1、CooCox官方推出的Cookie板,该板基于32位ARM Cortex M0/3/4 MCU,完全兼容arduino,同时更加丰富了其接口功能。
#include "xhw_types.h" #include "xcore.h" #include "xhw_ints.h" #include "xhw_memmap.h" #include "xhw_nvic.h" #include "xhw_sysctl.h" #include "xhw_gpio.h" #include "xdebug.h" #include "xsysctl.h" #include "xgpio.h" #include "xhw_timer.h" #include "xtimer.h" #include "coshining.h" #include "coshining_cfg.h" #include "Dot_Matrix.h"
//***************************************************************************** // //! Define the data zone // //*****************************************************************************
// //! Gamma correctly value, every LED plane is different.value range is 0~63 //! [3]:RGB data, 0 for Red; 1 for green, 2 for Blue // static unsigned char g_ucGammaValue[3] = {10,63,63};
// //! the index of buffer // static unsigned char g_ucPageIndex = 0; static unsigned char g_ucLine = 0;
// //! Test dots //!dots matrix //![2]:Page:one for display, one for receive data //![8]:Row:8 row in LED plane //![8]:Column:8 column in one row //![3]:Color:RGB data: 0 for Red; 1 for green, 2 for Blue // static unsigned char dots[2][8][8][3] = {0};
#define open_line0 {xGPIOSPinWrite(sD8,1);} #define open_line1 {xGPIOSPinWrite(sD9,1);} #define open_line2 {xGPIOSPinWrite(sD10,1);} #define open_line3 {xGPIOSPinWrite(sD11,1);} #define open_line4 {xGPIOSPinWrite(sD12,1);} #define open_line5 {xGPIOSPinWrite(sD13,1);} #define open_line6 {xGPIOSPinWrite(sD3,1);} #define open_line7 {xGPIOSPinWrite(sD4,1);} #define close_all_line {xGPIOSPinWrite(sD8,0);xGPIOSPinWrite(sD9,0); \ xGPIOSPinWrite(sD10,0);xGPIOSPinWrite(sD11,0); \ xGPIOSPinWrite(sD12,0);xGPIOSPinWrite(sD13,0); \ xGPIOSPinWrite(sD3,0);xGPIOSPinWrite(sD4,0);}
//***************************************************************************** // //! \brief Init the DM163 Control connected pin //! //! \note The data will parral out. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void DM163PinInit(void) {
xSysCtlPeripheralEnable(xSYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOA); xSysCtlPeripheralEnable(xSYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOB); xSysCtlPeripheralEnable(xSYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOC); xSysCtlPeripheralEnable(xSYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOE);
// // Set PD4(DIR_SDA), PD5(DIR_SCL), and PB0(DIR_SB) PB1(DIR_LATCH) PB2(DIR_RST) as output // xGPIOSPinTypeGPIOOutput(sD6); // SCK xGPIOSPinTypeGPIOOutput(sD7); // SDA xGPIOSPinTypeGPIOOutput(sA0); // SB xGPIOSPinTypeGPIOOutput(sA1); // LATCH xGPIOSPinTypeGPIOOutput(sA2); // RST
// // Disable the output, data serial in and latch register. // xGPIOSPinWrite(sA2, 1); xSysCtlDelay(100); xGPIOSPinWrite(sA2, 0); xSysCtlDelay(100); xGPIOSPinWrite(sA2, 1);
xGPIOSPinWrite(sA0, 1); xGPIOSPinWrite(sA1, 0); }
//***************************************************************************** // //! \brief Write data to DM163. //! //! \param ucData is the serial in data. //! //! \note The data will parral out. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void DotMatrixSetGamma(void) { unsigned char ucData, i, j, k;
// // 6 bit image data // xGPIOSPinWrite(sA0, 0);
xGPIOSPinWrite(sA1, 0);
// // Serial data in // for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) { for(j = 3; j > 0; j--) { ucData = g_ucGammaValue[j-1]<<2; for(k = 0; k < 6; k++) { if(ucData & 0x80) { xGPIOSPinWrite(sD7, 1); } else { xGPIOSPinWrite(sD7, 0); } ucData = ucData << 1; xGPIOSPinWrite(sD6, 0); xGPIOSPinWrite(sD6, 1); } } } }
//***************************************************************************** // //! \brief Write data in the corresponding row and select it. //! //! \param ucRow is the row number in LED plane, range 0 to 7. //! //! \note None. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void DotMatrixRunRow(unsigned char ucRow) { unsigned char i, j, p, ucData;
// // 8 bit image data // xGPIOSPinWrite(sA0, 1); xGPIOSPinWrite(sA1, 0);
