1.使用CCS5.4 编译TI的28335,产生如下警告:
warning: entry-point symbol other than "_c_int00" specified: "code_start"
二是,在编译选项里面link标签页,把Code Entry Point(-e)编辑框里面的code_start删除,就不会产生该警告了。
官方的文档《2802x C/C++ Header Files and Peripheral Examples Quick Start》中有这样一段:
When I build the examples, the linker outputs the following: warning: entry point other than _c_int00 specified. What does this mean?
This warning is given when a symbol other then _c_int00 is defined as the code entry point of the project. For these examples, the symbol code_start is the first code that is executed after exiting the boot ROM code and thus is defined as the entry point via the –e linker option. This symbol is defined in the DSP2802x_CodeStartBranch.asm file. The entry point symbol is used by the debugger and by the hex utility. When you load thecode, CCS will set the PC to the entry point symbol. By default, this is the _c_int00 symbol which marks the start of the C initialization routine. For the DSP2802x examples,the code_start symbol is used instead. Refer to the source code for more information.
entry point符号是debugger所使用的。程序连接时已经制定了一个,而程序的文件中也定义了一个,导致冲突。在CCS4中,可以这样来解决
然后将“code_start”替换成“_c_int00”,或者放置空白(前提是你的程序中已经有定义)就可以消除此WAINING 2.使用CCS5.4编译28335 例子程序,错误如下: This project was created using a version of Code Generation tools that is not currently installed: 5.2.1 [C2000]. Please install the Code Generation tools of this version, or migrate the project to one of the supported versions. 解决方法:右击项目,打开属性对话框,选CCS BUILD标签,在 Code Generation tools栏目里面选中 TI V6.0.1即可. 3.使用CCS4编译28335 例子程序,错误如下: CCS4 No rule to make target `clean'. 解决方法:右击项目,打开属性对话框,选Info标签,Text file encoding\other,选中UTF-8,问题解决, 然后,再改为原来的Text file encoding\Inherited from container(GKB),仍可以正确编译
4.使用CCS3.3编译28335,错误如下: can't find input file 'rts2800_fpu32.lib' 解决办法: 在ccs的component manager里边选择Code Composer Studio->build tools->tms320c28xx->选中Texas Instrument C2000 Code generation tools<5.0.0B2> 保存设置退出,重新编译,上面的问题(WARNING: invalid compiler option --float_support=fpu32 (ignored) 和 error: can\'t find input file \'rts2800_fpu32.lib\') 就不会出现了