夏老师您好,我是个初学者,最近在弄FPGA驱动LCD1602,其中用到了fifo宏模块 , 但在modelsim仿真的 时候出现了 下面的警告 和 错误 找好长时间不知道哪里出问题了
Refreshing C:\Users\lishaobin\Desktop\LCD\Modelsim\work.LCD1602_tb
# Loading work.LCD1602_tb
# Refreshing C:\Users\lishaobin\Desktop\LCD\Modelsim\work.LCD1602
# Loading work.LCD1602
# Refreshing C:\Users\lishaobin\Desktop\LCD\Modelsim\work.LCD1602_CTL
# Loading work.LCD1602_CTL
# Refreshing C:\Users\lishaobin\Desktop\LCD\Modelsim\work.FIFO_32X16
# Loading work.FIFO_32X16
# ** Warning: (vsim-3010) [TSCALE] - Module 'FIFO_32X16' has a `timescale directive in effect, but previous modules do not.
# Region: /LCD1602_tb/I_LCD1602/I_LCD1602_CTL/I_FIFO_32x16
# Refreshing C:\Users\lishaobin\Desktop\LCD\Modelsim\work.scfifo
# Loading work.scfifo
# Refreshing C:\Users\lishaobin\Desktop\LCD\Modelsim\work.ALTERA_DEVICE_FAMILIES
# ** Error: virtual: bad option "add": must be count, define, delete, describe, expand, find, function, hide, log, nohide, nolog, region, save, show, signal, type
# Error in macro ./LCD1602_tb.do line 14
# virtual: bad option "add": must be count, define, delete, describe, expand, find, function, hide, log, nohide, nolog, region, save, show, signal, type
# while executing