Chip vendors/devices [edit]
An XBee radio.To become ZigBee certified as a semiconductor company, vendors must ensure their applications are interoperable. Periodic interoperability events verify that devices work with other certified devices.
Atmel ATmega128RFA1,ATmega256RFR2, AT86RF230/231/233
Anaren A2530R24E, A2530R24R
Digi International XBee XB24CZ7PIS-004
Silicon Labs EM250, EM351, EM357
Freescale MC13224, MC13226
GreenPeak Technologies ZigBee RF4CE, ZigBee PRO, ZigBee Green Power, ZigBee IP
Jennic JN5148
NXP Semiconductors JN514x RF4CE and JN514x ZBPro
Renesas uPD78F8056/57/58, M16C/6B3 and R8C/3MQ
STMicroelectronics STM32W
Samsung Electro-Mechanics ZBS240
Telegesis (UK) Ltd ETRX2 and ETRX357
Texas Instruments CC2530 and CC2520
Microchip Technology MRF24J40MA, MRF24J40MB, MRF24J40MC