2. PDB0->SC = PDB_SC_CONT_MASK // Continuous
| PDB_SC_PDBEN_MASK // PDB enabled
| PDB_SC_PDBIE_MASK // PDB Interrupt Enable
| PDB_SC_PRESCALER(0x7) // Slow down the period of the PDB for testing
| PDB_SC_TRGSEL(0xf) // Trigger source is Software Trigger to be invoked in this file
| PDB_SC_MULT(3); // Multiplication factor 40 for the prescale divider for the counter clock倍增因子为40的计数器的时钟预分频器
//Set PDB_MOD to 107us corresponding to sampling frequency Fs=9375HZ
PDB0->MOD = 0x249f;
//Set interrupt delay value
PDB0->IDLY = 0x249f;