要使用MicroPython之前,你需要先將MicroPython@RTL8195A 的韌體燒錄至開發板內。
燒錄方式可參考 how_to_install_micropython
Basic Usage
首先將MicroUSB Cable 接上開發板,透過終端機程式, ex: minicom, putty 或 TeraTerm, 設定包率為8N1, 115200,並連進開發板。 試著按幾次Enter,你會在畫面看到:
- =========================================================
- ROM Version: 0.2
- Build ToolChain Version: gcc version 4.8.3 (Realtek ASDK-4.8.3p1 Build 2003)
- =========================================================
- Check boot type form eFuse
- SPI Initial
- Image1 length: 0x36e4, Image Addr: 0x10000bc8
- Image1 Validate OK, Going jump to Image1
- ===== Enter Image 1 ====
- SDR Controller Init
- load NEW fw 0
- Flash Image2:Addr 0xb000, Len 351472, Load to SRAM 0x10006000
- Image3 length: 0x1beb0, Image3 Addr: 0x30000000
- Img2 Sign: RTKWin, InfaStart @ 0x10006019
- ===== Enter Image 2 ====
- Starting main task
- Starting executing main.py
- MicroPython v1.8.1-42-g5a23590-dirty on 2016-06-18; Ameba Board with RT8195A
- Type "help()" for more information.
- >>>
复制代码 註解
Ctrl+D 可以reset開發板。
Ctrl+B 可以重啟REPL (不做HW reset)
Ctrl+E 可進入paste mode。在此模式貼上程式碼後輸入Ctrl+D,MicroPython會執行你所貼上的程式碼。
Numerical Operation
- >>> 1 + 1
- 2
- >>> 1 * 2
- 2
- >>> 4e2
- 400.0
- >>> 3 % 2
- 1
- >>> 2 / 3
- 0.6666667
- >>> 123456/999999
- 0.1234561
- >>> 1.3e3
- 1300.0
另也有math 模組可供使用,幫助你做基本數學運算。
- >>> import math
- >>> math.
- __name__ e pi sqrt
- pow exp log cos
- sin tan acos asin
- atan atan2 ceil copysign
- fabs floor fmod frexp
- ldexp modf isfinite isinf
- isnan trunc radians degrees
- >>> math.
- >>> math.pi
- 3.141593
- >>> math.sin(math.degrees(90))
- -0.9540797
- >>> math.pow(2, 3)
- 8.0
Hardware Control
硬體控制可以參考下圖方格所定義的名稱。ex: PA_1, PA_2, PD_5 ...
- # To control I/O output
- >>> from machine import Pin
- >>> pin1 = Pin("PA_1", dir=Pin.OUT)
- >>> pin1.toggle()
- >>> pin1.value(1)
- >>> pin1.value(0)
- # To read I/O's value
- >>> pin2 = Pin("PC_0", dir=Pin.IN, pull=Pin.OPEN_DRAIN)
- >>> pin2.value()
- 1
RTL8195A 實體上有1MB的Flash空間,micropython 直譯器約略500KB,剩下的500KB 都會被格式化為FATFS,可供使用者存放小量資料及.py檔。
使用者可以使用os 模組及Standard I/O 存取filesystem (硬碟名稱為 /flash)
- >>> import os
- >>> os.listdir("/")
- ['flash']
- >>> os.listdir("/flash")
- ['main.py']
- >>> os.mkdir("test_dir")
- >>> os.listdir("/flash")
- ['main.py', 'test_dir']
- >>> os.chdir("test_dir") # to change current directory
- >>> os.getcwd() # to get current directory
- '/flash/test_dir'
- >>> os.chdir("/flash")
- >>> os.rename("test_dir", "test_dir2") # rename file or directory
- >>> os.listdir("/flash")
- ['main.py', 'test_dir2']
- >>> os.rmdir("test_dir2")
- >>> os.listdir("/flash")
- ['main.py']
- Now doing the file open/close/seek/read/write
- >>> my_file = open("main.py", "r")
- >>> my_file.readall()
- '# main.py -- put your code here! The script in main.py will be executed when boot up !\r\n'
- >>> my_file.readall()
- ''
- >>> my_file.seek(0)
- 0
- >>> my_file.readall()
- '# main.py -- put your code here! The script in main.py will be executed when boot up !\r\n'
- >>> my_file.close()
- >>> new_file = open("text.txt", "w")
- >>> new_file.write('hello!!!! this is a test file')
- 29
- >>> new_file.close()
- >>> os.listdir("/flash")
- ['main.py', 'text.txt']
- >>> os.remove("/flash/text.txt")