本帖最后由 lb8820265 于 2017-4-17 22:42 编辑
An ACK packet can contain an optional payload from PRXto PTX. In order to use this feature, the Dynamic Payload Length (DPL) feature must be enabled. The MCU on the PRX sidehas to upload the payload by clocking it into the TX FIFO by using the W_ACK_PAYLOAD command.
In order to enable Auto Acknowledgement with payload the EN_ACK_PAY bit in the FEATURE register must be set.
you can set the number of times it is allowed to retransmit by settingthe ARC bits in the SETUP_RETRregister.
Please take care when setting this parameter. If the ACK payload ismore than 15 byte in 2Mbps mode the ARD must be 500μS or more, if the ACKpayload is more than 5byte in 1Mbps mode the ARDmust be 500μS or more.
Activate PTX mode by setting the CE pin high. If there is a packetpresent in the TX FIFO the nRF24L01+ enters TX mode and transmits the packet.If Auto Retransmit is enabled, the state machine checks if the NO_ACK flag isset. If it is not set, the nRF24L01+ enters RX mode to receive an ACK packet.If the received ACK packet is empty, only the TX_DS IRQ is asserted. If the ACKpacket contains a payload, both TX_DS IRQ and RX_DR IRQ are assertedsimultaneously before nRF24L01+ returns to standby-I mode.
Activate PRX mode by setting the CE pin high. The nRF24L01+ enters RXmode and starts searching for packets. If a packet is received and AutoAcknowledgement is enabled, nRF24L01+ decides if the packet is new or a copy ofa previously received packet. If the packet is new the payload is madeavailable in the RX FIFO and the RX_DR IRQ is asserted. If the last receivedpacket from the transmitter is acknowledged with an ACK packet with payload,the TX_DS IRQ indicates that the PTX received the ACK packet with payload. Ifthe No_ACK flag is not set in the received packet, the PRX enters TX mode. Ifthere is a pending payload in the TX FIFO it is attached to the ACK packet.After the ACK packet is transmitted, the nRF24L01+ returns to RX mode.
1. 寄存器设置有几个需要注意,一个是ACK接收最大允许的时间要大于500us。
2. 然后是1C 与1D寄存器需要给相关的操作,需要设置为不定长度的发送与接收。接收的时候需要先检测R_RX_PL_WID(0x60),可以得出收到的数据长度,然后再接收。
3· 感觉16位CRC与8位CRC没有什么区别,同样都是将需要发送的所有东西一起运算,而且大了还浪费时间,但是如果要设置为带数据包的ACK又必须设置为有CRC校验的。
4· 设置好了之后,首先在发送端还没有发送之前,接收端需要将数据放在W_ACK_PAYLOAD中,这是一个有范围的地址从0xA8到0xAD,通常用0xA8。
5· 发送端发送过来之后,接收端将放好了的数据发送出去,但是注意一定要读取发送过来的数据或者清空接收FIFO,不然发送端无法接收到带有数据的ACK包,不读取或者清空将数据放入W_ACK_PAYLOAD也是白放,不但浪费时间,也会流失放入的数据,可以发送中断中放入新的数据,这样既能够节约时间,又不浪费数据,但要注意一定要在初始化的时候先将数据放入W_ACK_PAYLOAD中,不然无法发送。同样在接收端中可以设置IRQ引脚中断,当引脚变低了之后才经行接收与发送,可以免去不断用SPI查询时间浪费。这样设置了之后接收端发送数据的时间间隔掌握在发送端的手中。由发送方确定心跳频率。
6· 可以通过设置将发送端的发送速度最大化,可以利用REUSE_TX_PL操作指令,不断的发送,当然也可以放到接收中断中,但是要注意在使用这个操作指令前需要发送数据一次。
7· 可以通过查看RPD(Received PowerDetector)接收功率检测器查看现在信号是否强,只有两个值0和1,当射频信号高于 -64 dBm时为1,低于时为0,其实在这个主要是用来设置射频信号功率的,用于节能。
同时也有一个问题:NRF24L01中有三个FIFO 发送与接收存储,感觉这个东西应该是可以加快数据的接收与发送,我一直没有使用出来,使用了的分享一下呗。![]()