AA Authenticator address
AAD additional authentication data
AC access category
ACI access category index
ACK acknowledgment
ACM admission control mandatory
ACU admission control unit
ADDBA add Block Acknowledgment
ADDTS add traffic stream
AES advanced encryption standard
AID association identifier
AIFS arbitration interframe space
AIFSN arbitration interframe space number
AKM authentication and key management
AKMP Authentication and Key Management Protocol
ANonce Authenticator nonce
AP access point
APSD automatic power-save delivery
ARP Address Resolution Protocol
AS Authentication Server
ASN.1 Abstract Syntax Notation One
ATIM announcement traffic indication message
BA Block Acknowledgment
BAR Block Acknowledgment request
BCC binary convolutional code
BPSK binary phase shift keying
BSA basic service area
BSS basic service set
BSSID basic service set identification
BT bit time
CAP controlled access phase
CBC cipher-block chaining
CBC-MAC cipher-block chaining message authentication code
CCA clear channel assessment
CCK complementary code keying
CCMP CTR with CBC-MAC Protocol
CF contention free
CFP contention-free period
CP contention period
CRC cyclic redundancy code
CS carrier sense
CSMA/CA carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance
CTR counter mode
CTS clear to send
CW contention window
DA destination address
DBPSK differential binary phase shift keying
DCF distributed coordination function
DCLA dc level adjustment
DELBA delete Block Acknowledgment
DELTS delete traffic stream
DFS dynamic frequency selection
DIFS distributed (coordination function) interframe space
DLL data link layer
DLS direct-link setup
Dp desensitization
DQPSK differential quadrature phase shift keying
DR data rate
DS distribution system
DSCP differentiated services code point
DSM distribution system medium
DSS distribution system service
DSSDU distribution system service data unit
DSSS direct sequence spread spectrum
DSSS-OFDM PHYs using DSSS-OFDM modulation under 19.7 rules
DTIM delivery traffic indication message
EAP Extensible Authentication Protocol (IETF RFC 3748-2004 [B26])
EAPOL Extensible Authentication Protocol over LANs (IEEE Std 802.1X-2004)
ED energy detection
EDCA enhanced distributed channel access
EDCAF enhanced distributed channel access function
EHCC extended hyperbolic congruence code
EIFS extended interframe space
EIRP equivalent isotropically radiated power
EOSP end of service period
ERP extended rate PHY conforming to Clause 19
ERP-CCK PHYs using CCK modulation under Clause 19 rules
ERP-DSSS PHYs using DSSS modulation under Clause 19 rules
ERP-DSSS/CCK PHYs using DSSS or CCK modulation under Clause 19 rules
ERP-OFDM PHYs using OFDM modulation under 19.5 rules
ERP-PBCC PHYs using extended rate PBCC modulation under 19.6 rules
ESA extended service area
ESS extended service set
EVM error vector magnitude
FC frame control
FCS frame check sequence
FER frame error ratio
FFT Fast Fourier Transform
FH frequency hopping
FHSS frequency-hopping spread spectrum
FIFO first in first out
FOV field of view
GFSK Gaussian frequency shift key or keying
GMK group master key
GNonce group nonce
GTK group temporal key
GTKSA group temporal key security association
GI guard interval
HC hybrid coordinator
HCC hyperbolic congruence code
HCCA HCF controlled channel access
HCF hybrid coordination function
HEC header error check
HEMM HCCA, EDCA mixed mode
HIPERLAN high-performance radio local area network
HR/DSSS High Rate direct sequence spread spectrum using the long preamble and header
HR/DSSS/short High Rate direct sequence spread spectrum using the optional short preamble and header mode
HR/DSSS/PBCC High Rate direct sequence spread spectrum using the optional packet binary convolutional coding
mode and the long preamble and header
HR/DSSS/PBCC/short High Rate direct sequence spread spectrum using the optional packet binary convolutional
coding mode and the optional short preamble and header
IBSS independent basic service set
ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol
ICV integrity check value
IFFT inverse Fast Fourier Transform
IFS interframe space
IMp intermodulation protection
INonce initiator nonce
IR infrared
