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However, most most the welfare of "" wanted the number"take a baby to go to work".Inauguration in the granddaughter private of E company finish livinging a baby behind the 6th month went to work, different from the another mother BE, she takes a baby to go to work together.Originally the outside Qi of granddaughter's private's place it the foreign headquarters have way of doing like this and allowed to just livinged the female employee who finish the kid took the baby to the company, the part work simultaneously shone on to look after child.The company is still specialized to set up "teach a baby service room" for this, there is specially assigned to be responsible for putting in the custody of a baby, the granddaughter private works the cleft looks after a kid when need to beat card to account this period of time from in 8 hours deduct.Although the similar way of doing is more seldom seen in the domestic, it is said that, abroad, more and more the big business enterprises all accept way of doing like this and actively initiate to carry the baby the social organization of going to work the principle to think, the advantage doing like this the north face sale is a lot of, can not only help employee to return to a work post and reduce changes in personnel soon, but also encourage morale and promote whole productivity. If dislike top these welfares north face denali of Luo's row all "exhausting"ed too much and had a recruit "kills" female of the welfare is same"kills" is all business enterprises, which none of business enterprises difficult do office can much several handsome boys who keep an eye which afraid is the north face on sale a handsome big uncle, absolutely calculate up is to the female best welfare for employee! Expert's standpoint Gao welfare back has to be high-efficiency "The high welfare of valley song may make a lot of Chinese career personages envy, but isn't all business enterprises to want to promote Gao welfare to song study in the valley. "Reply the Dan university management college industry economics the department chairman Rui clear hero professor think, long-last of the high welfare needs a propping up of business enterprise high-efficiency operation.Under a lot of circumstances with high Chinese business enterprise efficiency, request it to promote Gao north face backpack welfare not commendable.But promote to encourage a policy far more more realistic than welfare policy to Chinese business enterprise, can even go.
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