本帖最后由 dcexpert 于 2017-1-20 10:44 编辑
- #include "mbed.h"
- /*
- This basic example just shows how to read the ADC internal channels raw values.
- Please look in the corresponding device reference manual for a complete
- description of how to make a temperature sensor, VBat or Vref measurement.
- */
- AnalogIn adc_temp(ADC_TEMP);
- AnalogIn adc_vref(ADC_VREF);
- AnalogIn adc_vbat(ADC_VBAT); // Warning: Not available on all devices
- DigitalOut led(LED1);
- int main()
- {
- printf("\nSTM32 ADC internal channels reading example\n");
- while(1) {
- printf("ADC Temp = %f\n", adc_temp.read());
- printf("ADC VRef = %f\n", adc_vref.read());
- printf("ADC VBat = %f\n", adc_vbat.read());
- printf("\033[3A");
- led = !led;
- wait(1.0);
- }
- }