






功率因数校正电路的稳定性测试 [复制链接]

Power factor correction hasbecome an increasingly necessary feature in new power supply designs. In apower factor correction circuit there are two feedback control loops. One loopoperates by using the input voltage as a reference to control the inputcurrent. This loop is fast and makes the input current instantaneouslyproportional to input voltage as it would be with a resistive load. A secondloop, which is much slower, controls the constant of proportionality to makethe average current correct to keep the output voltage of the power factorcorrection circuit constant. Testing the slow loop for stability is easy withthe proper equipment, but testing the faster loop is much more difficult. Theoperating point of the faster loop is dynamically changing from near zero tothe peak value of the input current. This paper discusses the techniquesnecessary to measure the stability of each of these loops and specifies necessaryequipment and procedures to perform these tests.
What is power factor correction, and why isit necessary?
Most switching power suppliesoperate from a 50 or 60 Hertz AC line with a capacitive input filter, as shownin Figure 1. This type of filter draws current from the line only when the linevoltage exceeds the filter capacitor voltage, and the filter capacitor ischarged to near the peak level of the input line voltage as shown in Figure 2.This means that the input current only flows for a short period near the peakof the input voltage waveform, causing the current to flow as a series ofshort, narrow pulses rather that the smooth, sinusoidal current that wouldresult from a resistive load.
The root-mean-square (rms)value of this series of current pulses is much higher than the average value.The output power is approximately proportional to the average value of thecurrent, but the rms value determines line losses, fuse ratings, and similarpower quality related issues. Improving the power factor brings three benefits:
1. Power distributioncosts for the electric company are reduced, making the power company muchhappier. A side benefit is to reduce the tendency of the current peaks to"flatten" the tops of the input voltage sinusoidal waveform as shownin Figure 3.
2. More power can bedrawn from a line of a given current rating, allowing more powerful equipmentto be connected without having to re-wire a building, saving time and money.
3. Various governmental andquasi-governmental agencies are passing laws requiring improved power factorson certain types of equipment, especially those which draw a lot of power.These laws make it illegal to sell certain types of equipment without testingand certification of a minimum power factor. To continue to sell medium-to highpower supplies in the future, power supply manufacturers will have to deal withpower factor correction.
Although the first reason isnice and the second reason saves money, it is the third reason that has givenall the impetus to power factor correction development.
How Does PFC Work?
The goal of power factorcorrection is to make input current look like input voltage on a momentby-moment basis, the same as it would with a resistive load. Figure 4 showsline voltage and line current with and without power factor correction. Thereare two ways of correcting power factor, passive and active.
The passive approach uses filters toeliminate harmonic currents and phase-shifting inductors or capacitors to bringthe current into phase with the voltage. The passive approach islarge, heavy, and expensive, and therefore is not popular with equipmentmanufacturers.
Active power factor correctionuses switching regulator technology to draw current from the power lineproportional to input voltage. This is accomplished with a fast feedback loopthat uses input voltage as a reference to control input current. The output ofa power factor correction circuit is usually a fixed DC voltage. A second, slowfeedback loop senses the value of the output voltage and uses this voltage tochange the constant of proportionality between input voltage and input current so that the average current is right for the load drawn from theoutput of the circuit. This loopkeeps the output voltage constant. This means that in general there is amultiplier in the reference for the fast loop. The Unitrode UC3854 also has adivider whose function is to keep the voltage error amplifier operating pointconstant with changing input voltage.
有源功率因数校正采用开关电源技术从电源线输入与输入电压成比例的电流。这是一个快速的反馈回路,采用输入电压作为控制输入电流的参考。一个功率因数校正电路的输出通常是一个固定的直流电压。第二,慢速的反馈回路取样输出电压值,然后用这个电压来改变输入电压和输入电流之间的比例常数,这样从电路的输出中可以得到正确的负载平均电流。这个环路保持输出电压的恒定,这也意味着通常在快速回路中有一个参考乘法器。Unitrode UC3854也有除法器的功能,保持与不断变化的输入电压恒定的电压误差放大器的工作点。
Variety of Topologies
Any topology of switching regulator can beused, since the only requirement is to close a fast current loop around theinput current and make it look like input voltage. The most popular topology seemsto be the boost converter, since the input current flows through an inductorand is relative smooth and easy to control and also easy to measure with aresistor in the power return. Another popular approach, especially at lowerpower levels, is the flyback, converter. This approach allows isolation andoutput voltage amplitude scaling as part of the power factor correctionprocess. Figure 5 shows three possible topologies.
Variety of IC Vendors
Because of the popularity ofpower factor correction, a number of companies now manufacture power factorcorrection integrated circuits. These include:
Cherry Semiconductor Corp.
IXYS Corp.
