以下的代码,老是通不过编译,显示的错误是:Error (10822): HDL error at test17.vhd(384): couldn't implement registers for assignments on this clock edge
请各位大侠帮忙看看,是顺序有问题,还是哪里 有问题。谢谢
test:process(speed2,EXTCLK) begin case speedtest3 is when 0 => if speed2'event and speed2='0'then m<='1'; end if; when 1 => result1<=result; result<="0000000000000000"; end case; if(m<='1')then if EXTCLK'event and EXTCLK='1'then if counter100="11111111" then if(speed2<='0')then result<=result+1; counter100<="00000000"; m<='0'; else m<='0'; counter100<="00000000"; end if; else counter100<=counter100+1; end if; end if; end if; end process;