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Description   The ABR I/O driver communicates through Rockwell Software’s RSLinx running on Windows NT. The ABR supports a variety of communications protocols and interface cards:      Ethernet via 3COM Ethernet cards   DH+ via 1784-KT and 1784-KTX/KTXD cards   ControlNet via 1784-KTC cards (ABR v6.30 or greater)   DH485 via 1784-KTX/KTXD cards (ABR v6.30 or greater)      All of these protocols and interface cards can be run on the same system using one instance of the ABR driver. The ABR can support up to 8 concurrent connections to RSLinx. Refer to your Allen Bradley documentation for the configuration of RSLinx.      Resolution   RSLinx - General Setup   Ethernet Cards:      Use the following steps to configure RSLinx for use with Allen Bradley PLCs with Ethernet cards:      1. After TCP/IP is installed, use the "ping" utility to attempt to reach any TCP/IP enabled node on the network.      2. When a ping can be successfully executed, open the RSLinx application.      3. From the menu bar select the Communications pull-down menu, and then Configure Drivers.      4. From the "Available Drivers" window, double click on "Ethernet to PLC-5 or 5820-EI".      5. RSLinx displays a dialog box titled "Configure Ethernet-to-AB Communications". Enter the correct IP address and Host Name information. You will use these IP addresses in the IP Address fields when you configure the I/O driver with the ABR Configurator.      6. Click OK.      7. Select Communications and then Configure Client Applications for the pull-down menu. RSLinx displays the "Client Applications Configuration" dialog box.      8. Select the "INTERCHANGE Port Mapping" tab.      9. Click the arrow for the "1KT:0" list box and select the "AB_ETH-1" option. This maps the Ethernet card to the "1KT:0" driver which is required for an Ethernet connection with the ABR.      KT Cards:   Use the following steps to configure RSLinx for use with Allen Bradley PLCs with KT cards:      1. Open the RSLinx application.      2. Select Configure Drivers from the Communications pull-down menu. The Configure Drivers dialog box appears.      3. Double click 1784-KT/KTX(D)/PCMK in the Available Drivers window. The Configure Allen-Bradley KT(X)/PCMK Device dialog box appears.      4. Enter the parameters for your KT card and click OK. Your KT card adds to the Configured Drivers list in the Configure Drivers dialog box.      5. Click OK.      6. Select Configure Client Applications from the Communications menu. The "Client Application Configuration" dialog box appears.      7. Select the "Interchange Port Mapping" tab and specify each KT device driver to use for each card number. You use the card numbers when you configure channels with the ABR I/O Configurator. The Configurator’s Communication Settings dialog box contains fields for KT Primary and Backup Card settings.      KTC Cards:   Use the following steps to configure RSLinx for use with Allen Bradley PLCs with KT cards:      1. Open the RSLinx application.      2. Select Configure Drivers from the Communications pull-down menu. The "Configure Drivers" dialog box appears.      3. Double click "1784-KTC(X)" in the "Available Drivers" window. The "Configure Allen-Bradley KTC(X) Device" dialog box appears.      4. Enter the parameters for your KTC card and click OK. Your KTC card adds to the "Configured Drivers" list in the Configure Drivers dialog box.      5. Click OK.      6. Select Configure Client Applications from the Communications menu. The "Client Applications Configuration" dialog box appears.      7. Select the "Interchange Port Mapping" tab and specify each KTC device driver to use for each card number. You use the card numbers when you configure channels with the ABR I/O Configurator. The Configurator’s Communication Settings dialog box contains fields for KTC Primary Card settings.      For more information on RSLinx setup, please refer to your RSLinx User’s Manual or contact Rockwell Technical Support.      ABR I/O Driver Configuration:   Ethernet:      1. Enter the Channel Setup in the ABR configurator.      2. Select "Ethernet" for the "Type" field. The driver assumes that the Ethernet card is mapped in RSLinx as Client Application 1, this is why the "Primary Card" field is grayed-out. Therefore in RSLinx, the Ethernet card must be configured for "1KT:0" under the Configure Client Applications in the Communications pull-down menu. Please refer to your RSLinx manual for more information.      3. Click OK under the Channel Setup to return to the Device Setup.      4. Select the PLC type to be used in the "Hardware Type" field and then enter it’s IP address in the "Primary IP Address" field. The "Backup IP Address" field is for PLC redundancy and may be left blank if no backup PLC will be used. If using a PLC5/250 Pyramid Integrator, a routing option can be used or the driver can be used to communicate directly to any module in the PI’s rack. If using the PI as a gateway to a DH+ highway, either the Resource Manager or a KA module must be used to bridge the PI to the DH+ highway. In the ABR, enter the slot number where the communications module resides in the "PLC5/250 Module" field. This field is used both for routing and direct communications to the PI. If routing is used, select the routing method in the "Routing Option" list box, then enter the DH+ station address of the end PLC in the "DH/DH+ Addr" field.      DH+/DH485 Channel Configuration:      1. Enter the Channel Setup in the ABR configurator   2. Select "1784-KT/KTX(D)" for the "Type" field.   3. Select either the "DH/DH+" or "DH485" in the appropriate radio button. However, only KTX/KTXD cards support DH485.   4. Set the "Primary Card" field to match the RSLinx Port Mapping selection for the card. This setting can be found in the "Communications" then "Configure Client Applications…" pull-down menu.      5. If the card is configured for "3KT:0", then enter 3 in the "Primary Card" field. The "Backup Card" field is used for KT/KTX card redundancy. If a communications or hardware failure is detected on the Primary Card, then the ABR driver will switch over to the Backup Card, if configured.      ControlNet Channel Configuration:   1. Enter the Channel Setup in the ABR configurator.   2. Select "1784-KTC" for the "Type" field. Set the "Primary Card" field to match the RSLinx Port Mapping selection for the card. This setting can be found in the "Communications" then "Configure Client Applications…" pull-down menu.   3. If the card is configured for "2KT:0", then enter 2 in the "Primary Card" field. The ABR driver does not currently support redundant KTC cards, so the "Backup Card" field is grayed-out.      Poll Record Setup:   Refer to the on-line ABR I/O Driver Manual for information on adding poll records.   The source and destination address must be blank if not using offlinking or bridging.
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