Linear Technology Corp.
Micro Linear Corp.
Motorola, Inc. (Tempe, AZ)
Unitrode Corp.
The Unitrode UC3854 family is typical and will be used for the examples in this paper. Thischip uses boost topology. Figure 6 is from the Unitrode data sheet and showsthe UC3854 connected in a typical 250-watt power factor correctedpre-regulator.
Unitrode UC3854 系列是本文中用到的典型例子
Current Loop
Figure 7 shows the UC3854pre-regulator circuit re-drawn to emphasize the loops and signal paths. Thecurrent loop in a Unitrode UC3854 regulates the voltage across the 0.25-ohmcurrent sense resistor in exactly the same manner as a conventionalvoltage-mode converter. There is an error amplifier to compare the actualcurrent level to a reference (which happens to be dynamic, i.e., changing withtime), and then the error amplifier output (pin 3) is compared to fixedamplitude ramp (pin 14) to generate a pulse width modulated waveform to drivethe power transistor (pin 16). Unfortunately, the power section inverts thesignal at DC, requiring a noninverting op-amp in this particular chip design.Non-inverting op-amps do not have the flexibility of inverting op-amps sincethe gain can never fall below one. The reference comes from the circuit thatmultiplies the output error voltage by the absolute value of the instantaneousline voltage. The reference takes the form of a current that is injected intothe non-inverting input of the current error amplifier (pin 5). The bandwidthof this particular loop needs to be quite high, since the objective is toaccurately follow a rectified 100 or 120 Hertz sine wave with minimal amplitudeor phase distortion.
图7是UC3854预调节器电路重绘以强调回路和信号路径。Unitrode UC3854里的电流环调节0.25-ohm电流取样电阻两端电压恰好是同样的方法作为一个传统的电压型变换器。有一个误差放大器对于参考来比较实际电流水平(这恰好也是动态的),而且误差放大器的输出(引脚3)对比固定的放大斜率(引脚14)来产生一个脉冲快读调制波形来驱动功率晶体管(引脚16)。不幸的是,电源部分在直流转化信号,这个特殊的芯片设计需要一个同相运算放大器。非反相运算放大器不具有反相运算放大器的灵活性因为增益的不足。参考来自电路,瞬间线电压的放大器的输出误差电压绝对值。参考以电流注入到非反相的电流误差放大器的形式输入(引脚5)。这种特殊的环路带宽的需求很高,既然目的是要准确地跟踪一个整流100或120赫兹的正弦波的振幅或相位失真最小
Voltage Loop
The voltage loop is necessaryto accommodate changing line and load conditions. It needs to be a slow loopwith approximately a 10-Hertz bandwidth. The bandwidth of this loop iscritical, since too slow a loop with result in large output voltage transientswith changing line and load conditions, and too fast a loop will interfere withand distort the fast current loop and change the input current wave shape sothat it is no longer sinusoidal and does not match the input voltage waveshape.
With the UC3854, Unitrodehas chosen to limit the low-frequency gain of the voltage error amplifier to arelatively low value. This would normally make the output voltage regulationquite poor, but Unitrode has built in an open loop compensation circuit (the X2circuit between pin 8 of the chip and input C of the multiplier-divider), whichsenses the average value of the input voltage and uses this signal to changethe gain of the multiplier stage. From a first-order standpoint the operatingpoint of the voltage error amplifier (the voltage on pin 7) does not have tochange. This allows the voltage error amplifier to maintain reasonable outputvoltage regulation in spite of its low gain.
Testing the Voltage Loop
The voltage loop in a power factor correctioncircuit is the loop that keeps the output of the circuit at a constant voltage.In boost topology converters operating from 120 or 240 volts AC, this voltageis usually 400 volts DC The principle of feedback loop measurements is to:
1.  Finda place in the loop where the signal is confined to a single path and where thesource is a low impedance and the load is a high impedance. In the voltage loopof the UC3854, this is the point where the output voltage connects to the 499Kresistor at the top of the resistive voltage divider string that connects to Vsense, pin 11of the UC3854.
2. Place an injection resistor in series with the loop at this point. Theresistor value should be much, much smaller than the input impedance of thecircuit. In the case of the voltage loop of a UC3854, 1000 ohms is anappropriate value, since it is much, much smaller than 499K.
3.  Connecta floating sinusoidal oscillator across the injection resistor, turning theresistor into a floating, sinusoidal error voltage in series with the loop.This oscillator is normally the output of the frequency response analyzer usedto perform the test. Use an injection transformer to block the 400 volt commonmode voltage.
