






ZigBee四种绑定方式在Z-Stack中的应用(转) [复制链接]

本文是作者根据TI Z-Stack开发文档,ZigBee Specification-2007,《Zigbee Wireless Networking》等英文资料整合和翻译而成,采用中英双语对照方便读者理解,文中翻译不当之处,望广大同行不吝赐教。推广ZigBee技术,提高国 内电子行业的国际影响力,是我们无线通讯工程师的愿景。

In the Zigbee 2006 release,the binding mechanism is implemented in all devices and is called source binding. Binding allows an application to send a packet without knowing the destination address,the APS layer determines the destination address from its binding table,and then forwards the message on to the destination application(or multiple applications)or group.


ZigBee2006版本中规定,在全部节点中实现绑定机制,并将其称为源绑定。 绑定机制允许一个应用服务在不知道目标地址的情况下向对方(的应用服务)发送数据包。发送时使用的目标地址将由应用支持子层从绑定表中自动获得,从而能使 消息顺利被目标节点的一个或多个应用服务,乃至分组接收。


Binding Table

1.Defined in RAM,but can be saved in Flash if the NV_RESTORE compiler option is used

2.Stored on source node(REFLECTOR compiler option required)

3.Entries map messages to their intended destination

4.Each entry in the binding table contains the following:

typedef struct


uint16 srcIdx;//Source index

uint8 srcEP;//Source endpoint

uint8 dstGroupMode;//Specifies normal or group addressing

uint16 dstIdx;//Destination index or group address

uint8 dstEP;//Destination endpoint

uint8 numClusterIds;//Number of cluster IDs in the clusterIdList below

uint16 clusterIdList[MAX_BINDING_CLUSTER_IDS];




1.   绑定表存放的位置是内存中预先定义的块,如果编译选项NV_RESTORE被激活,也能保存在Flash里。

2.   绑定表放置在源节点(需要激活编译选项REFLECTOR)。

3.   绑定表的条目把需要发送的消息映射到它们的目标地址上。

4.   绑定表中每个条目包括以下内容:

5.   绑定表条目结构体的定义

typedef struct


uint16 srcIdx;  //源地址索引

uint8 srcEP;  //源端点

uint8 dstGroupMode;  //指定寻址模式

uint16 dstIdx;  //目标地址索引或者分组号

uint8 dstEP;  //目标端点

uint8 numClusterIds;  //在簇标识符表中簇标识符的个数

uint16 clusterIdList[MAX_BINDING_CLUSTER_IDS];  //簇标识符表




Simple Description --- How to bind devices

A binding is a logical link between two devices at the application layer. Multiple bindings can be created on a device, one for each type of data packet. In addition, a binding may have more than one destination device(one-to-many bindings).

For example,in a lighting network with multiple switches and lights,each switch will control one or more light.In that case,a binding should be created in each switch.This allows the application to send the data packets without knowing the actual destination address.

Once a binding is created on the source device,the application can send data without specifying a destination address(in the call to zb_SendDataRequest(),the invalid address-0xFFFE should be used as the destination).This will cause the stack to look up the destination in its internal binding table based on the command identifier of the packet.

  There can be more than one destination in the binding entry.In that case,the stack will automatically send a copy of the packet to each destination specified in the binding entry.

Also,if the NV_RESTORE compile option is enabled when building the image,the stack will save the binding entries to non-volatile ram This is useful in the device has an accidental reset(or if the batteries need to be changed on the device),the device can recover automatically without the user having to setup the bindings again.

There are two mechanisms available to configure device bindings.If the extended address of the destination device is known,the zb_BindDeviceRequest()can be to create a binding entry. If the extended address is not known,a“push button”strategy may be employed.In this case,the destination device is first put in a state where it will respond to match requests by issuing the zb_AllowBindResponse().Then the zb_BindDeviceRequest()is issued on the source device with a null address.

  In addition,bindings can be setup by using an external commissioning tool.Note that bindings can only be created between“complementary”devices.That is,the binding will only succeed if both devices have registered the same command_id in their simple descriptor structures and one device has the command as an“output”while the other device has it as an“input”.






