Xilinx ISE 提示Number of bonded IOBs 超出,这项代表什么?[复制链接]
Device Utilization Summary (estimated values) [-]
Logic Utilization Used Available Utilization
Number of Slice Registers 797 106400 0%
Number of Slice LUTs 1763 53200 3%
Number of fully used LUT-FF pairs 314 2246 13%
Number of bonded IOBs 247 200 123%
Number of Block RAM/FIFO 1 140 0%
Number of BUFG/BUFGCTRLs 4 32 12%
Number of DSP48E1s 15 220 6%
不知道为啥,我的输入输出接口的位数也没有247个,但是总提示Number of bonded IOBs 溢出,网上也没有找到明确的解决办法。