8000,0,0x20000,1,0); /* FLASH */
- GEL_MapAdd(0x3f8000,0,0x2000,1,1); /* H0 SARAM */
- /* Data memory maps */
- GEL_MapAdd(0x0,1,0x800,1,1); /* M0/M1 SARAM */
- GEL_MapAdd(0x800,1,0x800,1,1); /* PF0 */
- GEL_MapAdd(0x2000,1,0x2000,1,1); /* XINTF ZONE 0 */
- GEL_MapAdd(0x4000,1,0x2000,1,1); /* XINTF ZONE 1 */
- GEL_MapAdd(0x6000,1,0x1000,1,1); /* PF1 */
- GEL_MapAddStr(0x7000,1,0x1000,"R|W|AS2",0); /* PF2 */
- GEL_MapAdd(0x8000,1,0x2000,1,1); /* L0/L1 SARAM */
- GEL_MapAdd(0x80000,1,0x80000,1,1); /* XINTF ZONE 2 */
- GEL_MapAdd(0x100000,1,0x80000,1,1); /* XINTF ZONE 6 */
- GEL_MapAdd(0x3d7800,1,0x800,1,0); /* OTP */
- GEL_MapAdd(0x3d8000,1,0x20000,1,0); /* FLASH */
- GEL_MapAdd(0x3f8000,1,0x2000,1,1); /* H0 SARAM */
- /* Uncomment the map that corresponds to the MPNMC value. */
- F2812_Boot_ROM_Map();
- /* F2812_XINTF_Zone7_Map(); */
- }
- /* Map Boot ROM if MPNMC = 0 */
- F2812_Boot_ROM_Map()
- {
- GEL_MapAdd(0x3ff000,0,0x1000,1,0); /* BOOT ROM */
- GEL_MapAdd(0x3ff000,1,0x1000,1,0); /* BOOT ROM */
- }
- /* Map External Interface Zone 7 if MPNMC = 1 */
- F2812_XINTF_Zone7_Map()
- {
- GEL_MapAdd(0x3fc000,0,0x4000,1,1); /* XINTF ZONE 7 */
- GEL_MapAdd(0x3fc000,1,0x4000,1,1); /* XINTF ZONE 7 */
- }
- /* Enable DFT read/write for SARAM blocks */
- Enable_DFT()
- {
- *0x950 = 0x0300; /* M0 */
- *0x951 = 0x0300; /* M1 */
- *0x952 = 0x0300; /* L0 */
- *0x953 = 0x0300; /* L1 */
- *0x954 = 0x0300; /* H0 */
- }
- menuitem "Watchdog";
- hotmenu Disable_WD()
- {
- /* Enable WD override */
- *0x7029 = *0x7029 | 0x0068;
- *0x7025 = 0x0055;
- *0x7025 = 0x00AA;
- }
- menuitem "Code Security Module"
- hotmenu Unlock_CSM()
- {
- /* Assumes flash is erased */
- *0xAE0 = 0xFFFF;
- *0xAE1 = 0xFFFF;
- *0xAE2 = 0xFFFF;
- *0xAE3 = 0xFFFF;
- *0xAE4 = 0xFFFF;
- *0xAE5 = 0xFFFF;
- *0xAE6 = 0xFFFF;
- *0xAE7 = 0xFFFF;
- /* Read the password locations */
- XAR0 = *0x3F7FF8;
- XAR0 = *0x3F7FF9;
- XAR0 = *0x3F7FFA;
- XAR0 = *0x3F7FFB;
- XAR0 = *0x3F7FFC;
- XAR0 = *0x3F7FFD;
- XAR0 = *0x3F7FFE;
- XAR0 = *0x3F7FFF;
- }
- menuitem "Addressing Modes";
- hotmenu C27x_Mode()
- {
- AMODE = 0;
- OBJMODE = 0;
- }
- hotmenu C28x_Mode()
- {
- AMODE = 0;
- OBJMODE = 1;
- }
- hotmenu C2xLP_Mode()
- {
- AMODE = 1;
- OBJMODE = 1;
- }
上面的代码是DSP320F2812的一个GEL文件,上面添加了许多菜单项:Scripts - Initialize Memory Map - F2812_Memory_Map - Watchdog - Disable_WD - Code Security Module - Unlock_CSM - Addressing Modes - C27x_Mode - C28x_Mode - C2xLP_Mode 结果的一个截图如下,
4. 关于GEL文件中的一些函数 StartUp 启动CCS时执行该函数,此时目标板可能还没有连接,该调用如果有对目标板的操作则会出错。 OnTargetConnect 连接目标板(点击Connect Target时)时执行。 OnReset 执行Reset命令时执行。 OnRestart 执行Restart命令时执行。 OnFileLoaded 执行Load File...命令时执行。
5. CCS自带GEL函数 参考《手把手教你DSP》,其中提到的函数都能在CCS 3.3中使用,但并不能保证能在更高版本中使用。 关于如何编写设备初始化的GEL,参考文档TI官方文档《Creating Device Initialization GEL Files》,链接为查看详情。