3.warning:.#552-D variable "pres_calibrated" was set but never used:这个变量已经赋值过,必须在其他函数调用才会取消?
4.#1534-D (ULP 7.1) Detected use of global variable "OffsetCalibrateData" within one function
"ADS1220_Offset_Calibrate_Data". Recommend placing variable in the function locally
Multiple markers at this line
- main.c, line 122 [S/W BP]
- #1530-D (ULP 5.1) Detected divide operation(s). Recommend moving them to RAM during run time
or not using as these are processing/power intensive
- #1531-D (ULP 5.2) Detected floating point operation(s). Recommend moving them to RAM during
run time or not using as these are processing/power intensive