for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) { for(j = 0; j < 3; j++) { ucData = dots[g_ucPageIndex][ucRow][2-j]; for(p = 0; p < 8; p++) { if(ucData & 0x80) { xGPIOSPinWrite(sD7, 1); } else { xGPIOSPinWrite(sD7, 0); }
ucData = ucData << 1; xGPIOSPinWrite(sD6, 0); xGPIOSPinWrite(sD6, 1); } } } xGPIOSPinWrite(sA1, 1); xGPIOSPinWrite(sA1, 0); }
//***************************************************************************** // //! \brief Select the corresponding row. //! //! \param ucLine is line num range 0 to 7. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void DotMatrixOpenLine(unsigned char ucLine) { switch (ucLine) { case 0 :open_line0; break; case 1 :open_line1; break; case 2 :open_line2; break; case 3 :open_line3; break; case 4 :open_line4; break; case 5 :open_line5; break; case 6 :open_line6; break; case 7 :open_line7; break; default: close_all_line; break; } }
#include "font.h" unsigned char pgm_read_byte(unsigned char *s) { return *s; }
//***************************************************************************** // //! \brief Show the four-dimensional arrays in LED matrix. //! //! \param None. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void DotMatrixRunArray(void) { if(g_ucLine > 7) g_ucLine = 0; close_all_line; DotMatrixRunRow(g_ucLine); DotMatrixOpenLine(g_ucLine); g_ucLine++; }
//***************************************************************************** // //! \brief Show a English latter in LED matrix. //! //! \param ch is the latter want to show. //! \param R is the value of RED, Range:RED 0~255. //! \param G is the value of GREEN, Range:RED 0~255. //! \param B is the value of BLUE, Range:RED 0~255. //! \param Bias is the bias of a letter in LED Matrix, Range -7~7. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void DotMatrixShowChar(char ch, unsigned char R, unsigned char G, unsigned char B, long lBias) { unsigned char i, j, Page_Write, ucData; unsigned char chrtemp[24] = {0};
xASSERT((lBias > -8) && (lBias < 8));
if ((lBias > 8) || (lBias < -8)) return;
if(g_ucPageIndex == 0) { Page_Write = 1; } if(g_ucPageIndex == 1) { Page_Write = 0; }
j = 8 - lBias; for(i = 0; i< 8; i++) { chrtemp[j] = pgm_read_byte(&(font8_8[ch - 32])); j++; }
for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) { ucData = chrtemp[i+8]; for(j = 0; j < 8; j++) { if(ucData & 0x80) { dots[Page_Write][j][0] = B; dots[Page_Write][j][1] = G; dots[Page_Write][j][2] = R; } else { dots[Page_Write][j][0] = 0; dots[Page_Write][j][1] = 0; dots[Page_Write][j][2] = 0; } ucData = ucData << 1; } } g_ucPageIndex = Page_Write; }
//***************************************************************************** // //! !brief callback function of TIMER interrupt handler. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** unsigned long DotMatrixScan(void *pvCBData, unsigned long ulEvent, unsigned long ulMsgParam, void *pvMsgData) { DotMatrixRunArray(); return 0; }
//***************************************************************************** // //! \brief Configure scanning duty cycle. //! //! \param ulSrcFreq is the timer clock source. //! \param ulScanFerq(ms) is the scanning duty cycle. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void DotMatrixScanTimerInit(unsigned long ulSrcFreq, unsigned long ulScanFerq) { unsigned long ulMatchVal = (ulSrcFreq * DM_SCAN_FREQ) / (DM_SCANDIV_VALUE * (DM_SCANPSR_VALUE + 1) * 1000);
// // Set the timer clock // xSysCtlPeripheralClockSourceSet(DM_SCAN_CLKSRC, DM_SCANDIV_VALUE);
// // Clear the status first // TimerIntClear(DM_SCAN_TIMER, xTIMER_INT_MATCH); while(xTimerStatusGet(DM_SCAN_TIMER, DM_SCAN_CHANNEL, xTIMER_INT_MATCH));
// // Config as periodic mode // xTimerInitConfig(DM_SCAN_TIMER, DM_SCAN_CHANNEL, xTIMER_MODE_PERIODIC, ulScanFerq); xTimerPrescaleSet(DM_SCAN_TIMER, DM_SCAN_CHANNEL, DM_SCANPSR_VALUE); xTimerMatchSet(DM_SCAN_TIMER, DM_SCAN_CHANNEL, ulMatchVal); xTimerIntEnable(DM_SCAN_TIMER, DM_SCAN_CHANNEL, xTIMER_INT_MATCH); xTimerIntCallbackInit(DM_SCAN_TIMER, DotMatrixScan); xIntEnable(xSysCtlPeripheralIntNumGet(DM_SCAN_TIMER));
// // Start the timer // xTimerStart(DM_SCAN_TIMER, DM_SCAN_CHANNEL); }