/* The example uses predefined CSL macros and symbolic */
/* constants to create the correct register settings */
/* needed to configure the usb. */
/* 锁相环的设置 */
PLL_Config myConfig = {
0, //IAI: the PLL locks using the same process that was underway
//before the idle mode was entered
1, //IOB: If the PLL indicates a break in the phase lock,
//it switches to its bypass mode and restarts the PLL phase-locking
40, //PLL multiply value; multiply 24 times
2 //Divide by 2 PLL divide value; it can be either PLL divide value
//(when PLL is enabled), or Bypass-mode divide value
//(PLL in bypass mode, if PLL multiply value is set to 1)
interrupt void USB_ISR();
/* 配置USB时钟频率 */
void USB_initPLL(Uint16 inclk, Uint16 outclk, Uint16 plldiv);
void main(void)
/* Initialize CSL library - This is REQUIRED !!! */
/* Temporarily disable all maskable interrupts */