DM6437无法加载.out文件,显示disable edma
DM6437开发板,开始时可以加载out文件。后来,加载之后显示disable edma,加载完成之后,点击运行没有反应。求解答 connect之后显示 EVMDM6437 Startup Sequence Setup Cache (L1P = 32K) + (L1D = 32K) + (L2 = ALL SRAM)... [Done]
Setup PinMux... (Normal operation)... [Done]
Setup Power Modules (All on)... [Done]
Setup PLL1 (DSP = 594 MHz + SYSCLK2 = 198 MHz + SYSCLK3 = 99 MHz + Onchip Oscillator)... [Done]
Setup PLL2 (Powering up PLL)... (VPSS = 54 MHz + DDR2 Phy = 162 MHz + Onchip Oscillator)... [Done]
Setup DDR2 (162 MHz + 32-bit bus)... [Done]
Setup EMIF CS2 - NOR Flash (8-bit bus)... [Done] Startup Complete. load program之后显示 Disable VPSS
Clear L2 Cache in DDR Range
Setup Cache (L1P = 32K) + (L1D = 32K) + (L2 = ALL SRAM)... [Done]
Disable EDMA events
Setup DDR2 (162 MHz + 32-bit bus)... [Done] Clear L2 Cache in DDR Range
Setup Cache (L1P = 32K) + (L1D = 32K) + (L2 = ALL SRAM)... [Done]
Disable EDMA events
然后run没有反应,halt之后清空有时出现如下问题 Trouble Halting Target CPU: Error 0x00000020/-1202 Error during: Execution, CPU pipeline is stalled and the CPU is 'not ready'. This means that the CPU has performed an access which has not completed, and the CPU is waiting. The target may need to be reset. The user can choose 'Yes' to force the CPU to be 'ready'. When this is done, the user will have the ability to examine the target memory and registers to determine the cause of the CPU stall. If CPU hang is caused by application and it has been forced to be 'ready', the CPU should not be run without a reset. Yes - force CPU ready (might corrupt the code) Disconnect - disconnect CCS so that it can be reset Retry - attempt the command again Sequence ID: 15 Error Code: -1202 Error Class: 0x00000020
Failed to remove the debug state from the target before disconnecting. There may still be breakpoint opcodes embedded in program memory. It is recommended that you reset the emulator before you connect and reload your program before you continue debugging.