芯片为C6678,SPI NOR FLASH型号为N25Q128A11ESF40F,板子是自己设计的。目前只有I2C和GPIO测试通过了。测试SPI时候遇到很多问题,以下是SPI测试过程的一些记录。本人软件基础比较薄弱,希望大神帮忙分析下。 1. 最初启动配置为SPI启动模式,运行SPI测试例程时提示DDR3 Leveling failed,后来看了论坛说要修改DDR3的初始化参数,按照官网提供的表格修改后没有再提示Leveling failed。 2. 但是SPI测试程序跑不通。后来看SPI的测试文档说要改为no boot mode。 3. 之后将启动方式修改为no boot mode,程序编译完加载的时候提示如下: C66xx_0: GEL Output: Setup_Memory_Map... C66xx_0: GEL Output: Setup_Memory_Map... Done. C66xx_0: GEL Output: Connecting Target... C66xx_0: GEL Output: DSP core #0 C66xx_0: GEL Output: C6678L GEL file Ver is 2.005 C66xx_0: GEL Output: Global Default Setup... C66xx_0: GEL Output: Setup Cache... C66xx_0: GEL Output: L1P = 32K C66xx_0: GEL Output: L1D = 32K C66xx_0: GEL Output: L2 = ALL SRAM C66xx_0: GEL Output: Setup Cache... Done. C66xx_0: GEL Output: Main PLL (PLL1) Setup ... C66xx_0: GEL Output: PLL in Bypass ... C66xx_0: GEL Output: PLL1 Setup for DSP @ 1000.0 MHz. C66xx_0: GEL Output: SYSCLK2 = 333.3333 MHz, SYSCLK5 = 200.0 MHz. C66xx_0: GEL Output: SYSCLK8 = 15.625 MHz. C66xx_0: GEL Output: PLL1 Setup... Done. C66xx_0: GEL Output: Power on all PSC modules and DSP domains... C66xx_0: GEL Output: Security Accelerator disabled! C66xx_0: GEL Output: Power on all PSC modules and DSP domains... Done. C66xx_0: GEL Output: PA PLL (PLL3) Setup ... C66xx_0: GEL Output: PA PLL Setup... Done. C66xx_0: GEL Output: DDR3 PLL (PLL2) Setup ... C66xx_0: GEL Output: DDR3 PLL Setup... Done. C66xx_0: GEL Output: DDR begin (1333 auto) C66xx_0: GEL Output: XMC Setup ... Done —————————————————————————————— C66xx_0: GEL Output: DDR3 initialization is complete. C66xx_0: GEL Output: DDR done C66xx_0: GEL Output: DDR3 memory test... Started C66xx_0: GEL Output: DDR3 memory test... Failed C66xx_0: GEL Output: Main PLL (PLL1) Setup ... C66xx_0: GEL Output: PLL not in Bypass, Enable BYPASS in the PLL Controller... C66xx_0: GEL Output: PLL1 Setup for DSP @ 1000.0 MHz. C66xx_0: GEL Output: SYSCLK2 = 333.3333 MHz, SYSCLK5 = 200.0 MHz. C66xx_0: GEL Output: SYSCLK8 = 15.625 MHz. C66xx_0: GEL Output: PLL1 Setup... Done. C66xx_0: GEL Output: PA PLL (PLL3) Setup ... C66xx_0: GEL Output: PA PLL Setup... Done. C66xx_0: GEL Output: DDR3 PLL (PLL2) Setup ... C66xx_0: GEL Output: DDR3 PLL Setup... Done. C66xx_0: GEL Output: DDR begin (1333 auto) C66xx_0: GEL Output: XMC Setup ... Done —————————————————————虚线之间部分循环十次 C66xx_0: GEL Output: SGMII SERDES has been configured. C66xx_0: GEL Output: Enabling EDC ... C66xx_0: GEL Output: L1P error detection logic is enabled. C66xx_0: GEL Output: L2 error detection/correction logic is enabled. C66xx_0: GEL Output: MSMC error detection/correction logic is enabled. C66xx_0: GEL Output: Enabling EDC ...Done C66xx_0: GEL Output: Configuring CPSW ... C66xx_0: GEL Output: Configuring CPSW ...Done C66xx_0: GEL Output: Global Default Setup... Done. C66xx_0: GEL Output: Invalidate All Cache... C66xx_0: GEL Output: Invalidate All Cache... Done. C66xx_0: GEL Output: GEL Reset... C66xx_0: GEL Output: GEL Reset... Done. C66xx_0: GEL Output: Disable all EDMA3 interrupts and events. 4. 加载完成后运行 #define SPI_LOOPBACK_TEST 1 #define SPI_NOR_FLASH_TEST 1 #define SPI_EDMA_TEST 1 上面这三个是最初选择的测试项,运行时提示 [C66xx_0] JTAG ID= 0x1009e02f. This is C6678/TCI6608 device, version variant = 1. DEVSTAT= 0x00018200. big endian, No boot or EMIF16(NOR FLASH) or UART boot, PLL configuration implies the input clock for core is 50MHz. SmartReflex VID= 50, required core voltage= 1.020V. Die ID= 0x01013011, 0x04043ad2, 0x00000000, 0x7b160021 Device speed grade = 1000MHz. Enable Exception handling... Initialize DSP main clock = 156.25MHz/5x32 = 1000MHz Initialize DDR speed = 156.25MHzx/15x128 = 1333.333MTS ERROR: SPI format 1 speed higher than 66 MHz!