  在绑定表的条目中,有时会有多个目标端点。这使得协议栈自动地重复发送数据包到绑定表指定的各个目标地址。同时,如果在编译目标文件时,编译选项 NV_RESTORE被打开,协议栈将会把绑定条目保存在非易失性存储器里。因此当意外重启(或者节点电池耗尽需要更换)等突发情况的发生时,节点能自动 恢复到掉电前的工作状态,而不需要用户重新设置绑定服务。

  配置设备绑定服务,有两种机制可供选择。如果目标设备的扩展地址(64位地址)已知,可通过调用zb_BindDeviceRequest()建立绑定条 目。如果目标设备的扩展地址未知,可实施一个“按键”策略实现绑定。这时,目标设备将首先进入一个允许绑定的状态,并通过 zb_AllowBindResponse()对配对请求作出响应。然后,在源节点中执行zb_BindDeviceRequest()(目标地址设为无 效)可实现绑定。

  此外,使用节点外部的委托工具(通常是协调器)也可实现绑定服务。请注意,绑定服务只能在“互补”设备之间建立。那就是,只有分别在两个节点的简单描述结 构体(simple descriptor structure)中,同时注册了相同的命令标识符(command_id)并且方向相反(一个属于输出指令“output”,另一个属于输入指令 “input”),才能成功建立绑定。



There are 4 ways to build a binding table:



   Automatic Binding

A.    Sending device broadcasts a“personal ad”on the network with:

1)    Address,Profile ID,Cluster Lists

2)    Match Description Request-ZDP_MatchDescReq()

B.    Compatible devices respond

C.    Response handled and validated by the ZDO

D.   Sender application stores binding record in binding table



一、  负责发送消息的设备在网络上广播带有如下参数的“个人公告”(Personal Advertisement):

(1)  地址,配置文件标识符,簇集合列表;

(2)  描述符匹配请求- ZDP_MatchDescReq()。

二、  匹配的设备会作出响应。

三、  由ZDO处理和验证响应。

四、  负责发送消息的设备建立绑定表并保存绑定记录。

五、  这种方法有时也称“服务发现”,“自动找寻”或者“自动匹配”。


   Zigbee Device Object Bind Request–a commissioning tool can tell the device to make a binding record,or named Assisted Binding.

Any device or application can send a ZDO message to another device(over the air)to build a binding record for that other device in the network.This is called Assisted Binding and it will create a binding entry for the sending device.

The Commissioning Application

An application can do this by calling ZDP_BindReq()[defined in ZDProfile.h]with 2 applications(addresses and endpoints)and the cluster ID wanted in the binding record.The first parameter(target dstAddr)is the short address of the binding’s source address(where the binding record will be stored).

Make sure you have the feature enabled in ZDConfig.h[ZDO_BIND_UNBIND_REQUEST].

You can use ZDP_UnbindReq()with the same parameters to remove the binding record.

The target device will send back a Zigbee Device Object Bind or Unbind Response message which the ZDO code will parse and notify ZDApp.c by calling ZDApp_BindRsp()or ZDApp_UnbindRsp()with the status of the action.

For the Bind Response,the status returned from the coordinator will be ZDP_SUCCESS,ZDP_TABLE_FULL or ZDP_NOT_SUPPORTED.

For the Unbind Response, the status returned from the coordinator will be ZDP_SUCCESS,ZDP_NO_ENTRY or ZDP_NOT_SUPPORTED.

External device initiated binding(“external”meaning not a participant of the resultant binding)

External device application calls ZDP_BindReq()with 2 applications(addresses and endpoints)and the cluster ID to bin

The first parameter is where the binding record will be stored Make sure you have REFLECTOR compile flag enabled





任一个应用服务,通过向ZDP_BindReq()[defined in ZDProfile.h]提供绑定记录所需要的应用服务入口参数(地址和端点)以及簇标识号(cluster ID),即可启动委托绑定的申请。第一个参数(消息发送目标地址)是绑定源节点的短地址(即保存绑定记录的节点地址,这是因为ZDP需委托应用框架AF辅 助实现绑定,如果节点本身是REFLECTOR,并且希望保存绑定记录,则此消息发送的目标地址就是本地的AF,这与目标节点的地址DestinationAddr of Receiving device不同)。






