






诚聘:6个世界著名美资公司6个DSP相关岗位 [复制链接]

公司信息: 上海KT人才服务有限公司(原凯希人才),是中国最大最专业的IC电子人才咨询公司之一,多年来专注于IC与电子行业中高级人才服务,客户主要为欧美著名半导体公司和美资集成电路设计新公司,主要寻找推荐IC设计、IC应用(电子硬件及嵌入式软件)、芯片制造、IC市场销售等岗位的工程师/经理人才以及总监级以上职位等高端人才。 一、Sr. DSP Field Applications Engineer (某顶级半导体公司(前15位),上海/深圳) 公司简介:某全球前十五大半导体公司,美资,全球最著名的高精度模拟电路制造商之一。模拟IC产品的最强者之一。运用模拟IC做开发的电子工程师的圣殿之一。 职位要求(Qualification): - 3-5 years experience in embedded processors and/or DSP system design. - Strong fluency in C/C++ programming and experience with assembly programming Experience in DSP processing. - Additional experience in media processing as well as operating systems desired. - System level design, debug and optimization experience - Strong personal skills, ability to work in English 职位描述(Responsibilities): - Work with sales and marketing to penetrate key customers and design in high-performance DSPs and embedded processors. - Closely align with sales on technical pre-sales activities to win designs and platform acceptance in customers. - Provide strong post-sales field support and technical project management to customer from design in through to production. - Develop projects and reference designs help secure design wins and develop technical skills. - Work closely with other regional applications engineers to solve problems, exchange ideas, develop skills, etc ********************************************************************************* 二、Sr. DSP Engineer/DSP design Engineer(某著名美资IC公司,上海) 公司简介:美国上市公司,现在全球最大的无线网卡芯片供应商之一,持续在WLAN市场上保持着技术与市占率优势,致力于成为802.11n标准及其产品的领导者。目前该公司的技术实力非常强大,已经处于引导标准的阶段-----做标准的公司的必然有光明的前途! 五家顶级PC制造商中有四家将在其笔记本电脑中安装该公司的芯片组,以实现WLAN功能,足见其实力!最大最好的的客户自然带来最大最好的市场!未来的世界是无线的世界,无线的产品必然会有更加广阔的应用空间。 职位要求(Responsibility): -Design and develop PAM/QAM single/Multi-carrier transceivers, multi-input adaptive equalizers/echo cancellers, multi-dimentional trellis encoder/decoder, timing recovery, digital filters, interface with analog blocks and MAC/switch blocks. -Create bit-exact Matlab/C system model and perform simulation. -Design and simulate verilog RTL code using synopsys and cadence EDA tools. -Prototype, debug and verify RTL code on Xilinx multi-FPGA platform. -Perform coding, synthesis, timing closure, placement and route on FPGA. (Job Requirements): -MSEE.or Ph.D. With 5+ years of experience in developing, implementing, and debugging highperformance communications and DSP ASIC products. -Strong academic background of digital communication theory with proficient Matlab/C programming and simulation skills. -Extensive verilog RTL experience including design, verification, synthesis, and debugging. -Proficiency of Xilinx FPGA prototyping. -Solid hands-on experience of using different lab equipment such as oscilloscopes, logic analyzer, signal generator, spectrum analyzer, etc. -Fluency in English reading and writing. -IEEE 802.3 or previous Ethernet product development experience is a plus. 职位描述(Description): The candidate will join a team of algorithm design and FPGA prototyping involved in the development of advanced digital signal processing algorithm for the physical layer of high speed wired data communication IC. *************************************************************************** 三、Marketing manager – DSP (某顶级半导体公司(前15位),上海) 公司简介:全球前十五大半导体公司,美资,全球最著名的高精度模拟电路制造商之一。模拟IC产品的最强者之一。运用模拟IC做开发的电子工程师的圣殿之一。 职位要求(Qualification): - MSEE or BSEE - 3-5 years working experience in VoIP industry - Team work, good communication skills - Experience negotiating complex business deals - Business planning experience - Fluent in English - Product definition experience - Willing to travel both inside China and outside China 职位描述(Responsibilities): - Lead business plan development and execution - Identify and maintain list of prioritized focused accounts by VoIP sub-segment; align goals with Sales and AE/FAE team - Understand customer needs and work with Product Line Directors to define new products and services that meet/exceed customer needs - Identify new 3rd party partners, develop business models suitable to market, and ensure 3rd party/customer success - Ensure clear project management for key projects with customers and 3rd parties ******************************************************************************** 四、Senior Embedded System Engineer (某世界500强公司,上海 ) 公司简介:2006年《巴伦周刊》全球最受尊敬大公司排行榜 ;2006年《财富》MBA雇主100强排名 ;2006年《财富》全球500强排名 ;2007《福布斯》全球上市公司2000强 (101-200) ; 2007年《巴伦周刊》全球最具影响力的30名CEO;2007年《财富》全球500强排名; 2007年《财富》全球500强排名 (101-200) ;标准普尔100指数 。其所在领域的技术与产品当然是世界最先进的!进入这样的公司,你必然成为做世界上最前沿的技术与产品的工程师人才! 职位要求(Job Requirements): -Responsible for the conceptual design and implementation of real-time embedded systems. Performs architecture research, system analysis, design, programming and testing. -Capable of developing real time systems (hardware) and understands popular communications technologies, distributed controls, and sensor networks. -Experience working with model-based embedded software design methodologies and tools. Can analyze and develop contemporary hardware and software modeling methods. -Develop firmware for custom XX applications -Communicate with global teams to develop requirements and product specifications; Working closely with a global cross-disciplinary team of technologists to the conception and prototyping of new technology/products related to existing and emerging XX applications. -Collaborate with a diverse team both at Research Center and XX business units. Create new technical and project opportunities through technology leveraging, strategic partnering, and acquisition of external contracts -Lead and participate in multidisciplinary projects, ensuring high quality deliverables and seamless integration with the UTRC team in the U.S.A., and University partners in China. -Provide timely, accurate and detailed reports and presentations. 