IrDA infrared data association
ISM industrial, scientific, and medical
IUT implementation under test
IV initialization vector
KCK EAPOL-Key confirmation key
KDE key data encapsulation
KEK EAPOL-Key encryption key
LAN local area network
LED light-emitting diode
LFSR linear feedback shift register
LLC logical link control
LME l ayer management entity
LRC long retry count
LSB least significant bit
MAC medium access control
MAC_I initiator mac address
MAC_P peer mac address
MIB management information base
MIC message integrity code
MLME MAC sublayer management entity
MMPDU MAC management protocol data unit
MPDU MAC protocol data unit
MSB most significant bit
MSDU MAC service data unit
MSK master session key
MUI message unique identifier
N/A not applicable
NAV network allocation vector
NonERP nonextended rate PHY conforming to Clause 15 or Clause 18, but not to Clause 19
NTP Network Time Protocol (IETF RFC 1305-1992 [B16])
OFDM orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
OSI Open System Interconnection
OUI organizationally unique identifier
PAE port access entity (IEEE Std 802.1X-2004)
PBCC packet binary convolutional code
PC point coordinator
PCF point coordination function
PDU protocol data unit
PER packet error rate
PHY physical layer
PHYCS PHY carrier sense
PHYED PHY energy detection
PICS protocol implementation conformance statement
PIFS point (coordination function) interframe space
PLCP physical layer convergence procedure
PLME physical layer management entity
PLW PSDU length word
PMD physical medium dependent
PMK pairwise master key
PMKID pairwise master key identifier
PMKSA pairwise master key security association
PN packet number
PN pseudonoise (code sequence)
PNonce peer nonce
PPDU PLCP protocol data unit
PPM pulse position modulation
PRF pseudo-random function
PRN pseudo-random number
PRNG pseudo-random number generator
PSDU PLCP service data unit
PSF PLCP Signaling field
PSK preshared key
PTK pairwise transient key
PTKSA pairwise transient key security association
QAM quadrature amplitude modulation
QLRC QoS long retry counter
QoS quality of service
QPSK quadrature phase shift keying
QSRC QoS short retry counter
RA receiver address or receiving station address
RADIUS remote authentication dial-in user service (IETF RFC 2865-2000 [B23])
RF radio frequency
RLAN radio local area network
RPI receive power indicator
RSC receive sequence counter
RSN robust security network
RSNA robust security network association
RSSI receive signal strength indicator
RTS request to send
RX receive or receiver
SA source address
SAP service access point
S-APSD scheduled automatic power-save delivery
SDL specification and description language
SDU service data unit
SFD start frame delimiter
SKCK STSL key confirmation key
SKEK STSL key encryption key
SI service interval
SIFS short interframe space
SLRC station long retry count
SME station management entity
SMK STSL master key
SMKSA STSL master key security association
SMT station management
SNAP Sub-Network Access Protocol
SNonce Supplicant nonce
SP service period
SPA Supplicant address
SQ signal quality (PN code correlation strength)
SRC short retry count
SS station service
SSID service set identifier
SSRC station short retry count
STA station
STK STSL transient key
STKSA STSL transient key security association
STSL station-to-station link
STT selective translation table
SYNC synchronization
TA transmitter address or transmitting station address
TBTT target beacon transmission time
TC traffic category
TCLAS t raffic classification
TID traffic identifier
TIM traffic indication map
TKIP Temporal Key Integrity Protocol
TPC transmit power control
TS traffic stream
TSC TKIP sequence counter
TSF timing synchronization function
TSID traffic stream identifier
TSN transition security network
TSPEC traffic specification
TTAK TKIP-mixed transmit address and key
TU time unit
TX transmit or transmitter
TXE transmit enable
TXOP transmission opportunity
U-APSD unscheduled automatic power-save delivery
UCT unconditional transition
U-NII unlicensed national information infrastructure
UP user priority
WLAN wireless local area network
WDS wireless distribution system
WEP wired equivalent privacy