对于解除绑定的应答消息,从协调器返回的状态可能有ZDP_SUCCESS,ZDP_NO_ENTRY or ZDP_NOT_SUPPORTED。


外部设备应用程序以两个应用服务(地址和端点)和簇标识符作为参数调用ZDP_BindReq ()发起绑定。第一个参数就是绑定记录保存的设备地址。




This is actually a macro that calls ZDP_BindUnbindReq().This call will build and send a Bind Request.Use this function to request the Zigbee Coordinator to bind application based on clusterID.


afStatus_t ZDP_BindReq(zAddrType_t*dstAddr,byte*SourceAddr,

byte SrcEPIntf,byte ClusterID,byte*DestinationAddr,byte DstEPIntf,

byte SecuritySuite);

Parameter Details

DstAddr-The destination address. (the binding’s source address)

SourceAddr–64 bit IEEE address of the device generating the messages.

SrcEPIntf–endpoint/interface of the application generating the messages.

ClusterID–cluster ID of the messages to bind.

DestinationAddr–64 bit IEEE address of the device receiving the messages.

DstEPIntf–endpoint/interface of the application receiving the messages.

SecuritySuite-Type of security wanted on the message.


afStatus_t–This function uses AF to send the message,so the status values are AF status values defined in ZStatus_t in ZComDef.h.





afStatus_t ZDP_BindReq(zAddrType_t*dstAddr,byte*SourceAddr,

byte SrcEPIntf,byte ClusterID,byte*DestinationAddr,byte DstEPIntf,

byte SecuritySuite);


DstAddr-消息发送地址 (负责绑定的设备地址)










   Zigbee Device Object End Device Bind Request–2 devices can tell the coordinator that they would like to setup a binding table record.The coordinator will make the match up and create the binding table entries in the 2 devices.Or named Centralized Binding.


  This mechanism uses a button press or other similar action at the selected devices to bind within a specific timeout period. The End Device Bind Request messages are collected at the coordinator within the timeout period and a resulting Binding Table entry is created based on the agreement of profile ID and cluster ID. The default end device binding timeout(APS_DEFAULT_MAXBINDING_TIME)is 16 seconds(defined in nwk_globals.h),but can be changed if added to f8wConfig.cfg.

  You’ll notice that all sample applications have a function that handles key events[for example, TransmitApp_HandleKeys()in TransmitApp.c].This function calls ZDApp_SendEndDeviceBindReq()[in ZDApp.c],which gathers all the information for the application’s endpoint and calls ZDP_EndDeviceBindReq()[ZDProfile.c]to send the message to the coordinator.Or,as in SampleLight and SampleSwitch,ZDP_EndDeviceBindReq()is called directly with only the cluster IDs relevant to the lamp On/Off functions.

  The coordinator will receive[ZDP_IncomingData()in ZDProfile.c]and parse [ZDO_ProcessEndDeviceBindReq()in ZDObject.c]the message and call ZDApp_EndDeviceBindReqCB()[in ZDApp.c],which calls ZDO_MatchEndDeviceBind()[ZDObject.c] to process the request.

Coordinator receives and holds the request until a request from another node is received(16 seconds is the default).

  When the coordinator receives 2 matching End Device Bind Requests,it will start the process of creating source binding entries in the requesting devices.The coordinator follows the following process,assuming matches were found in the ZDO End Device Bind Requests:

1.Send a ZDO Unbind Request to the first device.The End Device Bind is toggle process,so the unbind is sent first to remove an existing bind entry.

2.Wait for the ZDO Unbind Response,if the response status is ZDP_NO_ENTRY,send a ZDO Bind Request to make the binding entry in the source device.If the response status is ZDP_SUCCESS,move on to the cluster ID for the first device(the unbind removed the entry–toggle).

3.Wait for the ZDO Bind Response.When received,move on to the next cluster ID for the first device.

4.When the first device is done,do the same process with the second device.

5.When the second device is done,send the ZDO End Device Bind Response messages to both the first and second device.




