# extract all the following files into the msp430-build directory
tar xvfj binutils-2.21.1a.tar.bz2
tar xvfj gcc-core-4.6.3.tar.bz2
tar xvfj gdb-7.2a.tar.bz2
tar xvfj mspgcc-20120406.tar.bz2
tar xvfj msp430mcu-20120406.tar.bz2
tar xvfj msp430-libc-20120224.tar.bz2
# Make sure any additional patch files (from LTS) are located here as well
# The next line is optional for the debugger and is not officially part of the mspgcc project.
tar xvfz mspdebug-0.19.tar.gz
cd gcc-4.6.3
# Return to the build directory
cd ..
# patch binutils (using the files provided in the Release Files, and repeat for any additional patches or LTS files)
cd binutils-2.21.1
# Patch binutils to bring it to Release 20120406 (still at 20120406)
patch -p1<../mspgcc-20120406/msp430-binutils-2.21.1a-20120406.patch
# Return to the build directory
cd ..
# patch GCC to bring it up to Release 20120406
cd gcc-4.6.3
patch -p1<../mspgcc-20120406/msp430-gcc-4.6.3-20120406.patch
# update with LTS files
patch -p1<../msp430-gcc-4.6.3-20120406-sf3540953.patch
patch -p1<../msp430-gcc-4.6.3-20120406-sf3559978.patch
# Return to the build directory
cd ..
# Patch GDB to bring it to release 20120406
cd gdb-7.2
patch -p1<../mspgcc-20120406/msp430-gdb-7.2a-20111205.patch
# Return to the build directory
cd ..
#Create a sub-set of Build Directories
mkdir binutils-2.21.1-msp430
mkdir gcc-4.6.3-msp430
mkdir gdb-7.2-msp430
# Configure Binutils
cd binutils-2.21.1-msp430
# We need to build binutils for the msp430
../binutils-2.21.1/configure --target=msp430 --program-prefix="msp430-" --prefix=$PREFIX
# Do the install as root (e.g., sudo)
make install
# I have seen issues where the msp430-ranlib doesn't get detected correctly causing build issues later.
# if that happens uncomment the following:
# cd /usr/bin
# sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/msp430-ranlib
#Configure GCC
cd ../gcc-4.6.3-msp430
../gcc-4.6.3/configure --target=msp430 --enable-languages=c --program-prefix="msp430-" --prefix=$PREFIX
# Do the install as root (e.g., sudo)
make install
#Configure GDB
cd ../gdb-7.2-msp430
../gdb-7.2/configure --target=msp430 --program-prefix="msp430-" --prefix=$PREFIX
# Do the install as root (e.g., sudo)
make install
#Install the mspgcc-mcu files
cd ../msp430mcu-20120406
MSP430MCU_ROOT=`pwd` ./scripts/install.sh $PREFIX
# Install the mspgcc-libc
cd ../msp430-libc-20120224
# If you need to disable features, run configure here with any of the following flags to enable/disable features.
# --disable-printf-int64 : Remove 64-bit integer support to printf formats
# --disable-printf-int32 : Remove 32-bit integer support from printf formats
# --enable-ieee754-errors : Use IEEE 754 error checking in libfp functions
cd src
# Do the install as root (e.g., sudo)
cd ..
# Now let's build the debugger
cd ../mspdebug-0.19
# Do the install as root (e.g., sudo)
make install
cd ../..