Led_Display_On(1); //RED
BOOL DRAM_Test(void);
unsigned long* DRAM_DeviceTest(unsigned long *BaseAddr, unsigned long nBytes);
unsigned long* DRAM_AddrBusTest(unsigned long *BaseAddr, unsigned long nBytes);
unsigned long DRAM_DataBusTest(unsigned long *Addr);
//* \fn DRAM_DataBusTest
//* \brief Test the DRAM Data Bus
//* return succeed return 0 / fail return Data Value
unsigned long DRAM_DataBusTest(unsigned long *Addr)
unsigned long pattern;
return 0;
//* \fn DRAM_DeviceTest
//* \brief Test the DRAM
unsigned long* DRAM_DeviceTest(unsigned long *BaseAddr, unsigned long nBytes)
unsigned long offset;
unsigned long nDWords = nBytes/4;
unsigned long pattern=0xAAAAAAAA;
unsigned long antipattern=0x55555555;
for(offset = 0;offset < nDWords; offset++)
BaseAddr[offset] = pattern;
if(offset % 0x100000 == 0)
//* \fn DRAM_Test
//* \brief Test All the DRAM: Data/Address/Every Bit
BOOL DRAM_Test(void)
unsigned long Value;
unsigned long *pValue;
unsigned long DRAM0_BASE = 0x20000000;
unsigned long DRAM0_SIZE = 0x8000000; //128M
unsigned long DRAM1_BASE = 0x40000000;
unsigned long DRAM1_SIZE = 0x8000000; //128M