  这一机制规定在指定的时限内,通过按键或者其他类似动作对指定的设备实施绑定。在规定的时限内,协调器负责收集终端设备绑定请求消息,然后根据相同的配置 文件标识号和簇标识号建立相应的绑定表格条目。默认的终端节点绑定时限(APS_DEFAULT_MAXBINDING_TIME)是16秒(在 nwk_globals.h中定义),若要修改可在f8wConfig.cfg中新增数值。

  所有例子的应用服务中都有一个响应按键事件的函数(例如,TransmitApp.c中的TransmitApp_HandleKeys())。这一响应 函数调用ZDApp_SendEndDeviceBindReq()[在 ZDApp.c中]收集该应用服务端点的所有信息,然后再调用ZDP_EndDeviceBindReq()[在ZDProfile.c中]把信息发送给 协调器。或者,像SampleLight和SampleSwitch例程中,按键后直接调用ZDP_EndDeviceBindReq(),仅把与开关灯 函数相关的簇标识号发送出去。

这一消息将会被协调器接收[ZDP_IncomingData()in ZDProfile.c]和解析[ZDO_ProcessEndDeviceBindReq()in ZDObject.c],然后让回调函数ZDApp_EndDeviceBindReqCB()[in ZDApp.c]调用ZDO_MatchEndDeviceBind()[ZDObject.c]处理这一请求。



1.   协调器发送一个ZDO解除绑定请求给第一个设备。终端设备绑定是一个切换过程,所以解除绑定请求需要发送给第一个设备,以便移除一个已有的绑定条目。

2.   等待ZDO解除绑定的应答,如果返回的状态是ZDP_NO_ENTRY,协调器可以发送一个ZDO绑定请求,在源设备 (ZDP_EndDeviceBindReq()第一个参数指定的地址)中建立绑定条目。假如此时返回的状态是ZDP_SUCCESS,可继续处理第一个 设备的簇标识符(解除绑定指令已经移除了绑定条目,即已经切换完成)。

3.   等待ZDO绑定应答。收到以后,继续处理第一个设备的下一个簇标识符。

4.   等第一个设备完成了以后,在第二个设备上实行同样的过程。

5.   等第二个设备也完成了,协调器向两个设备发送ZDO终端设备绑定应答消息。




-Pro:The binding information resides on the network reflector device, saving RAM space on the target devices.

-Pro:The network reflector must be RxOnWhenIdle(always listening to the network).So if one of the bound devices broadcasts that its network address has changed,then the network reflector will update the corresponding binding table entry.Thus,even if the other bound device was sleeping,its subsequent messages to the changed device will still be correctly addressed by the network reflector.

-Con:A device that is bound to more than one other device cannot send a message to one or a subset of its matching devices–the reflector will generate a unicast message to all of the bound devices.

-Con:A sending device cannot receive notification of delivery to the destination device(i.e.the expected result when using the AF_ACK_REQUEST flag.)

-Con:All messages must go thru the network reflector, reducing network bandwidth.

-Pro/Con:A sending device bound to six devices will send one message to the network reflector which will result in the network reflector sending six unicast messages.Consider a network divided into two equal geographic regions,A and B,with the network reflector on the centerline.If the sending device is deep into region A and the receiving devices are deep into region B,then for every message sent, network traffic in region A will be six times less than it would be if the sending device has generated six instead of one trans-network messages.If all devices are nearby each other,deep in one region,then network traffic in that region is very much more than if the sending device could just send single hop messages to the intended recipients.




1.   绑定信息保存在网络反射设备(例如协调器、路由器)中,可以节省目标设备的内存空间。

2.   网络反射设备总是处于监听网络的状态。所以,如果其中一个被绑定的节点广播网络地址改变的消息,网络反射设备就可以马上更新相应的绑定表条目。这样,其他 被绑定的节点即使处于休眠状态(没有收到该节点网络地址改变的消息),随后向该节点(网络地址已改变)发送的消息,(在)网络反射设备(协助下)仍能准确 定位。


1.   一个与多个设备绑定的节点不能只向一个或若干个配对的设备发送消息。网络反射设备会向全部已绑定的设备本别发送单播消息。

2.   发送消息的设备无法收到目标设备接收情况的通告。(没有像AF_ACK_REQUEST标志位那样返回接收情况的功能!)