4.  Connect a frequency selective voltmeter(normally the inputs of the frequency response analyzer) from each side of theinjection resistor to ground. The voltmeter should read voltage at thefrequency of the injection oscillator, rejecting all other frequencies andnoise. Use a capacitor to block the DC voltage or use 10:1 oscilloscope probesto avoid exceeding the normal mode signal range of the voltmeter (instrumentinputs).
5.  Sweep the injection oscillator across the frequency band ofinterest, typically 0.1 to 1000 Hz. Measure the amplitude and phase relative tothe oscillator of the voltage to ground from each side of the injection pointat each frequency.
6.  Dividethe input voltage (the point where the 1000 ohm injection resistor connects tothe 499K resistor at the top of the divider string) by the output voltage (the400 volt bus), and plot the ratio of these two voltages as a function offrequency for both amplitude and phase. This produces a Bode plot of the openloop gain versus frequency of the feedback loop.
All of the above functions areperformed automatically with measurement systems such as the Venable IndustriesModel 350 Frequency Response Analysis System. The voltage loop should betailored by adjusting the value of the compensation components around thevoltage error amplifier (the 0.047 μF capacitor and 240K resistor) connectedbetween pins 7 and 11 of a UC3854. A good value of loop crossover frequency is10 Hz and a good value of phase margin is 60°. This is fast enough to maintainreasonable transient response, yet slow enough to not distort the currentregulating loop significantly. Distortion of the current regulating loop causesreduced power factor and increased harmonic content in the input current.
以上所有功能能够通过进行自动测量系统进行,如在Venable Industries 的350型号的频率响应分析系统。电压回路应通过在电压误差放大器附近(the 0.047 μF capacitor and 240K resistor)connected between pins 7and 11 of a UC3854)调整补偿元件来调整适应。一个好的环路分频值是10HZ,良好的相位裕度是60°。这个快速的足够维持合理的瞬态响应,慢速的不足以明显扭曲电流调节环。电流调节环的扭曲导致功率因数降低和输入电流谐波含量增加。
Testing the Current Loop
The current loop ismore difficult to test than the voltage loop because it is dynamic, i.e., itchanges from essentially zero current to the peak value of current 100 or 120times a second. If conventional measuring techniques are used, the result is anaverage of all the transfer functions from very low current to very highcurrent. Loop stability may appear satisfactory, but the current loop may stilloscillate near zero current or near the peak current even though the average ofall the Bode plots shows a stable condition.
In order to accurately testthe current loop, the operating point must be "frozen" by using DCpower supplies to simulate the correct bias conditions for an instantaneouspoint in time and then measuring the stability of the current loop at thatpoint. This test must be done at least at low current and high current. It is agood idea to test the stability at a medium current also to assure that theextremes have been bracketed.
"Freezing"the operating point of the UC3854, means that you have to:
1.  Connecta variable DC power supply to the input to the power factor correction circuit(across the output of the main bridge rectifier). The input of the circuit isof course not connected to the AC line. The supply has to be able to put out asmuch voltage and current as the peak of the line voltage. Leave the sensedivider (the 620Kresistor into Iac, pin 6 of the UC3854) in place.
2.  Connect an 18-volt DC source to power theUC3854 (from pin 15 to pin 1). This supply may not be necessary if the biaswinding across the main energy storage inductor is still sufficient to powerthe chip at low input voltage.
3.  Connectpin 7 of the UC3854 to pin 11. This will fix the output of the voltage erroramplifier (input A of the multiplier-divider) at 7.5 volts. It is not necessaryto disconnect the compensation components already connected to these pins.
4.  Connecta 0-10 volt DC variable power supply to pin 8, the Vrms terminal of the UC3854.It is not necessary to disconnect the components connected to this terminalexcept it may be necessary to add a small pre-load to the power supply if ithas no ability to sink current. The purpose of this supply is to adjust the gainof the multiplier-divider circuit to adjust the circuit output current for theproper value given the input voltage. Once set, this voltage will not changebetween low line and high line. The current feedback loop should track theinput voltage and supply the correct current proportional to voltage.
5.  Connect a load across the output of the powerfactor correction circuit. This load can take the form of a 400-volt shuntregulator or a resistive load connected to a 400-volt power supply. Theresistive load should draw 1.4 times the normal output current to allow fortesting at the peak value of the output. Similarly, the shunt regulator must berated for 1.4 times the maximum DC output current of the circuit.
All other connections to thecircuit can remain. As before, you have to measure the loop. The steps to dothis are:
1.  Find a place in the loop where the signal is confined to asingle path and where the source is a low impedance and the load is a highimpedance. In the current loop of the UC3854, this is the point where the0.025-ohm current sense resistor connects to the 4K resistor that connects toMULT OUT, pin 5 of the UC3854.
找到回路中的一个点,信号是只限于一个单一的路径,其中源是低阻抗而负载是高阻抗。在UC3854的电流环路中,这个点是0.025欧姆电流检测电阻连接到连着MULT OUT 的4K电阻的点,UC3854引脚5.