SPI internal loopback test at 858993MHz... SPI loopback test passed with data pattern 0x0. Throughput= 20Mbps SPI loopback test failed at word 0: TX 0xffff, RX 0x0 SPI loopback test failed at word 0: TX 0x5555, RX 0x0 此时发现loopback的时钟设置超过66MHz了,于是看了下在 spiCfg.dataFormat[1]= &loopbackDataFormat; 之后spiCfg.dataFormat[1]->clockSpeedKHz内并没有写入正确值(后来发现loopbackDataFormat内所有值都没正确赋给spiCfg.dataFormat[1])。这里不知道为什么。 没办法只能将SPI_Init()函数里面的三个结构体数组赋值处单独按DataFormat内容写一遍,如下: spiCfg.dataFormat[0]= &FlashDataFormat; spiCfg.dataFormat[0]->delayBetweenTrans_ns = 0; spiCfg.dataFormat[0]->ShifDirection = SPI_MSB_SHIFT_FIRST; spiCfg.dataFormat[0]->disable_CS_timing = 0; spiCfg.dataFormat[0]->clockPolarity = SPI_CLOCK_LOW_INACTIVE; spiCfg.dataFormat[0]->clockPhase = 1; spiCfg.dataFormat[0]->clockSpeedKHz = 54000; spiCfg.dataFormat[0]->wordLength = 8;
spiCfg.dataFormat[1]= &loopbackDataFormat; spiCfg.dataFormat[1]->delayBetweenTrans_ns = 0; spiCfg.dataFormat[1]->ShifDirection = SPI_MSB_SHIFT_FIRST; spiCfg.dataFormat[1]->disable_CS_timing = 1; spiCfg.dataFormat[1]->clockPolarity = SPI_CLOCK_LOW_INACTIVE; spiCfg.dataFormat[1]->clockPhase = 0; spiCfg.dataFormat[1]->clockSpeedKHz = 66000; spiCfg.dataFormat[1]->wordLength = 16;
spiCfg.dataFormat[2]= &EdmaDataFormat; spiCfg.dataFormat[2]->delayBetweenTrans_ns = 0; spiCfg.dataFormat[2]->ShifDirection = SPI_MSB_SHIFT_FIRST; spiCfg.dataFormat[2]->disable_CS_timing = 1; spiCfg.dataFormat[2]->clockPolarity = SPI_CLOCK_LOW_INACTIVE; spiCfg.dataFormat[2]->clockPhase = 0; spiCfg.dataFormat[2]->clockSpeedKHz = 66000; spiCfg.dataFormat[2]->wordLength = 16; 这回结构体数组内容对了,运行下: SPI internal loopback test at 66MHz... SPI loopback test passed with data pattern 0x0. Throughput= 20Mbps SPI loopback test failed at word 0: TX 0xffff, RX 0x0 SPI loopback test failed at word 0: TX 0x5555, RX 0x0 SPI interrupt test: manually generate RX overrun error… Loopback failed然后停住不动了。 5. 之后把EDMA测试去掉 #define SPI_LOOPBACK_TEST 1 #define SPI_NOR_FLASH_TEST 1 #define SPI_EDMA_TEST 0 运行结果loopback通过了。。。什么情况 SPI internal loopback test at 66MHz... SPI loopback test passed with data pattern 0x0. Throughput= 28Mbps SPI loopback test passed with data pattern 0xffff. Throughput= 28Mbps SPI loopback test passed with data pattern 0x5555. Throughput= 28Mbps SPI interrupt test: manually generate RX overrun error... 但是中断测试那里又停住了。。。 6. 为了测试SPI Flash,把loopback测试里面的SPI_interrupt_test();屏蔽掉,再运行。 SPI internal loopback test at 66MHz... SPI loopback test passed with data pattern 0x0. Throughput= 28Mbps SPI loopback test passed with data pattern 0xffff. Throughput= 28Mbps SPI loopback test passed with data pattern 0x5555. Throughput= 28Mbps
SPI NOR FLASH test at 30MHz... Read SPI NOR FLASH ID = 0x48 0x17 0xa2 Save data from 0xf00000 to 0xf40000. erase failed at 0xf00000 loopback过去了, NOR FLASH的ID读取错误,正确值应该为0x20 0xbb 0x18 降低时钟频率,再试: SPI internal loopback test at 66MHz... SPI loopback test passed with data pattern 0x0. Throughput= 28Mbps SPI loopback test passed with data pattern 0xffff. Throughput= 28Mbps SPI loopback test passed with data pattern 0x5555. Throughput= 28Mbps
SPI NOR FLASH test at 1MHz... Read SPI NOR FLASH ID = 0xa1 0x11 0x9c 这里值不同了 Save data from 0xf00000 to 0xf40000. erase failed at 0xf00000
有下面几个疑问: (1)程序加载的时候提示的 C66xx_0: GEL Output: DDR3 memory test... Started C66xx_0: GEL Output: DDR3 memory test... Failed C66xx_0: GEL Output: PLL and DDR Initialization failed ... 是什么意思,leveling没成功?我是5片4Gbit的DDR3,是不是哪里设置不对。ECC不用的话DDR3焊5片的话会有影响吗?我的DDR3型号为MT41K256M16HA-107IT:E (2)EDMA_TEST对loopback_TEST有影响吗,同时进行的时候LOOPBACK不成功是什么原因。 (3)spiCfg.dataFormat[0] = &FlashDataFormat;赋值不成功原因是什么? (4)NOR FLASH的ID读取错误,找了半天不知道什么原因啊。根DDR3会有关系吗? NOR FLASH型号与开发板不同,是N25Q128A11ESF40F,需要修改哪里吗? C比较弱,读程序比较吃力,希望高手帮分析下。