职位描述(Qualifications): -M.S./PhD. in related discipline -Fluent English (both written and spoken) and excellent communication skills -R&D experience with embedded systems with an architectural focus. -Knowledge in modeling and simulation for the embedded system design. -Ability to plan, design, implement, debug and optimize complex embedded control software implemented on micro-processors, DSP and FPGA; -Strong software skills - C, C++; Preferred Candidates will possess the following: -Extensive experience in solving industrial problems and developing industrial embedded systems. System engineering experience. -Experience or knowledge of signal processing, communication protocols, control system theory, wireless sensor networks, PLC, HVAC systems, Cooling Heating Power Systems (CHP), Fuel Cell fundamentals. -Demonstrated ability to lead and work as part of a multidisciplinary team. -Solid technical writing, presentation, project management and communication skills. -Strong leadership skills and an entrepreneurial attitude towards innovation. ***************************************************************** 五、DSP Engineer (某美资IC设计公司(创业型),北京 ) 公司简介:新一代无线宽带广播电视领域的芯片领先供应商。筹划明年年底上市! 行业俗话:一等公司做标准,二等公司做芯片!而该公司在做芯片的同时把自己的专利技术通过和国家的努力升格为了中国数字电视的某个标准!!!硅谷的实力、清华人的智慧,国家的大力支持,前景非常光明!数字电视是必然要做的,中国的标准必然有相当价值的! 职位要求(Qualification): -MS or Ph.D degree on EE or other related disciplines with a strong academic record. -Solid background on digital signal processing theory and applications, i.e. filter designs, time/frequency transforms, sampling, signal prediction, adaptive filters and etc. -2+ years Research or working experience on video/image/audio signal compression and processing. -In-depth understanding on multimedia (video/audio/speech/image) compression standards (MPEG2, H.264, MPEG4, AAC, AC-3, G.72x, JPEG and etc.). Experience in implementing these algorithms on DSP/VLIW architectures and a passion for squeezing optimum performance out of complex parallel algorithms will be a plus. -Excellent programming/debugging/optimization skills on C and/or assembly language. -Good verbal and written communication skills both in Chinese and English. -Some domestic and international travel is required. -Must be a team player. 职位描述(Responsibilities): -The candidate will be part of the multimedia communication research and development team. Candidates in this position will be responsible for: -Development of video/audio compression algorithms on an advanced DSP architecture. -Research on improving existing audio/video standards or customized multimedia algorithms. -Develop optimized implementations of algorithms. -Troubleshoot and maintain embedded applications for real-time audio/video processing. -Write application notes and other documentations. ********************************************************************************** 六、Senior DSP Firmware Engineer (某世界顶级半导体公司,北京) 公司简介: 美国公司,全球十大无工厂IC设计公司之一,在宽带通讯、企业网和数字家庭领域的芯片技术处于世界领导地位。上海的设计中心,主要产品为宽带通信类芯片和视频类芯片的开发,包括集成电路芯片设计、嵌入式软件开发以及硬件设计等等,目前专注的方向是数字电视以及宽带多媒体信息处理。北京设计中心主要从事无线通讯、VOIP产品研究开发。 职位要求(Qualifications/Skills): - MS degree or Ph.D. in electrical engineering or computer science. Minimum three-year experiences. - Knowledge and skills in embedded programming, protocol conversion, communication theory, communication flow control, DSP. - Experience in Assembly, or ‘C’ languages. - Experience with laboratory instruments (spectrum analyzer, oscilloscopes) and hardware is a plus - Good problem analyzing and solving skill, Quick-to-learn, Good communication skills, Self-motivated and willing to take ownership of resolving problem. -Excellent written/verbal communications skills in Chinese and English 职位描述(Responsibilities): - Contribute to modem design and communication algorithms such as filter design, equalization, timing recovery, FFT etc. - Contribute to implementation of high-speed DSL (VDSL) digital PHY technology, based on a programmable DSP chip. - Adding new algorithms by simulation and implementation to the existing product. - Closely working with US counterparts on joint VDSL projects. ************************************************************************************* 20余家美资IC电子公司,委托的岗位目前共有100余个,分布在上海、北京、深圳等地,主要有如下3类: 1、IC设计类:模拟IC设计理、数字IC设计、算法工程师、逻辑设计工程师、IC验证工程师、firmware工程师、IC后端版图工程师、CAD工程师、IC测试工程师、IC产品工程师、器件工程师等。 2、IC应用类:系系统硬件电路工程师、系统软件工程师、驱动开发工程师、嵌入式软件资深工程师等。 3、IC市场销售类:IC销售工程师、FAE工程师等。 4.IC制造类:IC前道工艺经理/工程师、IC前道设备经理/工程师、IC前道质量工程师、IC前道失效分析工程师、IC封装工艺工程师、IC封装工设备工程师等。 详细岗位描述请浏览本公司网站:http://www.kthr.com/recrulting.asp; 欢迎留存简历,有合适的岗位的时候我们会尽快联系你的。 如有合适的同学、朋友,烦请推荐,不胜感谢! 人才服务原则:遵从人才意愿;对人才免费;为人才保密! 上海KT人才信息咨询有限公司 联系电话:021-61023600 网址:http://www.kthr.com Email:hr@kthr.com
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