3.   所有的消息必须经过网络反射设备传输,降低了网络的带宽。



  与六个设备绑定的某个设备,向网络反射器发送一个消息后,会导致反射器发送六个单播消息。假设一个网络被分成两个相等的地理区域A和B,网络反射器在两区 之间的中央。如果发送消息的设备在A区的深处,接收消息的(六个)设备在B区的深处,那么每次通过绑定(向反射器)发送一个消息,A区的网络流量将会是对 六个接收设备分别发送消息时的六分之一。(这是优点!)但如果发送和接收的设备都邻近在一个区的深处(假设离反射器很远),那么(其中一个设备通过反射器 的绑定功能想其他设备发送一个消息)该区的网络流量将会是对六个接收设备分别发送单跳消息的许多倍。(这是缺点!)


  Device Application–An application on the device can build or manage a binding table. Another way to enter binding entries on the device is for the application to manage the binding table for itself.


  Meaning that the application will enter and remove binding table entries locally by calling the following binding table management functions(ref.ZStack API Document–Binding Table Management section)


bindAddEntry()–Add entry to binding table

bindRemoveEntry()–Remove entry from binding table


  –Remove a cluster ID from an existing binding table entry


  –Add a cluster ID to an existing binding table entry

bindRemoveDev()–Remove all entries with an address reference


  –Remove all entries with a referenced source address

bindUpdateAddr()–Update entries to another address

bindFindExisting()–Find a binding table entry


  –Check for an existing cluster ID in a table entry


  –Number of entries with the same address(source or destination)

bindNumOfEntries()–Number of table entries

bindCapacity()–Maximum entries allowed

BindWriteNV()–Update table in NV.





















Which Binding Method To Use?




+no user interaction required

+no tool cost

-development time knowledge



+install-time decisions(site-specific knowledge)


can be under installers control

-cost of tool


+allows user to decide

+cost of tool minimal

-few,if any,configurable parameters

-requires a user interface on each device


+maximum flexibility

-you must write all the code


Some further discussion from TI E2E COMMUNITY


1. The nomenclature "End Device Bind Req" is misleading. This doesn't just apply to end devices... but rather puts the binding logic of matching clusters between two devices that wish to bind on the coordinator. When this function is invoked, assuming all devices that wish to use this service have REFLECTOR turned on, here is what happens:

a. (Bind Req) Device 1 --> Coordinator <--- Device 2 (Bind Req)

Coordinator looks at the cluster contained in the bind req, compares the IEEE of each device, and if the clusters match, and no binding table already exists for these IEEEs then it will send a bind response back to each device.

After step a, you will see in the packet sniffer, step b:

b. Device 1 <--- NWK Addr Req ------ Coordinator ------- NWK addr Req ----> Device 2

c. Device 1 ----> NWK Addr Rsp ---> Coordinator <---- NWK addr Rsp <--- Device 2

d. Device 1 <----- Bind Rsp <----- Coordinator -----> Bind Rsp ----> Device 2

2. Match descriptor is a way of putting the smarts of service discovery on the source device. What happens in this case is the following. NO coordinator involvement is necessary

Device 1 ----> Match Descriptor request (broadcast or unicast) Device 2
Device 1 <---- Match Descriptor response (if clusters, application profile id match) that includes src endpoint, src address <---- Device 2
Device 1 then has to keep a local record of the src endpiont, src address.

Most applications end up using method 2.





(1)   (Bind Req) Device 1 --> Coordinator <--- Device 2 (Bind Req)


(2)   Device 1 <--- NWK Addr Req ------ Coordinator ------- NWK addr Req ----> Device 2

(3)   Device 1 ----> NWK Addr Rsp ---> Coordinator <---- NWK addr Rsp <--- Device 2

(4)   Device 1 <----- Bind Rsp <----- Coordinator -----> Bind Rsp ----> Device 2


(1)   Device 1 ----> Match Descriptor request (broadcast or unicast) Device 2

(2)   Device 1 <---- Match Descriptor response (if clusters, application profile id match) that includes src endpoint, src address <---- Device 2



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