2. Place an injection resistor in series with the loop at this point. Theresistor value should be much, much smaller than the input impedance of thecircuit. In the case of the current loop of a UC3854, 100 ohms is anappropriate value and is much, much smaller than 4000 ohms.
3. Connect a floating sinusoidal oscillator across the 100-ohm injectionresistor, turning the resistor into a floating, sinusoidal error voltage inseries with the loop. In this case the voltage at the injection point is just afew volts and there are no special precautions for connecting there except thatthe source must be floating. Use of an injection transformer such as theVenable Industries Model 200-002 will satisfy the floating requirement and alsominimize the capacitive coupling to ground.
连接一个浮动的正弦振荡器穿过100欧的注入电阻,将电阻转换为浮动的,正弦的误差电压与环路串联。在这种情况下,电压在注入点只有几伏而且对于连接没有特别的防范措施除非电源必须要浮动。使用例如Venable Industries Model 200-002注入变压器可以满足要求,同时还可以减少对地电容耦合。
4.  Connecta frequency selective voltmeter (again, the inputs of the frequency responseanalyzer) from each side of the 100-ohm injection resistor to ground. A pointnear pin 1 of the UC3854 is the best place to pick up ground. The voltmetersshould read voltage at the frequency of the injection oscillator, rejecting allother frequencies and noise. Again, the voltages are low and no specialprecautions are required to protect the equipment except that ground shouldreally be at or near building ground, not a floating signal merely called"ground". This is normally not a problem when the circuit is poweredfrom a conventional DC power supply.
5.  Sweepthe injection oscillator across the frequency band of interest, typically 100Hz to just under the circuit switching frequency. Measure the amplitude andphase relative to the oscillator of the voltage to ground from each side of theinjection point at each frequency.
6. Divide the input voltage (the point where the 100 ohm injection resistorconnects to the 4K resistor going into MULT OUT) by the output voltage (thepoint where the 100 ohm injection resistor connects to the 0.25 ohm currentsense resistor), and plot the ratio of these two voltages as a function offrequency for both amplitude and phase. This produces a Bode plot of the openloop gain versus frequency of the current loop. This loop needs to have abandwidth of several kilohertz, the higher the better, and phase margin of atleast 60°. The gain of this loop can be tailored by changing the compensationcomponents (the 62pF and 620pF capacitors and the 24K resistor) connectedbetween pins 3 and 4 of the UC3854. A complete frequency response analysisworkstation such as the Venable Industries Model 350 system will aid greatly inthe proper selection of these components.
通过输出电压(100欧姆注入电阻连接4K电阻加入MULT OUT)分离输入电压(100欧姆注入电阻连接0.25欧姆电流检测电阻),然后作为两个电压的幅值与相位作为频率的函数的比值图。这产生一个开环增益对应电流环路频率的伯德图。这个环需要几千HZ的带宽,越高越好而且相位裕度至少60°。环路增益可以通过改变连接在UC3854引脚3和4之间的补偿元件来调整,完整的频响分析仪工作站例如Venable Industries Model 350 system有助于这些组件的合理选择。
In this paper, it was demonstrated that powerfactor correction has become an increasingly necessary feature in new powersupply designs. It was pointed out that a power factor correction circuit hastwo feedback control loops. One loop operates by using the input voltage as areference to control the input current. This loop is fast and makes the inputcurrent instantaneously proportional to input voltage as it would be with aresistive load. This loop is normally dynamic, constantly changing operatingpoint as the line voltage changes. By fixing or "freezing" theoperating point, a family of Bode plots can be run at various operating pointsto verify circuit operation across the entire operating range. Techniques forfixing the operating point and also making the measurement were discussed.
Techniques were demonstratedfor testing the stability of the second, much slower loop that controls theconstant of proportionality between input voltage and input current. This loopkeeps the output voltage of the power factor correction circuit constant. It isnot necessary to "freeze" the operating point of this loop since thebandwidth is much lower than the variation rate of the faster loop. Thevariations of the faster loop are averaged out. Even though the faster loopforms a gain block that is inside the slow loop, an "averaged"transfer function of the faster loop is sufficient for loop gain measurementsand stability analysis.
Step-by-step instructions for"freezing" the current loop and for testing both the voltage loop andthe current loop for the Unitrode UC3854 power factor correction chip werepresented. The principles are the same for all chips and the author welcomesquestions or comments about other approaches to power factor correction.
一步一步说明“冻结”的电流环和电压环和电流的测试为Unitrode UC3854芯片提出了功率因数校正回路,原理是相同的。所有芯片和作者欢迎提问或对功率因数校正方法进行修正。

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